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Everything posted by cumcoemt84

  1. I was thanking about going to work for Rural/Metro. Is there some people here that has has some contact with them. Are they a good service and good to there people
  2. We are a hospital based service and I was asleep in my bunk room one night-- and started to hear a baby cry. I got up to try to find the little one thanking some one droped a baby off never found it and it stoped. I asked a coworker about it and was told that are bunk rooms was part of L&D back in the day and that one was the baby's that did not make it. We still hear it some times
  3. Dustdevil I have to disagree with you. We have alot of EMT/Paramedic retires around here due to hazardous duty retirement. Work about 20 years and your done that also gives you medical benefits for the rest your life. However I note not all of Ambulance Services in the area have it because it dose cost alot of money. Not to step on your toes dust just thought I give a little information
  4. vs-eh? you most be one of the rudest person I have seen on here--- Pt was invalid in a one car MVC in the over night pt found next morning 13 hrs after the MVC car was on top of his ABD pt leg was pined not crushed against a root and the car stopping blood flow and compartment syndrome started. pt his being treated for a compartment syndrome to his leg at hospital--- vs-eh sorry for not giveing all the info. and yes i still have alot to learn never stop learning
  5. so do i --- I will never stop learning
  6. Pt also had a leg were blood flow was stopped due to root that he was pined against
  7. compartment syndrome is the build up of lactic acid. and when released acidosis happens we had a case the other day. a car was on top of a man for at least 13 hrs when he was found the next morning. and form my understand sodium bicarb help by leveling out the PH form a lactic acidosis, and it is more in the arms and legs
  8. WOW hook vary good, however my boss is ok person below me loves there color of the ambulance, there boss, and the money they make 8)
  9. no problem been some what busy around here today
  10. good lord akflightmedic please forgive me-- I made a mistake, and hammer that pic is funny. I was thanking of that my little one loves that move. one more mistake to add to the list. but please forgive me
  11. compartment syndrome vary good thought, only thing is to confirm it a blood test needs to be done. But if compartment syndrome is there then sodium bicarb might be used, and yes hook i do agree with your thoughts and hammers,
  12. I would suspect a nemo and decompress that side, keep Pt warm and dry and get a ETA of AirEvac repeat V/S every 5 min maintain IV access and 15L NRB mask, After decompressing I would recheck breath sounds and contact AirEvac to give the report
  13. Start two large bore IV with LR, I would thank of flying the Pt out due to the MOI and put the PT on 15L NRB mask due to the fact he is talking and has a patten airway. I would check the breath sounds dose dose he have JVD. Repeat trauma assessment and I would fly pt out to the trauma center
  14. Here all of the psych transports are BLS. Unless they have some sort of drip going then there ALS
  15. Gee i'm form kentucky so 1/2 and 1/2
  16. Funny I was thanking of starting a post about the same thing. I'm just starting to read my textbook form the start. What outer text would be good reading for class. please forgive my typing
  17. I have been in EMS 9 mo. When I frist started the Paramedics and other EMT tested me. At times made me fill like a piece a Sh(&. But would you know after some time of them doing that it made me fill better about the job a I do. It's my turn now has some one else said it's done to cast out the crap and to keep the good. I have found myself testing and riding other new EMT's not that I'm bad as& because it done every were
  18. A Paramedic that knows he/she is the god of emergency medical service. And makes every one fill that way. And makes EMT-B fill like a piece of trash. Number 2: a few Air Medical services
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