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Everything posted by DwayneEMTP

  1. At what point did he ask about epinephrine or anaphylaxis? Once again I made the mistake of giving you the benefit of the doubt ace, and followed your links so I could read through a million completely irrelevant post looking for his answer.... If you have such a hard-on for searching...God bless you...but you waste more bandwidth with your pics than all the repeated posts together... Get off his back, let the folks ask their questions... By the way if you do a search for "ace-search function" you will find it's been covered ad nauseum... Dwayne
  2. Bandaidpatrol, the images didn't show up....I'm not sure how it looks on your machine, but on ours it's only displaying a Tripod banner.... Dwayne
  3. I was reading an article in this months Jems labeled "Underexposed: The neglected part of the physical exam" (May-2006 pg.40-43, Mark Rock) It seems to says that every patient should be stripped if you are to perform a proper assessment. This applies to medical and trauma, with no regard to apparent severity of the issues. "We should approach a physical exam" (comprehensive physical exam, secondary survey, or detailed physical exam are the terms used throughout the article) "in the same way we do vital signs: something that is performed on each and every patient we make contact with, regardless of complaint or apparent condition." Also: "It's truly disheartening to watch paramedics start IV lines on patients wearing shirts. ... Delivering a patient in this manner indicates that the providers have not performed a proper physical exam" It's hard to believe that this is the standard. When I went on my ride-alongs in the Basic Academy we didn't strip anyone completely.... I'm just wondering if there are providers that do actually strip everyone...? Or did I somehow fail to read between the lines and grasp the concept of this article...? After reading the posts slamming Wankers who "just want to strip somebody!" I was a little surprised by this article... I look forward to your replies... Dwayne
  4. This little boy was alone with the unconscious body of his mother for three hours!! That is unforgivable....and it was TWO different dispatchers! (Though #2 did eventually send someone) When I was younger, and found my dead grandmother, 911 told me to "call back when you get your shit together" and hung up. Are these stories common? Are people calling for 911 help that never arrives? Dwayne
  5. Yeah, I don't get this. We had a girl like that in our class. She had to take all tests separately and untimed because there were too many distractions in the classroom. (She came to many of our study groups...Braless...chatty....and to all outward appearances very sharp!) (Yes Dust...she was hot) Even while doing her NR skill, she was untimed and allowed to stop and come back if stress caused her to get confused..... I have an autistic son, my world revolves around him....but I'm thinking he'd make a pretty poor EMSer....What happened to common sense? Dwayne
  6. Speed....I doubt you'll find anyone here to argue with you. I also passed easily first time through. The sad part is that good people spent good money going to a school that didn't teach enough to pass. Not their fault. It's so hard to verify the quality of a good school. It's pretty much a crap shoot going to the school in your area.... You can't know they didn't teach you until you get slapped by the NR. Dust's advice (though not practical for all) is the best. (Paraphrasing) "If at first you don't succeed, do yourself a favor and find a GOOD school" Sorry if I'm speaking out of turn Dust..... Dwayne
  7. Even if the patient doesn't have issues on the way to the hospital, wouldn't this be abandonment? Or in non-emergent situations, is this one of the lines you said sometimes gets blurred? (It may seem like I'm being a smartass, but I truly don't know.... :oops: )
  8. :love5: =D> He'll figure out we love you best 8 .....
  9. How to know you are a husband and a father? You recognize every issue in rat's post! Dwayne
  10. What I find surprising is that after this patient had died, you would think they would have documented the bejeebers out of it to CYA, wouldn't you? I know it's not for me to say....but it seems like this case had a high probability to be scrutinized. Dwayne
  11. Oh my God....that is too perfect!!!
  12. It's not censorship if it's privately owned Bonehead.... Dwayne EDIT: ooops....The post this relates to has been removed.... :oops:
  13. Wow.....That image just broke my heart I have to tell you.....(do you have the video?) :twisted:
  14. Yikes! What a thing to see first thing in the morning......butthead! Dwayne
  15. Man...you guys are the best! Thank you so much....will start digging in today! Dwayne
  16. Actually Jen that was great! Thanks! Dwayne
  17. That just makes sense.....good story to make a great point.... Dwayne
  18. Rid, thanks so much. I do like the idea of chemical restraint over physical, that's for sure. My guess would be it would take several months for him to recover from being physically restrained (If ever). The shoelace is a great idea!! I will find one tomorrow...He hates shoes but has come to realize they are a necessary evil, maybe If I can find one to match his shoes, and make the Star of Life match as well he will learn to leave it be.... You guys never cease to amaze me. You set a standard all of us should strive to achieve... Thanks again. Dwayne
  19. Asys, thanks for your response. It is pretty scary...But I feel better having some of the facts, at least I have some idea how to handle the fallout if he should ever be in this situation. The responses from providers like you, and others has really lessened the burden. I truly expected many replies of "We would have to restrain him, that sucks but life is...." But have been pleasantly surprised by the fact that his issues seem to weigh on the hearts of you all as well. That is pretty inspiring to say the least. As suggested by some earlier, we are trying to get him to wear a bracelet, but he is very resistant. Even attaching a tag with his pertinent info to his cloths makes him a little crazy...and he removes it. We will figure something out soon...I'm sure... Thank you for responding, being honest...and being the kind of provider I hope will care for my boy, and others like him. Dwayne
  20. Thanks Dust....I always leave your posts with a renewed sense of purpose and energy....pretty cool... 2 semesters of A/P is a pre-req for this Medic school degree program....Should I start on anatomy alone...or start on my A/P book? (Anatomy & Physiology for emergency care - Martini/Bartholomew/Bledsoe) Or (Human Anatomy - Martini/Timmons/Tallitsch) Or something else? Thanks again! Dwayne
  21. In a few months I will start 2 semesters of A/P prior to going to Medic school. I am wondering if studying on my own prior to class is a good idea or would I be shooting myself in the foot....? I have some anatomy books, and an anatomy and physiology book (combined) that I bought when I started thinking about Medic school. I'm worried though that if I study anatomy that perhaps A/P are better learned together, instead of separately. Or conversely, if I study the A/P book perhaps it will not be thorough enough where anatomy is concerned. Is studying on my own prior to class equivalent to "money in the bank" before class, or is there a study hierarchy that I'll short circuit if I go it alone? Thanks all.... Dwayne
  22. I think this makes Dust's point pretty well doesn't it? Dwayne
  23. I can't believe that anyone with personal experience with violent crime would ever compare a meth lab to rape or murder... Maybe we could debate that all day, though I hope most of us wouldn't... Using the ambulance....asinine! Not two ways about it. I can't imagine a better way to get ambulance personnel killed... Perhaps next they will dress leo as priests, or social workers.... Getting meth off the streets...high priority....making sure someone can and will come in an emergency....the highest..... Dwayne
  24. Just Me, the study groups are great, but I have found that it is certainly not a passive endeavor. If you want to form a study group, YOU need to do it. Asking "does anyone want to get together and study?" won't get it done. Set a time and a place and be there. In my Basic class I picked a place at least 3 times a week between the different towns so everyone had a better chance of making it. Sometimes some people came, sometimes they didn't. But I always had an objective, and was prepared to reach it. Some people want to come and yak...make sure you stay away from them....unless yakking is your goal.... But in the end, it's not about them. It's about you. You can't make other people study. Get them together, be focused, get it done..... Dwayne
  25. Gotta go with AnatomyChick on this. Unless your spell checker is dyslexic as well, it looks bad. Especially if you are a teacher. Sorry, it's a pet peeve..... Though I'm definitely with MILKMAN on scenarios. We did little to none in my basic class and it hurt. Fortunately many of us students recognized this weakness and did them in study groups, which saved the day. Dwayne
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