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Everything posted by Eric

  1. just need to see what you all think of this As the nation battles the obesity crisis, ambulance crews are trying to improve how they transport extremely heavy patients, who become significantly more difficult to move as they surpass 350 pounds (159 kilograms). And caring for such patients is expensive, requiring costly equipment and extra workers, so some ambulance companies have started charging higher fees for especially overweight people. http://www.mddailyrecord.com/article.cfm?id=158873&type=Daily
  2. louisville,ky population as of 2008 was 713,877 399 sq mi over 12,000 runs a month
  3. I'm with firemedic66 on this bring something that should have die a long time ago now it will die a 1,000 more deaths
  4. ok now that i have seen the show i can say this 1. the show could of been worse then it was 2. i will give it one more show too see if it can get better or worse it was not that great i can say that
  5. im getting a kick out of all of this the show just came on 20mins ago and you all been raging it all day lol
  6. galls has the mounts you would like
  7. statment i would only think this and not say or do it so dont get mad at me if the pt was just fat from eatting way way too much and the famliy is helping them get fat then by all means let them move the pt to my truck see then if they keep feeding the pt thats to fat to roll over we had one pt that was takeing to the doc 1 once a week it took 5 crews to move them and this pt would ask if they could call ahead to the pizza place before we took them home or ask if we could stop and get them 6 bigmacs
  8. ok im from louisville so i did not read all of it did it say that her partner text radio and told them something was wrong thats what hear here why did radio not send them in and test her i still dont know all of it all i know is she never should of been on the road her partner thou should get fired and a little more but there was not much the could do get out of the truck and say there arnt moveing try in here and see what they do the whole thing never shouldl of happend
  9. now rember that eriK not eric lol
  10. thanks you and be glade you never worked for yellow well never go back to that place
  11. thank you all lfor your post to the person in ky you in the ville?
  12. I want to start a medic class in the next year or so. And would like your help in haveing a head start on school. What kind of books / training guide / or online help. So i will have a better understanding of some of what i well need to pass the NR and become a better care giver
  13. where you from?
  14. from louisville i may go just ned reminders
  15. Eric

    eric on the road

    Not for a few Still seating in ar waiting to pick up
  16. Eric

    eric on the road

    You all could say something dang bord and in AR
  17. Eric

    eric on the road

    Just like to make this so some of you who know me can one day if im in your state in 2 days i have been in TN GA MS back and forth right now in GA waiting on a load i hope to do this for a year or so then find something closer to home so i can still do ems-fire Have a good day
  18. in that case we let the ems crew take over and stand back
  19. ok what is the time of day or nite weather i ask for this well tell me how many show up at the house to help
  20. thats good to hear now if we can only get terry to find one man and not many men
  21. i did not read where your from but here the training is the same for borth 911 and transfers same gear and level of care only thing is diff is how you get the call
  22. i worked for a place that is all over ky IN and tenn they all do 911 or transfers or just one but in louisville,ky we some time well hear 911 crews go out on a run and if we are closer we will go and and let the 911 cerw know whats going on and if they need to slow down or even show up if we can take it
  23. firearms save lives you dont have to be a cop to save a life if you look around you will see that the states with less gunlaws and have CC holders have less crime's and muders now you look at NYNY and CA and DC you will see that there crime and muder rate's are the highest now you could say ban all guns well guess what look at england no one can have a gun and even most cops there can not have them yet there muder and crime is one of the highest in the world you look at the U.N and places where they say they helped 3rd world places and when the U.N help them ban the guns you had mass killings hell look at hitler one of the frist things he did was take away guns from jews so he could kill them faster
  24. Eric


    at ge i did more then just ems i did to other jobs for them and when they outsouced them to a place i was buysing what i need to do the job for less they did not need me for that job and they all ready had toomany ems persons there so they let me go
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