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Everything posted by Eric

  1. Eric


    no no no i got layed off from my full time emt job for GE im still a volly
  2. Eric


    volly fire
  3. Eric


    well it happend today around 1515. I was informed that they would no longer need me at my job. They told me they could outsouce my ext job to another place for cheeper. I feel sorry for the guy that does my job for less money. It looks like i may try truck driveing for a year or so and clear my mind
  4. good news good news
  5. dont feel bad the newpaper got it wrong too what state you in anyways
  6. as of right now U of L is a level 1 allways has been but with this going on i dont know i lived in louisville all my life and made many a run to them
  7. i cant make it dam
  8. i'm going to be driveing but by the looks of it no one is going now if any one is going lets put a list to gather 1.eric
  9. Eric


    if you'er near louisville ,ky let me know
  10. I'm sorry for ther lost and for you'rs too it seems you were close to him
  11. I belive i can make it as of right now. I do belive we need about 2 new post one for rooms and one for group rates on the meeting. On the rooms i say if we can get a place about 25mins from there cheeper rates I would think.
  12. sorry ment to say that was a Apomorphine
  13. I do not know if its been said. Yet or not there is a magnet for Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) inplants I have experience with those's my old GF had one
  14. I worked for yellow for about 1year. And i can say I would never go back there agin. Right now i'm working for G.E for their EMS pay and hour's are a lot better for Me. I hope you in joy the site and come in to chat. In the course of time you will see my spelling is off as well as my grammar. I'm sorry for this. most of the other members can never understand what I say. So you'er not alone on that. But have fun and be safe out there. If you'er ever at G.E monday thur friday 1500 to 2300 you will see me say hi if you do.
  15. that this year was a bad joke and mccain is going to be are next President
  16. yellow is a for hire ems they suck
  17. EMTsheri im with you on this i live in the highlands and work at GE as a emt non yellow thank you out there lets play a word game what cames to youer mind when i say "yellow" EMTsheri
  18. Eric


    I'm thinking of getting nextel phone some time soon for work and everyday use. Has anyone used them before? What did you think of them?
  19. drive carefully remember it's not only a car that can be recalled by its maker some minds are like concrete all mixed up and permanently set
  20. i say one my self
  21. You answered 26 out of 33 correctly — 78.79 %
  22. to the last poster im in louisville,ky what part are you from
  23. make a poll whos fire/ems and whos just plain old ems
  24. Here in louisville,ky . Is sent over the air to the ER/cath lab we are going to so they see what we are. At the same time
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