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Everything posted by Eric

  1. Eric

    eric and amber

    i should have said something sooner her and me are back took about 2 weeks after evertything hasppend but we went back to each other
  2. if the baby has blue eyes blond hair it was me
  3. we get firehouse and jems here but most of us just read guns and ammo
  4. thats good right there
  5. i went to http://www.thsrock.net/ and never asked for money we did do dare to care thou
  6. Eric

    eric and amber

    its off she left me to day got up and she was gone called the phone to have her tell me she need time apart i belife this to be saying its over
  7. ok here i go the fire dept does not make any money on youer run and i bet the volly make nothing when they help you with youer job we are there to help
  8. could it be me think about it im all ways wanting to be a admin never im i you never see me and the admin in the room and if you do you never see us both talk at the same time THINK ABOUT IT
  9. just so wrong
  10. i think they may have im a member of both
  11. Eric

    Now I know...

    sorry youer a little late i been posting that link for a moth now in chat
  12. ok frist in louisville they are working on getting more medics they are sending any emt that want to become a medic to school all the have to do is stay thre for 2 years
  13. if you dont work here dont bust it ok i do live in louisville,ky and yes i know of whats going we do what we can with what we have if what you got work use it and we well use what worked best for us oh one more thing are Total Population 715,196 thats just for louisville.ky
  14. Eric

    eric and amber

    thank you all for your input
  15. Eric

    eric and amber

    like to thank all of you for the post and i dont know if i had said it yet the date is 12-19-09
  16. Eric

    eric and amber

    seems to be like some if you dont plane on ever getting mairred
  17. Eric

    eric and amber

    On saterday i give my GF of over a year a ring. And she said yes i wanted to let you all know of this. I will try and post pics soon. My cam is not working right to save pics.
  18. so
  19. i like to make a poll of what you use to geton emtcity at home/work
  20. 9%
  21. frist i do work at a gun store i do a NCIC check on ever firearm there is one database its called ncic check it's run by who els but the FBI
  22. I'm still waiting on you. To tell me about NY with more Gun law's then any other state next to CA that is. On how safe which we all know about how unsafe it is
  23. ok lets talk about NY how bad is the crime there ? seeing how hard it's to get a gun The U.S. Constitution and the constitutions of 46 states protect the right to arms and/or self-defense. And since 1986, federal law has protected the right to transport firearms in vehicles interstate. A business owner`s private property rights are not affected by a law preventing the micro-management of the lawful contents of a person`s privately-owned automobile. Moreover, an employer`s private property interests do not trump a person`s right to have a firearm available for self-defense, if needed, during the daily commute to and from work. As with all civil rights, employers and owners of commercial property may not act with disregard to the rights of citizens. Reasonable accommodation is the foundation of the protection of all civil rights. A commercial landowner is subject to numerous limits, imposed by the federal, state and local governments, on what may and may not occur on its property. Employees have a legitimate private property interest where their automobiles and their contents are concerned. In our legal system, property rights extend to property other than land. Most gun-related violent crimes in workplaces are committed by non-employees. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 84% of all workplace murders are committed by strangers; 7% are committed by current or former employees.Naturally, strangers and former employees are not bound by any company policy pertaining to employees. Anyone determined to commit a violent crime will not be prevented from doing so by a mere company policy against having guns in cars. This should go without saying, since criminals are already willing to break laws against murder, rape, robbery and assault. Laws protecting the right to leave firearms in locked motor vehicles do not authorize a person to have a firearm outside his or her vehicle. Laws protecting the right to leave firearms in locked motor vehicles on business property specifically protect the property owner from liability for any related injuries or damages. Also, if a business prohibits people from possessing the means to defend themselves in their vehicles, it is potentially liable for injuries and damages incurred for failure to provide adequate security. The problem of workplace crimes has been exaggerated. The nation`s violent crime rate has declined every year since 1991 and is now at a 30-year low, the murder rate is at a 39-year low, and workplace violent crime has decreased more than violent crime generally. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health says, "the circumstances of workplace homicides differ substantially from those portrayed by the media and from homicides in the general population Violence in the Workplace, 1993-1999," Dec. 2001 (www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/vw99.pdf). The study also noted, the highest percentage of work-related murders occur between 8p.m.-12 a.m., when most businesses are closed.
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