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Everything posted by Eric

  1. i have been many a time
  2. not yetr but any of are women mebers can join me lol the person below me is in bed with the boss
  3. What is your name? eric When is your birthday? 12/16/80 Eye color? blue/green Hair color?blond What nationality(s) usa/ussr/grman Any piercings? no Any tatoos? yes You have three wishes, what are they? more guns money women What sound can you not stand? my dipch Special talents? guns What is the first thing you do when you wake up? go to the gun range What is the last song you sang? let the body's hit the floor Do you play any instruments? AR-15/ ruger Do you know any random facts? mybe BE HONEST- Do you listen to show tunes? NO Do you want to go to college? YES Whats the first thing you do when you get home from work? check email ane clean my guns if i went out Is there anyone you are desperate to meet? your mom Do you dance around your house when nobodys home? no Favorite quote? TO SAVE THE KILL OR TO LET THE KILLER DIE Yay or Nay Diet Pepsi? NAY Kids? YEA Bread? NAY Hair cuts? YEA Hiking? YEA Black and white photography? YEA Coffee? YEA What C.D.s are in your sterio right now? ROCK DEATHMETL Guilty pleasures? wanting a good women If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? seafood Speak other languages? medical-ese Favorite song (as of right now)? let the bodys hit the floor Favorite flower? Rose Contacts, glasses, or neither? contacts Hometown? louisville Favorite Drink? Diet Pepsi Have you ever been in love? (depending on what your concept of love is) yes Have you ever been skinny dipping? no Assertive or passive? both Sing in the shower? no Any regrets? not usually Do you swear? all the time Do you have any pet peeves? yes Favourite Ice cream flavor? any as long as its on a women Member of the red light club? ????
  4. someone needs to start a count down of the days till the expo
  5. well i called him a few mins ago and got vice mail will let you all know what happens next
  6. thank you all for say kind words thank you
  7. this after noon i woke up to a phone call it s was from my mom she ran in to my dad. to some of you that's nothing new but for me I'm in shock i have never meet the man i don't know what he looks like i know nothing about him other then he has other kids him and my mom got a Divs when i was still new to this world well she run in to him at a picnic and he wants to meet me i don't know what to do i don't know what to feel or what to talk to him about if you have never seen your mom/dad for 24 years and they showed up would you want to see them ?
  8. i dont know if any has said this but here i go i belive in god and all this but what if Evolution but god made it so? like he set the world up so that it would start Evolution
  9. I say yes i would love to see the women i chat with and they can see me
  10. punk i like what you said maybe you turned around good job ON the post i liked it
  11. i like to hear about it
  12. well it's a out of town run chuck run how ever you want to call it from Lou,KY to PA
  13. left town on Tuesday at 2230 got back in town on Thursday at 0445 i think thats the time we got back
  14. lite blue shirt , blue tact pants and black med boots
  15. whats the best if your hearing is not the best ?
  16. Dodge intrepid best car i ever had
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