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Everything posted by MariB

  1. Thank you thank you! I've heard stories of the frequent fliers who everyone drags their feet, only to be in arrest by the time the crew gets there. It is like the boy who cried wolf. I did explain in my first post about letting your guard down for it to be a true emergency. But if they want to nit pick, I have thick skin.
  2. No, im just saying I've seen a frequent flyer have an actual emergency . You must respond. Do a complete assessment and go from there. I may only be a driver, getting my emt license, but I've seen my fair share. Handle each call as it can be the potential of something serious, assess and go from there. People do believe their complaint, as minor as it may be to us, is their emergency.
  3. Wow Mike, I don't recall saying every patient needed to go to the ER by ambulance. I stated they deserved dignity and respect. To them it is an emergency, whether or not it is to us. I have been in the field for a while now, even when you were still a student yourself little grasshopper.. Every patient deserves a complete assessment. We can decide then if it is an emergency. Frequent flyers DO have true emergencies. I've seen it. The anxiety patient, short of breath every week? Can have a heart attack. You respond as you would any short of breath patient until they are assessed. Even then, you treat them with complete dignity and respect. If you can't treat someone with that, you don't belong in EMS.
  4. Every patient, every call should be treated as a true emergency. Whether or not it is for you, it is for them. Treat them with dignity and respect. So called "frequent flyers" can call with the same complaint, every week and the one time you let your guard down, have it be something serious.
  5. It changes by the hour. Right now its between 8 to 10 I believe.
  6. O'Brien County
  7. Ok cookie. Im not far from 29 lol. We have to be close. I can hit NE, MN, SD all in less than an hour.
  8. Thank You. I am on call to drive Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I was told to call the city for a plow if needed to lead the way. One hour we are told 6-8 inches, the next it is 12-14 inches. Now it is 8-10 . I don't believe they know quite yet. I do know the winds will be strong so even 6 could be bad. Everyone stay safe!
  9. Tearing pain?
  10. Yeah it isn't so bad. Tonight is open and closed chest and abdominal injuries. Loving the trauma lectures.
  11. Sorry, I thought you said lecture lok
  12. I wish it was just a page or so. I have just don't 40 pages of reading on open and closed chest wounds. . Our burn chapters went over about 20 pages and over 2 hours of lecture. My EMT class is also being offered as 6 college credits. It has to follow specific guidelines to be able to do this. It is also a 2 semester course. There are some avaliable in half this time around here, but my squad prefers this program. We cover the basics but also with each medical issue or trauma also study the physiology of the issue at hand.
  13. Well looking at her location I completely understand. My sister is 40 and never once has been in the drivers seat of a car. With public transportation and the cost of ownership, she says owning a car in NYC is a luxury most never try to afford. I can't imagine not having a vehicle and have been driving for 20 years, but my sister is terrified to try. Same family, different locations.
  14. Capt. Benesack has been banned. He is a 12 year old boy whose only training is from that of an EMS video game. However, his obsession with EMS is real and he does have what he states.
  15. Yes, you are right. Im coming up on the end of my EMT classes. My daughter has bacterial pneumonia. Complicated by an allergy to guficien. Its been a rough rough road. I heard her making weird noises the other morning and walked in to hear grunting and wheezing on my own child. Resp fast and shallow, forceful cough with bloody sputum. I was already upset from no returned calls asking the doctor for a neb or something to loosen her chest. Anyway, experience told me I could make the hospital in 3 minutes. No cyanosis. 7Alertx3. called ER enroute. We arrived to an IV, a Nebulizer and pain pills. She felt better almost immediately after the neb. After several blood tests and x-rays, we are now finally getting a productive cough! . However, they did do another TB test to rule it out.
  16. Well wouldn't you know, burns is the chapter I haven't even read yet. Unfortunately, my daughter has pneumonia and I pit my studies aside a few days. Lucky for me, the lecture was good and my quiz was aced, however, I need to go back yo that chapter. Im coming up on the end of my schooling
  17. A couple people I know recently took the NREMT. The biggie lately is burns and peds! I'm sure when I take mine it will focus more on something else, but that's what the talk is right now.
  18. I had driven a van many times before driving an ambulance. An ambulance is much wider. You can't see out of the back, backing up and turning can be trickier. A uhaul would likely be more comparable, but I was able to just breeze right through my drivers test and I think driving the cargo van helped a lot. remember to use both side mirrors. Try backing up in an s motion. Try doing a complete circle backwards, ending up in the same parking space you started in. Take your turns wider, always start on the outer edge of your lane to avoid driving over a curb.
  19. yeah, that is where I got his age. What I found horrifying was the video game where he thinks he is actually trained to do these things because of the video game.
  20. Yeah, on other medical supply pages he has bought and "collected" medical supplies.
  21. It is really interesting on what someone finds when they are bored and does a search on the OP. I didn't even realize they had video games for EMTs, Paramedics and police. However they do and the obsession from the OP has started there. He is also not old enough to be certified in anything as the age that I got on another board was 12. He states he collects medical supplies with his friends on a board that sells equipment. Not sure what to do here, can't keep harassing him, he's just a kid. But this kid is going to hurt someone.
  22. Oh that's right. Im still trying to get everyones names and who is who figured out. We'll going to try going out for supper again. Last night didn't work so well. As I ordered my beautiful rib eye, my pager sounded. Myncall turned into a 7 hour shindig. On the bright side our service buys us meals. At :30 hours I got a Mc donalds chicken sandwich.
  23. Is anyone else waiting around for the next Jaw dropping question? Really? Hmm I wonder if he transported my father this past spring.
  24. I spend most of my time in Canon City but some in the Springs and Denver. I lived a large portion of my life in Colorado Springs. We usually go in August.
  25. well crap, I think it would be a lot of fun. However, I go to Colorado every year. Its my home state
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