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Everything posted by MariB

  1. Northwest Corner.
  2. neither is shoving Tylenol down the patient he is using a used bag valve mask on while running around picking up glass for his sharps container.
  3. Then you should know the answer! What is the reason for the head tilt-chin lift?
  4. While you were being trained to use it, they didn't go over this? For some reason, I figures he had training in this. Oh my..
  5. Ok, patients can request from you all they want, but do you know the contraindications? Do you known that giving someone aspirin or advil when they need surgery, have a stroke, or an aneurysm is going to get you needing a lawyer? Also you may not assist in medications without medical direction. It is AGAINST THE LAW. Advising? Unfortunately, you are unsure what the contraindications are so please, please, do NOT advise.. Also. Paramedics and EMTs who have use any needles (we use epi pens and lancets.) Dispose of them on our own.. Id suggest getting rid of all the OTC meds, Sharps container . And half the gloves. Get rid of the biohazard bag as any clean up will not be done by you. It will save a lot of room. Consider adding a blanket. Also, an IV and tubing work great for flushing out an eye.
  6. He doesn't have the equipment to do that.
  7. Ok, I can tell you right now you do not need the sharps container. And you are not qualified to give any meds. Get rid of the Otc meds. When will Tylenol or advil be appropriate for you to give? Aspirin, maybe. Are you under any medical direction that allows you to do so?
  8. Assisting a conscious person is rare, and unnatural to them. However, if their respirations are too slow, you would add one to try to bring them up to get them to the point of adequate. Checking pulse ox, skin color, mental status etc. If they are breathing too fast, you would try to time your ventilation with theirs, providing one every 5 to 6 second MATCHING one of theirs, this is hard to do. Anyone with inadequate respirations needs help from EMS fast. If you try to insert an opa or an npa in a conscious person, I think you are asking for a lot of vomit and a fight on your hands. Lol
  9. It is single patient use. Throw it away and don't clean it.
  10. In class.were had a lawyer do our lecture on legalities and ethics. In our state, on call, we have duty to act. Off call, we do not.. it becomes a moral duty but not legal duty
  11. Luckily our class has never done any cheating that I know of, but our instructors never leave. The skills testing is a whole different thing. It happens all the time to me. I will fail a skills test for not verbalizing a chief complaint, or for the patient not needing a C collar, or because I didn't tell them the patient had a pulse, even though he was talking to me and alert etc. They have told me I have been in the field so much I forget to verbalize what im seeing or thinking. My assessments are great, I just don't speak what I see. These are failing points. However, someone behind me can forget to even take my vitals, or apply O2. Or something and pass. I learned it was what they expected from certain individual at that time. Their capabilities. They want you to get better and better. So pushing me to verbalize, while pushing someone else to just take a pulse. In the end, we should all equal out. And they are just trying to make us the best we as individuals can be.
  12. I am neither an EMT nor a Medic as I have not taken my test yet. As of now, I am a driver on a volunteer squad in the middle of nowhere in Iowa. After I test, I will enjoy a good year of rest and during that time look for grants to help fund my Medic schooling.
  13. My squad and I enjoy the Pita Pit. Pitas stuffed with anything you want, Fresh veggies, mmmmmmm I always get the prime rib Pita with sauteed Onions and mushrooms. Top it with fresh Guacamoli, lettuce, hot peppers, tomatoes and sprouts!
  14. Thanks everyone. I do know our squad brings a bit of snubbing in itself as we are the ALS provider for the surrounding towns. It seems like that alone makes us a bit unpopular. We also have the state of the art equipment etc. Just comes with the territory I suppose. .
  15. Thanks! Well I am at work taking some notes and the VP of academics walked by, she hadn't realized I was taking the course. I told her I wanted to take the paramedic but paying for it myself was hard because its a volunteer squad. She commented she will find me a grant. And believe me, she will lol. It is coming together. I told her I need to get through the EMT first. Anyway, class was kind of hard last night. Not the material but several students snubbed me. A few wanted to ask about combining the two split mods etc. I told her it would be easier to absorb the grade over several weeks than with another test. She glared at me and told me that no one expects me to understand what they are all going through. Quick history here. A big module exam on cardiac and diabetic emergencies. Plus stroke, seizures and syncope and dizziness. It is said to be the toughest. We had several fail and the rest were Ds. Now our D is a 70 to 77% and F is below 70% I got an 87% on the module. I was the only NON D or F. So now I am the outsider. Yes everyone knows who it was. Grades are posted numbers are memorized. And I never said whether I passed or not, they assumed. Now remember when I said several in my class will read or go on lecture alone and try to get by? I wasn't talking about the ones who could get away with that.
  16. Well, we got our midterm grades, evaluations and recommendations. Now all that will be send to the Medical Director in charge of our program. Our program is offered as a college credit class so I do get six credits twords furthering my education, Woot! However, it does mean it became a 9 month class with 150 hours of lecture, plus hands on then added days for testing. I think it figures out to about 240 hours or so. Anyway, I have a 91% an A. The class average is an 82%. I was told I have the highest average. The head of the department came to speak to me today at work about continuing on to paramedic. I told him I would like to if I can get my squad to pay for it. They would need financial backing from the city and my director has concerns about that since they have been burned before. He told me it would be a waste if I don't. He is a big wig at the college. Ok, enough bragging, but I was excited and knew you all would understand that excitement!
  17. Hitting your humerus bone isn't very funny Every time you walk into a room. Show everyone your Jazz hands but yell Phalanges! Its annoying, but you'll remember them. Also is toes. i
  18. Metacarpals... steer your car. Metatarsals you walk in tar. Metacarpals... steer your car. Metatarsals you walk in tar.
  19. I did get a paper copy of mine for what its worth
  20. yup once something comes up, you have papers to fill out to plead your case. I don't know the process but I know it can be lengthy. Then the squad that hires you will do their own background check. So expect another even if you get last the first.
  21. is there a such thing? Shortest I have seen is 20 pages. And those are the tough ones full of a lot of info
  22. happens to me all the time. I am a student right now but have completed all my drivers training. I am on call a lot. I sleep in something that will pass as dressed and have my coat and shoes by the door. Usually when that pager goes off, I am wide awake.
  23. I don't know. Something about lighting a dumpster on fire as a teenager or something. Arson charges don't always include burning down structures.
  24. lol, it is not. This is a program silly, one based through national registry standards. I was sure I quoted the OP about her jaywalking ticket. Somehow I have a quote to Kate about being offended lol. How did that happen? That's a whole different thread. I never learned copy and paste from my phone. Hmmmm anyway
  25. No, we try to have 2 EMTs in the back with a driver on We do have 2 paramedics that will respond to scene in their own vehicles. If someone lives close ir a code, they also may drive to scene. We try to have a crew if 3 in ambulance at all times. But there are tines it is two. That's when the medic pops in to the garage. Edited to add, love auto correct. Dang phone isn't letting me fix the words either.
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