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Everything posted by MariB

  1. Oh no! Oh no! We have called Mercy before. My condolences to the family and friends I just read about it. It is a different Mercy than the one I was thinking. Very tragic news. Prayers
  2. I refuse to read ahead, I study the crap out of the assigned chapters and excel in the ones assigned. Why confuse myself?
  3. Welcome!!
  4. This is my ambulance. Read carefully
  5. Cold here, but my pager is hot. Geez
  6. Ha!
  7. I dont know who did the Fords, but Lifeline did the Chevy, all three have AWD. winters here can get pretty yukky too.
  8. I have only been driving a few months and learned to love the AWD, first snow of the year, it was very nice. We do have it in both of ours.
  9. And you thought only I needed the extra forum!
  10. Ok, I was beginning to think I lost my mind on the old one. I didnt see the emblem. DOH
  11. Our old one is a Ford, very reliable. Quite old. What I love about our new one as opposed to the one traded in or the older one, is it is as quite as a Lincoln Town Car. I can hear everything going on while I am driving. All functions are on touch screens, with manual override capabilities. I have a built in GPS right up front. The Vans, AWD? Oh my goodness, I do not believe our old one is a Ford. I rarely drive it and never paid attention!!! Plus I am a girl and don't know my vehicles without looking at back of them. The left one is the one we kept. The one to the right we traded in
  12. Yes, yes sir. Im sorry, I've been bad. Spank me, right there!
  13. Traded in our Ford for this one. The Ford was a POS, wasn't very old and a lemon.
  14. You caught that I see
  15. I am not sure what your protocols are for when you are out of service, but psych or not, we go. We have two ambulances, and an order in which to call towns for back up. We have and will travel as far as 8 hours one way for transport, 17 hours round trip. Luckily, most transfers are less that 5 hours out of service. A psych patient can be just as a concern as a medical or trauma. Unfortunately, they can become medical or trauma.
  16. http://www.emtcity.com/gallery/image/816-pretty-baby/ Here's our newest addition. I just love this ambulance.
  17. MariB


    I hit too old when I found myself hugging the toilet bowl all night and not recovering well after. I think I was about 30 then so it hasn't been that long. I spent Christmas dinner with my training officer at a gas station after a long transfer. We were excited to see we would both be on tonight together. She said New Years can be busy or slow, but a good night to be on to learn. Of course I just show up to the garage to go and watch if the call sounds exciting and something i can learn from. Here, have one of these, food and Alcohol in one!
  18. This sounds like a very, disturbing, fetish film.
  19. I hope so.
  20. MariB


    Thank you, and also to you! I am on call, yippie! No partying for me. Of course, I kind of gave up partying a few years back, when I got old
  21. Well, I contacted my director today and told her I wanted to go on for my AEMT, she was extremely supportive and very helpful, said she would do some research etc, but then hit me at the end with telling my I'm enthusiastic, loving what I do and passionate. She encourages people to further their education, but with me, please don't get my AEMT, get my PARAMEDIC..... will worry about the finacial part of it later. Test my NREMT, keep it in the back of our minds. Work hard, and can figure it out then..
  22. Wait! My daughter graduates with her LPN in May. That was forgotten. Granted she will never use it, will not even work as one, it is part of the program she is in for her RN. I think in most bigger areas Lpns are beginning to be less and less. My mother is retired as an LPN, but she was nursing home.
  23. Lol, smartass..ty nice to be here
  24. The one on our ambulance is fantastic, I can hear everything, but strain to hear a pulse on my lower end one. I used the ambulances for testing, but can't take it a few times a week. Luckily, Mom bought it for me. Ill let you know on the breath sounds.
  25. MariB


    Lol my director is a nurse for a living and a paramedic. We have several nurses on our squad, one is a bsn in the ER. I guess maybe that's why we all get along so well. Our er docs are our family physicians.... etc
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