If something starts to escalate I would call dispatch and have an officer brought on board. We can not restrain and have nothing for self defense.
I am trained in Martial arts which is a benefit to me, but even that won't always help in a situation where I can be caught off guarl.
OK men! As for women, we sit to pee, not just to poop! So on a shift, we may sit 3 to 4 times. Consider that! And if we really have to pee, we just might not make it. However, the whole footie jammie feeling might be relaxing
Mention if you see any bleeding, the ABCs and if there is need for a c collar.
You must mention o2, but you do not need to use it. Sample is to be done as you assess. .
The long spine board gets several in testing. I found taking the straps off completely was my best bet when testing to avoid too much movement.
Be careful with good Samaritan laws, it doesn't always cover EMTs who are "freelancing"
Take a look. And EMT is not always covered under good Sam in NY.
You can be found guilty of gross negligence
We have disposable sheets, we then fold bath blankets to be opened fully when pt is to be loaded. We cover with a sheet, then a blanket with a patch with our service.
In the winter we have sleeping bag things that completely wrap the pt to keep warm and several of them to change out so they can be laundered.
Our local hospital launders our stuff
Being that we titrate o2, I would better not be refilling mine very often if I had one! ! My director would be wanting me to purchase a pulse ox along with it
You have a linweld close by? We fill our own small tanks off our big ones. If I had a personal one for ems responses in our area, I am sure my service would allow me to fill off the tank we use.
Mike, he has to complete training, be able to answer all the questions listed on the application in the link and then pass the nremt. He must have the training done to be already taking the computer based test. So I am guessing it is just the computer based test itself???
Has anyone contacted poison control?
If after hours or pharmacy not open, I would want someone to bring pill bottle to er if possible.
Charcoal sounds good to me if tolerated. We need more info on how many this guy took.