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Everything posted by MariB

  1. You told Mike he sounds like your Dad... that made me smile .
  2. unfortunately , it doesn't take much to put me in a randy mood lol
  3. I agree with Mike. I believe this thread was actually the last of several he posted in. Calling certain people not cut out for ems or "little girls' because a call bothered them. The list goes on and on. A couple of us found him on other sites with posts you wouldn't believe.
  4. I believe if it is a state needing the nremt, you have to be 18 to take the nremt test
  5. Was my program free? Yes for me it was but not for my squad who paid a sizable amount. I signed a contract stating I would give them 2 years of service or pay it back. In the mean time I get Fred training every month that goes records free certification also. Just because I am on a volunteer squad doesn't mean it was a free program. It just means I didn't pay for it myself. And the paramedic AA programs here have about the same prerequisites as the ADN programs
  6. I laughed so hard at this thread.
  7. Weird how he now mentions the pt is hep positive
  8. I've had dreams where I took my pants off to sleep and ran out the door, to realize on scene I'm in my underwear
  9. A couple of points could mean the difference in going to a different level of trauma center. Flying a patient as opposed to driving etc. I think one could lose their job easily
  10. You know what I wear on call to bed? Scrub pants . No spendier than jammy pants. Have pockets and I don't get frowned on if I show up in pink frog flannels (not allowed) About 15 bucks a pair . I wear a t shirt with EMT on the back and our logo on the front and throw my vest or parka on and go. Can you get away with plain blue cargos or blue scrub bottoms?
  11. I'm surprised they didn't give you one. Our class actually had 2 extra sessions added to it. It was healthcare provider CPR. We were all given pocket masks to keep. That being said, you can get them at any medical supply store
  12. $110 ? I live in a small town and took mine at a community college that has a lot of tech programs. We have a pretty good first time pass rate. I got 6 college credits, 150 lecture hours plus additional for skills and test days. Mine was around $1,000 and that was a pretty economical rate. Check into it like Mike said. It seems a little low.
  13. This is one of the most well thought out and well written posts I've seen on this thread.
  14. Narcissistic and psychopathic providers are apparently ideal ems providers. I thought compassion was one of the actual traits of an EMT provider in the book. I'm wondering why they have debriefing , mental health etc available if this is not supposed to be happening
  15. Lol. I just laugh
  16. This ^^^ do it while you are young, the possibilities are endless. You can get your paramedic, you can maybe get flight.. move up and up... I'm in my 30s , I'm a basic, I will eventually get my medic, I just have a lot going on, the desire to learn is there and I crave it, just have a lot going on with love and an Ill child. YOU are young, motivated and I can't wait to watch you grow with this!
  17. then hopefully you have a great support team in your squad, unfortunately , you are having issues with that and ita horrible. I feel for ya
  18. Why didn't you explain that better? Why on the other site did you say you don't use gloves unless you know the person has a disease? Nobody is acting like OSHA police, we are saying with body fluids present you should use gloves and some of us states we use gloves on all 911 responses Then some of us said we don't use them on transfers without body fluids present and apparently that means we are idiots, but oh well lol
  19. How far did ya read? I read most of it, and it did say it was considered an exposure and post exposure treatment should be considered. It also said in that study. Below that it said something about it could be higher in places where they don't where proper protection.
  20. I better just quite ems now since I'll never be as smart as you.
  21. I know a lot more about the pt on the transfer , I know they aren't bleeding or pooping or vomiting.... goodness. You don't get it
  22. As for mrsa, swab was negative so far from the nose as if 2 weeks ago for my daughter who is also on our team. I don't see anything wrong with using gloves for all initial pt contacts. But then again, I don't know what I'm talking about according to him
  23. no , you don't. You are jumping around all over the place Listen closely. I wear all ppe for every 911 response, personal choice and also policy. If it wasn't policy, I still would. Because of reasons I gave. As for transfers. For heart pts, closed fractures, no obvious body fluids and no contact precautions given beforehand, why would I? I will wash my hands after. You have stated yourself you don't need them for every pt. I have a good idea from pt history given if they have a diagnosed condition needing them, however certain transfers do not need them! Why would a heart pt doctoring at this facility need them with no body fluids present? C diff pts, certain pneumonia pts, mrsa pts etc we have contact precautions. Not everyone here is an idiot. yet you just told me I don't know what I'm talking about because I wear them on 911 responses but not on all transfers with no wounds or bleeding... nice
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