no , you don't. You are jumping around all over the place
Listen closely. I wear all ppe for every 911 response, personal choice and also policy. If it wasn't policy, I still would. Because of reasons I gave.
As for transfers. For heart pts, closed fractures, no obvious body fluids and no contact precautions given beforehand, why would I? I will wash my hands after. You have stated yourself you don't need them for every pt. I have a good idea from pt history given if they have a diagnosed condition needing them, however certain transfers do not need them! Why would a heart pt doctoring at this facility need them with no body fluids present?
C diff pts, certain pneumonia pts, mrsa pts etc we have contact precautions.
Not everyone here is an idiot.
yet you just told me I don't know what I'm talking about because I wear them on 911 responses but not on all transfers with no wounds or bleeding... nice