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Everything posted by MariB

  1. OK needles, this is EMT class, so have to stop the 12 lead and the EKG lol
  2. I do both 911 response and transfers. I wouldn't say transfers are stress free. Let's not forget the pt to heavy to fly but needs a bigger hospital fast! Or the stable transfer. ... that gets unstable half way there. Twice as much paperwork, ten times the vitals etc.
  3. The wife wanted him to go. So once he goes unresponsive, he is all yours
  4. Oh come on. I am as sweet as sugar
  5. Now Kate, I thought I was headed in the right direction on your scenero As for the op. Yes he was on another site and it didn't matter whether or not he was helped, he ignored that and kept on. Either he is not wanting help and wants someone to outright do his homework, or he is just not happy with any answer.
  6. Or is this a test question?
  7. No, because Zimmerman wasn't suing
  8. I was going to say, I wasn't taught any of this.
  9. After really going through it, and with the stand your ground law, I'm not so sure the Jury was given enough to convict. Past records on both parts thrown out. Both sound like they did wrong. Both families swearing it was their loved one screaming for help... We have to remember the general public sees more than the Jury. I can't say what I would have done on the jury
  10. Our next new replacement will have one installed too. Be another couple years but will order it with it installed
  11. Both the cot and loading system. We have a stryker power cot, but instead of having it retrofitted we are buying a new cot and loading system and putting old cot in other ambulance
  12. Our Power Load comes next week
  13. There is something seriously wrong with you.
  14. OTC advil is 200mg in US. Not sure what it is there but 4 of them here would be 800 mg. 800 mg is a prescription strength dose. Long term use can lead to a GI bleed but can be reduced by taking with food. Anyway. Back on topic. Cheeky, sounds like a great night!
  15. when Ihave visits to the pain clinic I have to take 4 aleve a day 2 am, 2 pm for 2 weeks. I start bruising easily after.
  16. Hmmmm, how does her face look? Any signs of stroke? Beginning to lead to neuro Where are my medics! I'd be worried about like a brain infection, tumor etc
  17. How many layers of clothing? What is body temp? I was doing a few at a time but island can bring us up to date lok
  18. South off Buffalo about an hour, a few miles from PA border and right off lake Erie
  19. Blood glucose level? Any signs of alcoholism? Rule out the obvious first . Yes I would like ALS. I always want ALS to severly ALOC
  20. I was. I lived on ridgeglen growing up. Near where academy and union meet. I moved with mom to Denver, Greeley and eventually upstate NY. However I spent summers and holidays with Dad. He moved to Briargate when I was 11. I moved from NY to Colo Spgs again full time when I was 18 and lived in Cimmeron Hill's off powers. My ex and I divorced and his best friend was murdered Jacine. Very high profile. Also a friend of mine was killed by hubby. My new husband and I moved back to his home town in Iowa. I go back often. However my father has moved down to the base of a mountain near Canon city But I'll take you up on coffee as I go through. We will get Scuba to join too
  21. OK, paramedic mike says 3200 mg a day. I believe that is correct. Our doc said 2000 to 2400 max per day, I think it can depend on individual, docs orders, if you are piggy backing. Etc. oh geeez forgive me. I was not paying attention and thought he said 10 mg total not per kg of weight! Der! Why are we doing pediatric dosing for an adult?
  22. they don't make tablets that come with that low of dosing Been having to do the advil route a few times. Doc says prescription dose is 800, can take 4 OTC pills 3 times a day... or.. 3 pills 4 times a day... or 2 pills 6 times a day...
  23. lol, usually when someone says something stupid I ask if they smoked crack or something but I say that being turned somehow upside down, backwards and pulled through his butt cheeks
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