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Everything posted by MariB

  1. Are you high???? Seriously, calling anyone who lives in a northern smaller town with a small black population racists? I am also from Colorado Springs. I must have lived in a different area than Dwayne because we had a pretty decent amount of minorities. Maybe minorities dont choose to live in small towns where there is not many black people because they choose to stay near their families? Maybe they choose to stick where they were raised? Maybe they don't want to live in a town full of white people, I don't know. However I am friends with 2 of the black people in our town and they enjoy living here. They have never run into any kind of racism here. They moved here because of a job transfer. That post above was one of the most ignorant posts I've seen on here. Way to play the racist card!
  2. You can take 2000 mg of advil a day post surgery for pain. It isn't advised long term but that's what they do to wean you off the narcs
  3. Being an advanced care medic, there are options for you aren't there? Worst case scenario could you work in an ER? As mentioned above, follow your doctors orders. Do every exercise given and in no time you will be up and about. If you worry about your ankle giving out, if it shows signs of it, how about a brace? My daughter in highschool was rolling her ankles terribly and the doc finally put her in a steel supported brace during sports. That is a possibility for added support on your shifts if you have problems.
  4. Thank you. She has good and bad times. But getting air helps. Having a get together with close friends, movies, popcorn, heck we are both girls. Even as adults we know what pizza and a best friend can do.. falling asleep giggling. I hope things get better. Let's focus on your recovery first. Ems later.
  5. I don't believe we have more than 4 African Americans in our town. Even less from Cuba. No extra security
  6. mine took 9 months. 2 semesters. It wasn't a typical EMT as they were offering it as a 6 credit elective for college credit.We had more intensive A&P, phisology and our class took field trips to care centers to do blood pressures and assessments at retirement homes and stuff. The residents loved the company and we had refreshments and stuff I am going to politely disagree. I said a good EMT. EMT is learning the basics. I think a good start would be crucial. I don't think any paramedic program wants to be reteaching the basics. Good assessment learning, good standard card, good bls treatment needs to be learned.
  7. Studying A&p for sure. Also maybe getting ahead on the vocabulary. That seemed to throw a lot of people off on the test. Many of the words we saw were not in our books.
  8. No, I think you should become a good EMT to become a good paramedic
  9. Same post at emtlife doesn't like answers there either
  10. My daughter has been I'll, and will being laid up comes depression. What helps is getting out. I bought a zero gravity chair. Try getting outside. Take a book and enjoy the air. Try not to think too far in advance and let the days come one day at a time. Thinking of you!
  11. I did prep with jblearning and vue
  12. because in the US if you treat someone illegally you lose your license
  13. please post more! Do not feel this site is for just EMTs it is for all of us to bounce ideas off etc. Yes I know other conditions can cause wheezing and I know not all asthma attacks will not have a wheeze. However most do when auscilated and Mike EMT was questioning op as to why he was sure it was asthma.
  14. not to mention over oxygenation during codes, trauma or other heart issuesWhen on a code we do our best to keep o2 SATs about 92 to 95. Same with heart and traumas... pts seem to have a better out come if you aren't pumping them full of O2. We use pulse ox on all calls, but yes, we do look at the whole picture.
  15. a bad trauma is worth calling a heli no matter what the gcs is here as we are rural. I will put it on the pcr but we also use a revised trauma score. It is instinctive based more than a score of any sort.
  16. GCS takes just seconds to do and can be involved in your assessment. I don't even think of doing it, I just am automatically doing it during my assessment. Example. " can you look at my nose so I can shine this light into your eyes? " patient followed direction. When telling you what happened, was pt making sense? How was their motor skills etc, did they lift their arm to help you put bp cuff? , did they point to their chest when telling you their pain? It isn't something you will think about, heck I don't until I'm doing report unless the pt is in obvious altered status then its to decide if I need to call a heli And even then I don't need a GCS, I just call dispatch and tell them to alert life flight
  17. in my state you would lose your certification.As the op has changed the scenereo to that of an actual DNR
  18. OK, if you don't want to go by spo2, which we only use as a tool itself plus condition of patient, then the child was obviously in respiratory distress. If the child didn't have a history of asthma I think the op would have stated it was a call for trouble breathing. So. With asthma you will hear the tell tale wheezing, low spo2 levels from inability to exhale and the child will be in the tell tale positioning for trouble breathing. So oxygen would be a correct drug of treatment No days with what we all know about using too much O2, I think not having a pulse ox and using it as a tool is irresponsible for any local protocol. As I said, it is too be used as a tool only. Let's not forget his cc never questioned his use of O2, just his choice of how he administered it.
  19. The kid might have looked at the paper cup and said " seriously?"
  20. Like I said before, in my state I need papers in hand. The DNR must be related to the illness. A signature on a body is not an actual signature but a copy from the artist. To save my own ass, I'd have to do it. I'm not missing your point, I've explained this is earlier posts
  21. lol wow. On calls we have a driver, primary and sometimes a secondary. If the dispatch complaint is bad, a medic goes to scene. Where I live I'm usually second to arrive and lately have been primary caregiver. Does that mean I make all the decisions? Well. No we will bounce ideas off each other , but in the end it is my signature on the pcr. So ultimately I have to make the final decision. If a medic comes I put in my paperwork " treatment such and such given by PS "
  22. No, because it is not a DNR
  23. exactly, but yeah u can successfully rescusitate and treat someone. If I could get by with a BVM and CPR, I would until we got to the er. I would not want to put in an advanced airway if it could be helped. Iowa prehospital DNR laws are strict and must have a physicians signature and a signature of the patient applying to a terminal illness. We could follow this as a living will of sorts. I can link our crazy prehospital laws if you like.
  24. Hmmm, we have a director and an assistant director, other than that, on scene we are in charge and I've never (yet) had to justify my treatments. A 4 year old needing o2, having an asthma attack, can handle a non rebreather.
  25. It would be rare for me to use a nonrebreather on an infant unless a blow by or cupping my hand wasn't working. If the o2 SATs were really low and I felt I had too, we would seriously be watching the pulse ox and the patient...
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