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    emt firefighting,haveing fun

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  1. Thank you to all who replied...we had a net but unfortunately. I was thrown to the back and pined between the back door and the foot of the stretcher he hit us twice and I was knocked after the first hit.They said if I was wearing my seat belt he probably would have killed me because of where he actually ran over our rig he would have also ran me over.It has been very frustrating for me with this research...they can invent the smallest and most useless products but can't invent protective equipment for emt's/medics.
  2. Thank You.
  3. I am an EMT/FF and have been for 18 years....In Jan of this year I was involved in an MVA on the job and may never be able do a job that I love because of a a** hole who was in a hurry to go no where :evil: .Any way the question I have is I have been doing research for devices in the back of the amb (besides seat belts)to hold emts in but still give them the capability to move around and give proper PT care,does anyone know of or heard of anything like that?Any info would be greatly appreciated
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