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  1. Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I finished Peter Canning's Paramedic and am halfway through Devin Kerins' EMS. I'm loving both!
  2. Prepare for EMT school by reading! When you get your textbook, try to stay 3 - 4 chapters ahead in your reading so you don't fall behind. I guarantee something will happen during school to temporarily distract you, so this way you have a little cushion.
  3. #2 absolutely!
  4. All the more reason for me to check them out, haha. Thanks!
  5. It's not as bad as one would think, extremely progressive in areas like preparedness and incident management I saw after Sandy.
  6. Thanks! I'll have to check these out. Anyone read Devin Kerins' books? I saw mixed reviews on his first two "EMS" and it looks like he put a new one out that no one has reviewed yet, so I'm a little hesitant.
  7. Never used nifedipine but I did have it on my truck when I first started
  8. I got a brand new Kindle for Christmas and I'm looking for something new to read. Can anyone recommend any fun or funny EMS-related books?
  9. Brand new medic from Jersey here, just popping in to say hi!
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