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Everything posted by THUMPER1156

  1. Just venting like everyone else dust :sign5: I might be off subject but I'm tired of these ******* contest (so to speak) No one in this field should be persecuted for what direction they have chosen. All though there are alot of ''card carriers'' out there ( for those who don't understand the term -emts that hold the card for show & never even volunteer let alone work for an agency .While I'm on the subject The only beef I have with vollies (besides the wacker lights & wearing of numerous pagers even out of the squad) is if your on a volunteer squad . Do just that , don't belong to one to have fire/rescue access (equip. etc.) .Do it because you want to help people. If every vollie(or any emt) would answer just one call each , there wouldn't be such a thing as missed calls..........now dust I'm done for now........
  2. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
  3. As you may know a non emergency call can turn into an emergency real quick. It has happened to me several times. I do both non & emergency calls. It seems that there are some here that don't consider certain aspects of this job important. There are alot of people who fasttracked their way through life. Most people started out as vollies or basics.This whole ''para-god'' complex needs to end.....
  4. fyi: my old man n his partner were the ones in that truck
  5. I was talking about the accual company "jersey care"". I just wanted to know if anyone worked for them or about them
  6. I wouldn't complain about 22 an hour when some are only averaging 8- 13 :roll:
  7. I know basically all companies are alike as to rumors, childish bs etc.. I wanted to know if anybody worked for them & what there opinion of the company.
  8. Just doing some research on jersey ems companies......
  9. If you do get the plates be sure your prepared to stop for anything you come across. You come across a accident or something to that effect & fail to stop with these plates you will pay the price.......You don't need lights & special tags on your vehicle to do your job .You have emts out there playing cops just because they have lights & a badge :roll:
  10. Despite what you might hear/be told EMT's are not goffers for ALS.We were not trained to be a taxi driver .There are alot of paramedics who fall under the same things they claim about EMT's.Its true theres alot of EMT's that shouldn't be in the field. It's also true that theres way to many people on a power trip .If people would do their jobs & not worry about whose the best more would get accomplished.Theres far to many rumors & attitudes.This job is stressful enough without all the bs that goes on in the workplace.I'm sooo sick of hearing; "I been doing this for 25 yrs.". Sorry but you still don't know everything.I agree about the stretcher thing.Theres alot of people that can"t/don't know how to lift it or a patient for that matter. I think the EMT course should spend more time on that issue. Wether your 18 or 80 if you can't lift ...find another job.The use of lights & sirens is another issue.The deffinition of emergency or grannies g-tube is blocked. Some people seem to forget, if its an emergency or not ,you wreck its your ass.....
  11. thats from ""grease"" ""I say you have more responsabilities than gettin some girl pregnant""
  12. If more people took there jobs seriously this kind of thing wouldn't happen.The term ""ambulance driver"" isn't the worst thing to call people that: fall asleep in the rig,treat the pt. like dirt,get out of calls because they are(bs),horseplay & not act professional. It takes skills to be a true""ambulance driver"", which we see very little of these days.A reputation isn't something the whole ems field gets.It's a name you make for yourself,you & only you can put that label on by the actions ""you"" alone make.......
  13. I've seen ems show up in shorts .I also see alot of ems workers not wearing gloves.Appearance is a must in any proffesion.The show isn't perfect, it is just that ""a tv show"'. Some people get so anal about the littles things. Thats like believing all ems sleep with eachother :roll:
  14. No good can come from this idea. And Ohio will become the laughing stock of the already pitiful U.S. EMS community. I amung others from the US are getting sick & tired of you & everyone else not from our country putting the US down.If you don't like it or us STAY THE HELL OUT-WE DON"T WANT YOU HERE :roll:
  15. Unfortunatly there are ems workers that do steal.We hear about it all the time, someone stealing meds or a pts. perscription.I'm more concerned about the price of gas or how researchers spend thousands of tax dollars to see how slow ketchup comes out of the bottle.Unless it affects you personally.'''shake it off''. Mad tv makes parodes everyday, nobody tryin to ban them. :roll:
  16. Aren't mercinaries trained killers :roll:
  17. Just when you think the coments can't get any worse :roll:
  18. I wouldn't have killed the sister; i would've killed..........oh nm :shock:
  19. Hmmmmm, I would"ve thought i'm far from an Arnold :roll:
  20. I think there is a need for volunteers.There are alot of "card carriers'' in the business. If everyone that holds a card answers one call most of them (if not all) would be covered. It seems that third party billing is taken over. There are good & bad points in runnung only ''all paid crews''.Don't get me wrong; ems is my career (by choice).I just think theres way too many''para-gods'' out there .Yes money is what we need to get by in this world . If everybody felt they weren't goin on a call if they didn't get paid,there would be alot of people dead.I'm not putting down paid or volunteers. I just think if you say your going to do something ,you should do it. If you don't like helping others, this is not for you.How would you feel if you or a family member called for help & nobody came........ Just my opinion nothing personal :wink:
  21. I think its sad when you have to get paid to help people. I work for a private company & also volunteer. Id rather have a volunteer save my life then a gung ho paid ems worker that thinks hes god.If you don't want to volunteer,fine but don't put down in anyway ,those of us that choose to give a little bit of our free time back. If money was realy an issue ,nobody would work in ems........ :shock:
  22. I know woman hold there friends hair back when they puke but............ :roll:
  23. Dispatchers put out a fake call for ambulance crews to respond to a neighboring residence. That provided cover for authorities to be in the neighborhood. Correct me if I'm wrong :Isn't a false report a crime also :roll:
  24. (1)Down with the sickness (2)Bad Day (3)How do you get that lonely (4)Lovin touchin squeezin-lol (5)Needle & a spoon (6)The dance (7)Live like you were dyin (8)I can't drive 55-lol (9)Everybody hurts (10)Beds are burnin (11)Just like a pill (12)Isn't it ironic (13)Cats in the cradle (14)Toy soldiers (15)Believe (16)Concrete angels (17)Dear mr. jesus (18)If tomorrow never comes (19)We are the champions (20)Livin on the edge (21)Who you'd be today (22)I miss my friend (23)When to fools collide (24)Fire (25)Shake your tail feather (26)November rain (27)Cleaning out my closet (28)Walkin on broken glass (29)Changes (30)When the lights go down Theres alot of them I can't think of right now. I liked all the others also......
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