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Everything posted by jsd67

  1. I am pretty sure no EMT is supposed to be going into any kind of situation with drunks or drug users without first waiting for Police to arrive. Isn't that what they teach you about assessing the scene? I would be sitting in the Ambulance not doing a damn thing if I felt it was not safe to be out there. What do I care if some drug user or drunk drops dead before Police arrive.
  2. do Psychiatrists really work ?
  3. Well I found out that in my area they can only schedule EMT's to work for a maximum of 16 hours and can't be allowed to work over 18 hours in a 24 hour period, for safety reasons.
  4. maybe they're short chapters
  5. ours is 3 months 190 hours
  6. Funny how EMT's and CNA's make almost the same money. My grandmother is in a Nursing home and I see what those CNA's do all day.... nothing.... Most don't even answer the buzzers going off. CNA - $29,000 EMT- $35,000 At least around here... for 6 or 7 thousand less, you get to sit around in a nursing home baby sitting..
  7. What the hell? What excuse did they give? "I dropped my lighter on a house?"
  8. http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2007/08/29/fielding_more_calls_city_emts_often_attacked_injured/?page=full
  9. Does that mean I am hired?
  10. Ya but getting woken up at 2 am from a dead sleep to come in to work does not sound that great.
  11. I guess that's one of the reasons why the job has such a high turn over rate.
  12. Drag 125 pounds across the ground? I wouldn't think that they would require anyone to lift 125 pounds over their heads and carry it around. It's probably the way a man lifts a Woman and carrys her over the threshold type of lifting.
  13. EMT's are on 24 hour call ? Meaning someone can call you in the middle of the night while you are at home sleeping to come in?
  14. Ya that is what I already figured...
  15. It depends on where you live I guess. Where I am, there are about 10 companies in my area that hire EMT's so it shouldn't be that hard to find an entry level EMT job. 125 pounds with someone else, right? Not alone. That isn't hard with a partner. With CNA, you will usually always be able to find work and since you only want to do it for a few years, maybe you should do that instead. I think the training for CNA is about the same amount of time though... and cost. You surely will be as a CNA. The whole point of CNA is to do what the Nurses don't want to do and provide basic, daily care to people who can't do it for themselves... usually in Nursing Homes or the Hospital. If I train as an EMT and pass everything, I will be making it my career. I think CNA is more of a short term kind of job.
  16. What happens if they have a siezure on a call? Or in back of the Ambulance while treating someone?
  17. Isn't it the Doctors who need to tell family when someone dies? That has to be rough...
  18. http://denver.cbslocal.com/2011/09/29/college-says-student-with-epilepsy-disruptive/ How could someone with Epilepsy think that they would be able to become a EMT?
  19. Sounds like a real easy, stress free job. Why are you stressed out over it? Would you rather see people decapitated? or suicides? I don't see how that would be easier to do. Those are the type of EMT's that I would expect to be over stressed. I am sure it has to do with location as well. If you're in a bigger city working as an EMT, I am sure it's more exciting. The more people, the more problems.....
  20. Move up North to the East coast. NYC area etc... It depends on your location really. I know in my area, I've seen EMT-B's start at $19.00 / hour... and they do not start at any less than $15.00 I talked to an EMT in my area who has been doing it for about 6 years and he said that the companies usually hire in 3 month rotations. I guess if any openings come up within 3 months, they try to hire.... It really depends on the State you live in.
  21. Some people are better at this job when it comes to stress, I am sure. The ones who are able to just not care that much or don't get emotionally involved.
  22. It is a private organization so I guess that is why...
  23. Mexico is dangerous!
  24. I was looking around for EMT programs and came across this statement from one of them:
  25. If something goes wrong on a call, who is responsible? Who gets sued for negligence? Is it the company you are working for or the EMT's themselves?
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