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Everything posted by JeniF371

  1. where are my peoples....

    1. nypamedic43


      hey Jen!! long time no see!! hope eveything is good with you :)

    2. JeniF371


      well you know... move away from drama, it comes to find you... LOL

  2. Doll, you have to trust me, I would NEVER pick a man like my ex! This guy is amazing and treats me like a princess. He is my saving grace! Colorado?? Hmm, I always wanted to learn how to ski... where at are you?

  3. Ok, update, Im getting married! I miss everyone! Going to Ireland for our honeymoon and maybe Germany.. Anyone talk to Jmac? I need him! lol

    1. scubanurse
    2. Lone Star

      Lone Star

      congrats Jeni! I still think that me and jeni go together like peas and carrots!

  4. I used to be a sponsoring member, what happened.... : (

  5. I used to be a sponsoring member, what happened.... : (

  6. I used to be a sponsoring member, what happened.... : (

  7. Im doing ok, need to get back on here more, Just crazy right now. Miss you!

  8. LMAO! Good catch John, thought I was the only one that seen it!
  9. IM OFFENDED! Im in IUPUI for Medic and yes, we do get the stupid runs to the ER for what ever, but I AM MORE than a TAXI Driver. I am educated. This reminds me of the nurse the other night that was pissed when I asked her for patient information, face sheet, history, meds, etc.. and demanded to know why I needed all that information. I in return said "YOU ARE A NURSE CORRECT? YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR PATIENT CORRECT? YOU HAVE A STATE CERTIFICATION CORRECT? AS WELL DO I, AND I AM TAKING OVER PATIENT CARE, SO I NEED TO KNOW ALL OF THIS INFORMATION IN CASE THIS GUY CRASHES ON ME!!" So for everyone that has done this job or will do this job, DON'T EVER minimize what we do, no matter how small it is or how lame the run is! ANYTHING could happen and will when you least expect it! Just my two cents! And I also agree with dust and brent, these guys are pretty damn smart, listen to them and learn! Dust is who led me to IUPUI's program for medic and he was right! Good luck, maybe I will see you around, I am also in Indy. PS, please don't be offended by why I say, it just upsets me when what we do is minimized to a taxi driver. Its a running joke that I wish didn't exist, it also gives people less confidence in what we do and thats the last thing they need when they call for our help!
  10. Poor Brent, you get bashed so much!... I have seen both sides and at any given moment I can have empathy or be pissed off for the very same reason... why did they send me here, why aren't they where they are supposed to be... GEESH, we all need to remember, as it was said before, there is a HUMAN on EITHER side of the radio, can't we all get along. Maybe people on the street could use a day or 5 in a dispatch center and learn a bit of what we do put up with... since they already know how to dispatch from the street, why not actually learn how to do it. Its not all a piece of cake. Dispatch has the job of sending YOU where you need to be, they are you're CONTROL. So what if you just passed the stupid street or exit, go to the next one, you get paid by the flippin HOUR! We all just need to stop bashing people unless its all in good fun! Kisses!
  11. JeniF371

    3 Word Story

    dirty old man
  12. JeniF371

    3 Word Story

    Zit from the
  13. JeniF371

    3 Word Story

    with the next
  14. JeniF371

    3 Word Story

    every damn post
  15. JeniF371

    3 Word Story

    continues on without
  16. JeniF371

    3 Word Story

    because they suck
  17. JeniF371

    3 Word Story

    who suck badly
  18. OKAY, I have to disagree, I was thumbing thru this post. Im Sorry.... I have saved my medic's butt so many times because he didn't catch something during report. I even take report for my medic. We work as a team and at ALL times he treats me as an equal. He teaches me what I don't know and I teach him things he doesn't know. Back on Topic, Some people volly because they do it for the greater good of their rural area. Out of the goodness of their heart. Why can't that be a good thing? I read all this and feel that just because someone volunteers to do something good for their community doesn't mean it is bad. But I do agree that small communities should push for paid. Govt gets what Govt wants... Better service is what we are striving for, not cutting down every service except the one you work for. Everyone has flaws, every sevice has flaws. For the greater good of the EMS community, we all should be paid and paid well, but reality smacks you in the face... It won't happen any time soon.
  19. maybe "Al" could answer my question about OLD MEN.......
  20. LMAO you guys are crazy!!! When I get the unfortunate opportunity to see old men balls... we call them baby birds... SCARRED FOR LIFE!! LMAO! BTW, do old men masterbate too? Just curious dust... (LMAO!)
  21. JeniF371

    3 Word Story

    egg drop soup
  22. JeniF371

    3 Word Story

    because he can't
  23. JeniF371

    3 Word Story

    in all the
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