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Everything posted by JeniF371

  1. JeniF371

    On Top

    Ha... I have the top this time!!!!!!!!
  2. LOVE Cold Pizza and Warm Beer for breakfast! Although... the beer I had last night was enough for a while... TPBM: Licks the cream out of the oreo's and puts them back in the package for someone else to eat. *woo hoo.. I started pg. 26!!!
  3. Um no... I don't eat in bed, bed is for sex and sleeping ONLY!! Unless the food is part of the sex! TPBM: Taunts their neighbor by walking past the windows naked!
  4. I am thinkin it is PRPG, but hell, you have so many............... TPBM: is obsessed with themselves!
  5. Um, no... I keep my toes nicely painted and fresh! Always shower!!! TPBM: Smokes stogies and says "ah cha cha cha"
  6. I do, and Have one here in the house! TPBM Likes to start food fights and then leaves!
  7. Yes, I do... and it will remain that way! Unless one specific person pulls it out of me like he has everything else! TPBM Does Chinese Fire Drills in their Ambulance!
  8. If ya'll know me... you know what I was indisposed doing..... he he he... and it's not going to the potty... TPBM has a shower cam and uses it on YAHOO instant messenger, wanna watch?!?!
  9. Hell, that would be awesome, on a country road, in the dark, in the back of an ambulance.. God, I am such the perv.... TPBM: Sends naked pics of themselves via their camera phone to their lover.... :twisted:
  10. 59% Dixie. Barely in Dixie Woo hoo! At least I am something!
  11. Um... my sugar must have been low.... ya ya... thats it..
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