I'd say I have another year and a half + for both maybe two years to play it safe. I abosolutly love the OR and ER, Emergency surgery is a dream of mine....hope to aspire to that level one day. Back in 2006 i was about half way through the ST program and ended up dropping out (was young and stupid) unfortunately the school closed and credits were not transferable (guess it wasn't such a creditable school) right now I'm attending Central Arizona College and will be transfering to Northern Arizona University, luckily the ST and Medic programs have quite a few of the same courses through the begining.Honestly I love both so much that there isn't much wavering, Just a strong passion for both. I do understand that it is a huge undertaking, but I figure I know what I want and as I get older I realize oppertunity does not alway knock, so I'm working my a$$ of now to be prepared for any unforseen circumstances in the future or further changes in our economy. I want to be able to do one or both of the careers that I love, no matter what might come my way. I'm greatly encouraged to hear that I am not the only one with these passions!