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    Hunting, Scuba, Sailing

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  1. Hello all... and thanks for the valuable feedback! I have been off the board lately had to have emergency surgery. Finally back in the saddle again and released back to full duty...yeah!!! I wanted to let everyone know that the administration agreed on $10/hr to start with an increase after 90 days this includes full major medical plan and 401K. Everyone's feedback was very valuable in negotiations. Gave me a starting point and a high and low...although I had to take into consideration our demographic location and cost of living. I know alot of you are probably wondering what exactly we do... for clarification only... we are Industrial FF/EMS for a large industrial park. Most of our job consist of mitigating safety hazards and reducing loss work time by caring for injuries and illnesses in-house, OSHA compliance, technical rescue, hazmat, and so on.... We do NOT transport!!! Thanks Everyone who replied....
  2. This is a Basic service with individual protocols at an industrial park. Our focus is to provide care with NO transport (basically first respond). Due to the call volume and the severity of injuries seen within the industrial park (55 businness) and the location we experience an average of 12 minutes response time from a transport service. Industrial park has its own fire/ems service, this also help with OSHA and Workmans Comp claims.
  3. Just wanted to throw this question out and see what kind of responses I get.... Does anyone have any "tricks" they would like to share for all! Good for cold weather.... throw a bag of NS or LR on the dash board for heated fluids...just make sure it does not get too hot!
  4. Verbal communication is an essiential function of the job requirments...plain and simple.
  5. There is a reason they are classified as "FIRST" responders.... they respond first then the ambulance crew! Should not be on a unit except for emergent driving purposes only.
  6. I am located in Tulsa. What about you?
  7. Started a similiar review process aimed towards supervisors and management for the purpose of organizational development. We call it 360 degree evaluations. Supervisor/Manager evaluates themself, all medics and emt's evaluate the performance of thier Supervisor. Have found this to be very effective because supervisors have a tendenancy to overlook their bad habits and I can assure you that the medics and emt's will be brutally honest... but his does help with evaluation of the management team. Also, medics and emt's feel like they do have a voice and have a part in keeping supervisors accountable for their actions on all levels. Remember that most people leave their job not because of the job but the immediate supervisor!
  8. Looks like us Okies need to move to CT.... thanks for all the responses, another concern is only running 12hr shift (rotating each week) this only allows 8hrs of OT in one pay period. Most services in this area can make up for that with 24hr shift because of the OT pay. Comes out pretty equal despite high hourly rate.
  9. Hello City, As an operations manager, I have been giving alot of thought to the average starting pay for Basic's. I recently have been given the responsiblity of recruiting EMT-B's and just trying to get an idea on if our starting pay is competitive. Currently, we start basic's at $9.50/hr that includes benefits. It is my understanding that there are many services that do not offer benefits. What do you all think....excellent, average, bad.... are we being competitive? PLEASE HELP! NREMT-P/FFII
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