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Everything posted by ejd049

  1. Thanks, I ended up passing!!!!
  2. I am already a Texas State EMT-B and thought I would go ahead an get my NREMT!!! I took the test today and it stopped at 120!!! It is going to be a long weekend.
  3. Yes, a new ambulance!!
  4. You can get a California legal AR-15!!!!
  5. I am looking for a used laryngoscope for training purposes!! Other than ebay does anyone know where I can get one cheap?
  6. My FD is going from BLS to ALS and I am trying to do some research on a new box!!! Any recommended web sites?
  7. This one is good Texas Tactical I am planning on going through some training here in the near future!!!
  8. I am trying to take this in steps!! The company I am going through has it set up to go through EMT-I class and then Medic. I figure I will test out at the I level and then Medic!!!! I also only have enough money for the I class right now.
  9. I currently wear the slip ons made by Thorogood from Galls Pull ons They are comfortable but one of the pull tabs has already ripped off. Check out your local Red Wing Red Wings they have a good quality of boots!!
  10. The 99 is a newer cirriculum and the EMT-I can I lot more!!!!
  11. I am from Texas!! So everybody in TX is a 85? I have read some where that the NR is going to get rid of the 85 and just have 99!!
  12. I am currently an EMT-B and about to attend an EMT-I 85 class. I am unable to attend an EMT-I 99 class and would like to later upgrade to the EMT-I 99. I was wondering if any one as done this?
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