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  1. I myself will be taking the registry in summer and I feel ready. Why? We have a book for our class, but our tests come from various books/resources. Its not about picking the right answer, its the BEST.... trick questions. thats what the registry is all about.... And most of us dont ace his tests.. BUT.... They mimic the registry... so I am thankful that I have an awesome instructor. that tricks us, so that I will pass the registry.. One question that tripped me up big time on this past test was: All of the following are true regarding bandages EXCEPT: a. bandages should always be sterile. b. a bandage is used to secure a dressing in place. c. if a bandage becomes blood-soaked, you should remove it. d. adhesive tape may be used to secure bandages. I picked C....... But the "correct" answer was A..... gho figure. Because the bandage does not always have to be sterile. I thought you NEV ER removed the bandage>?
  2. Hey Just a note on the boots. Yea, you get what you pay for My best bet I have found, are the Striker Uniform boots by Danner. They are made out of Gore-Tex, so they are waterproof. and SO COMFY! BVut they run about 150 bucks.......
  3. Hey Guys I have been, (to the Christians on the board) Seriously praying God would reveal some Christian members. This is a tough job, and the importance of Christian Fellowship is a great aspect. Anyone want to contact me. Let's chat, and do as God tells us "encourage one another" AIM: MelodyS14 Yahoo: christfirst4me MSN: shadowgirl13@hotmail.com God Bless... Mel
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