In the course I'm currently studying, we had a lecture a few weeks ago on seizures, here are a couple of points:
- there are four classification of seizures - partial seizures, generalized seizures, unclassified seizures and non-epileptic sezires (the last being your pseudoseizures)
- unclassified seizures are ALL seizures that cannot be classified because of inadequate or incomplete data and some that defy classification
- non-epileptic seizures have no organic cause and are usually psychiatric based
- may appear similar to epileptic seizures but there is no electrical discharge
- these can be due to panic attacks, inability to cope with emotional demands, post trumatic stress, no control over behaviour, manipulative attacks.
- activity is disjointed, non synchronous, non clonic, disco-ordinated motor activity, pelvic thrusting, back acrhing
- even though presentation is not the same as "normal" seizures they are still classified as seizures.
I was looking after 19year old female, presented with asthma, tachypnoeic, tachycardic, low SpO2, began to have a tonic clonic seizure, ABG showed respiratory and metabolic acidosis. Doctor persisted to tell us she was faking the seizure and it was a pseudoseizure, only because she was maintaing her own airway. However, she was unresponsive, had full tonic clonic motions, not responding to midazolam, and was in a post-ictal state for 2 hours post seizure activity.
A good way to tell whether the patient is putting it in is by brushing over their eyelashes, if eyes move under the lids, and they open slightly than it is a good indication that the seizure is fake.