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Everything posted by irish_emt_in_tx

  1. Someone Else's Star..............Bryan White
  2. Yep firedoc5, and the last thing he heard from me before I took off my uniform shirt and handed it to him was, " It's kinda funny you have a paramedic cert and your business development manager has an intermediate cert. I don't see you two getting your arses out on a truck and helping us make up those calls."
  3. It was when our general manager told us that we, the understaffed and overworked field crew, had "lost him 400 calls last month" and would not be getting a promised cost of living wage increase until we made up those calls and then some. There was an opening at the children's hospital for an ER Tech, so I took it and will be starting nursing school soon.
  4. Quite depressing indeed. I have had my share of low times, and actually thought about doing the unthinkable once. But as my good friend told me, no matter what is going on, that is a long term solution to a short term problem.
  5. Hold Me Jesus---Rich Mullins
  6. Kevin Fowler--Not lovin anymore
  7. Hello to all. I am not a new member per say. I took a short break and then remade my account. Since then, many things have happened in my life. I received a promotion at work, my son was born, my promotion causes me to work a large amount of overtime, and we are now in the process of building a house. Wow, no wonder why I am not on here much anymore. To those of you who are new, utilize all the information and willing individuals here. Don't take things said in the chat room so personally, and to those who know me, I miss you very much and think of you all on a daily basis. Especially my lovely Terri. You and a few others have helped me tremendously, more than you all will ever know and more than I will ever be able to thank you all for. Slainte, irish_emt_in_tx (aka Kiltman)
  8. Rocco: "What the f***? How the f*** did you two f***ing f***s.......F***!!!!!!!!" Connor McMannus: "Well, certainly illustrates the diversity of the word." Boondock Saints. You have to watch it to understand. Until next time, TCSS
  9. I show up for shift half an hour to forty five minutes early. I check out our airway bag, ALS bag, drug box, AED, IV bag, PulseOx and LifePak. I sit in the breakroom and check everything in all bags, the batteries on the PulseOx, LifePak and AED, exp. dates on all drugs both in the drug box and ALS bag. I then clock in at fifteen minutes till start of shift, check out our truck, pager, cell phone mapbook. I then check the batteries in the pager and the cell phone. I then run a check of the truck with my partner. Fluids, tire pressure, lights, siren, horn then the inside. If the cabinet is sealed, the seal is broken and the contents are checked and then the cabinet is resealed. If the cabinet is not sealed, it is checked, restocked if need be and the missing item(s) are documented and turned into the On Duty Supervisor. The cabinet is then sealed. Call me OCD if you must, but we activate our unit usually within ten minutes of our scheduled activation time.
  10. He was not being sarcastic. He is my soon to be former roommate who so over qualifies to be a wanker/whacker. He is way too serious for this line of work if you ask me. Dustdevil and I have had too many run-ins with him. And to the original poster, yes, if you carry hemostats in a side pocket when off duty, you might just be a wanker/whacker.
  11. Such hypocricy Dust, it was you that said in another thread that the workplace is there to employ, not educate, and everything needed to operate in the EMS environment was supposed to have been learned prior to being employed. If it is not learned in school and should not be taught in school, but should be learned at work but it is not the employer's job to educate, then where is it to be learned? Make up your mind.
  12. "No sir, I was not sleeping. I read a report on the internet that said quiet meditation clears the mind and prepares the body for readiness of action." I used that one once. My On Duty Supervisor wrote down on a pad "Google meditation". Have not heard anything out of him since the incident.
  13. I currently work for AMR in San Antonio, TX. We have the contract to run all 911 calls for Bexar County, as well as contracts with all but one of the hospitals for transfers and Metro is in the process of losing that one contract we don't have over to us anyway. I can say that I personally have not had any negative experiences as of yet. The city is looking into either having a cooperative contract with us to assist San Antonio EMS(which is run by San Antonio Fire Dept.) for 911 calls within the city limits, or have us run them all. We also just received a 10% raise across the board for Basics, Intermediates and Paramedics. Benefits are good, there is ample overtime due to having Brook Army Medical Center here where many injured soldiers are flown into. We do all the flight line picks ups for them. Now having said that, I agree with those who have stated that there may be differences in the area that you are in. AMR is a multistate company with operations all over the place. Not all OPS will be the same.
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