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Everything posted by mamamo899
My call tonight....Your input/ideas..........please....
mamamo899 replied to medik8's topic in Education and Training
Okay, first thought MI, then possible CVA, BUT I think in the end I would go for playing it up. Nothing really makes sense as a whole. Where I worked prior to this, we had a patient who would fake seizures all the time but never seem to be incontinent. Another of my (stupid) coworkers informed him that if he were really having a seizure, we would be incontinent. Guess what? Next time I picked him up, he WAS incontinent. It never fails to surprise me what some people will go through for attention. I would be very interested to find out what was actually wrong w/him. I liked the reference to House w/all the weird presentations.... -
So this person tells you that you are showing TOO MUCH compassion? Isn't that what we are here for? To help our patients feel comfortable when they are sick/injured/scared? I agree w/dustdevil - ignore this guy and go w/your gut and how you need to deal with patients.
Should deaf people be allowed to be EMT'S or Medics
mamamo899 replied to emt3225's topic in General EMS Discussion
Okay, total deaf, NO WAY. Partial hearing impairment, Im on the wall. I worked w/someone who was deaf on the right side. I did not find this out until we were at an MVA, jaws/generators going, asked for the ET roll out of the bag(I was on her right, she never heard me). Thankfully one of the FF on scene heard me and was able to give it to me. Afterwards, I freaked. THAT is when I found out that she was deaf in her right ear. We eventually worked pretty well together, became second nature to be on her left side. BUT I MYSELF never felt totally safe. Felt that I was always on hyperalert for any dangers, etc. While this never hindered my patient care I always felt kinda distracted (like there aren't enough distractions on some calls). Eventually, she went on maternity leave and came back as a DISPATCHER!! That is another story in and of itself..... Anyways, I am rambling on but my point is that while I can applaud the ability to "overcome" the disability and the desire to help people, it is inherently dangerous to everyone. Just my cents. -
Kelly was killed by a drunk driver 1/18/02 while working a wreck (go figure) Kelly was killed with a deep cut to the throat that would have effectively silenced her (know a few people who would like to do that sometimes) Kelly was killed by a hand other than the Whitechapel Murderer, unless the doctors are wrong a stray shell and finally (on page 1) "by the powers that be"
I know exactly houw you feel!!! I have four kids, full time job, little league (you know, crazy life w/kids). I have the days when I just want to jump in my car and drive until I hit the ocean (I live in New York and I ain't heading EAST!!). I found that walking is GREAT therapy. Get a can of pepper spray, a walkman (BOY, am I old) or what-have you and play good old fashion rock n roll REALLY LOUD!! The walking will make you feel bettern, you'll start singing along w/the music (headphones are so you can't hear yourself, or anyone yelling at you to shut up) and wait for the endorphins to take you over!! Not only will you feel better, It will help w/keeping in shape! Just a little food for thought, and if all else fails, call in for a mental health day!!! Feel Better!!
Ah lifting....I remember the old Ferno's they were great workouts! It was usually myself and my partner with me being the taller, 5'3". Although both females, there were pretty much not many people who we couldnt lift out of anywhere. The company I used to work for also had a Reeves test up and down stairs several times as at that time we had a contract with an urban fire department (FF/Medics), we did the transporting. Would love to have the new push button stretchers, after being an FTO w/all the newbies, have had my fair share of back injuries!! Does anyone have the new Stryker stair chairs w/what I call the "tank tracks"? These are wonderful!! UP, down, sideways...just doesn't matter!!
How can I make my husband understand?
mamamo899 replied to emtek's topic in Burnout, Stress, & Health
Glad you seem to be working this out. Sounds like you belong to a volunteer agency? When I decided to become an EMT, then the further CCT (at that time I was told NO MORE school until the baby was in kindergarten!) As I was working 48 hours as an EMT then gone 3 nights a week, I have been there and done that. The absolute key is to keep the lines of communication open without resentment for what is being said/felt. I wish you the best of luck! -
I have to agree w/EMT3225. Just a little bit thicker skinned!
Okay, the last I am saying on this. I only say "lowly" EMT-CCT certification is because of the fact that on this particular (and several other) threads on this website there are a select few who feel that if you are not a paramedic who was trained for at least 6000 hours then you do not have the skills or know how to be in this field. I have to argue strongly against this. I have yet to go past my "night course certification" due to family constraints at this time, not due to any factors that prohibit me from learning. Sorry, ranting... As for MFI-medication facilitated intubation- (it is RSI, for some reason they changed the jargon around here for some reason). I stated that I was not on the scene, and God knows, tubes can be missed, just seemed an exaggerated number of surgical crics being done in the field that maybe could have been taken in with the good old OPA (or combi or LMA). Perhaps I am wrong, I have not yet attended the regional advanced airway course for MFI. Anyhow, this has gotten way off the initial topic about this patient being brought in BLS vs. ALS.
How about coming on shift in the am and finding a sharp stuck INTO the bench seat?! Hello what could be more dangerous and unsanitary?! Not restocking the bag/box (whatever you use?). I check my gear 1st thing when I get in (before the rig gets washed). yesterday, opened up the ET kit and no EID. Good thing I didn't have the "its 6 o'clock and granny ain't breathing anymore call". Sloppy dressed coworkers. Or the real young guys who think that their waistline is somewhere halfway down the crack of their butt! Coworkers who do not clean the station! I seem to be the only one who cleans the toilets (Yuck). PLEASE clean up after yourself!!
Sorry about the venting. Do not get me wrong, I am still learning. Will do so with every call taken. The day I stop learning, I stop riding/working. I am a big proponent of education, however, am also very turned off by those that think that they know it all. I do believe that there are some great medics practicing out there (both paramedics and in NYS critical care). Although my certification was done at night, I also have an associates degree so lets not assume that ALL was gained at "night school". In this area, there is quite a monopoly on the paramedic program and one has to travel 1 1/2 hours away for day classes at another college to "bridge" into the paramedic program. As for my "night school", I was trained by highly qualified paramedics who demanded nothing but the best out of everyone. And, not everyone passed. I am not here to defend what "little" education many may think that critical care or even EMT's have, just point out that being "highly educated" does not make the person/medic.
Sorry, but blah, blah, blah!!!! I have seen time and again the "over-educated" non-street smart, just follow the protocol cook book medics that have come out of the "great" paramedic programs (around upstate ny). And, let me tell you, I AM NOT in ANY way wonder medic, in fact, I am a lowly AEMT-CCT!! HOwever, I can tell you that myself and several other of my CCT cohorts can dance around some of these "paragods" from the college. We do have an agency around here that sounds an awful lot like this Medic One unit. We call them the "God squad" because that is what they think they are. Just recently given the powers for MFI (last year) they have had to had to cric 5 people in the past 7 months alone. Never mind that they should have done this, but SHOULD they have done this? Not being on the scend, I cannot clearly say. But seems to me that you should be able to ascertain if you are going to be able to get a tube before ya'll go and paralyze someone!! OOOOO... sorry venting about that one!!! Anyhow, just wanted to give a little input on the walk on water medics out there!
I am also new to this forum, but not to the world of ems. First of all, although I will get to the point and agree that the patient sounds septic, how about lung sounds? While I agree that the patient should be transported als (ie: iv in place, cardiac monitoring and possibly a breathing tx or other tx for not mentioned lung sounds) there is not much else that can be done in the field by ALS (ie:iv antiobiotics) along w/rehydration which is what this patient probably needs. As for the private call, MANY nursing facilities in the area where I am do this ALL the time. I am not really sure why. However, when I worked for a private service, our dispatchers where told to tell the facility to hang up and dial 911 (think that was something they had w/the FD). Lastly, as for the tiered EMS system, in theory it is great, however, reality often dictated and realized the loopholes that come along w/great ideas!