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Lone Star

EMT City Sponsor
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Lone Star last won the day on December 4 2021

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About Lone Star

  • Birthday 10/21/1964

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    NREMT-I (I-85)/ AAS EMS, NREMT-P Student

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    Lost in the land of Confusion

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  1. AK, I'll admit, I haven't been around nearly as much as I used to be, but each and every one of my friends here is very special to me. I can totally relate to the situation you're in, as I continually wrestle with the same conundrum each renewal cycle. My COPD isn't going to get any better and it's getting harder and harder to hump gear. Please know that you've been instrumental in the shaping of many careers, and at the same time, sent a bunch of 'hacks and quacks' packing back to the locker room. Remember that even if you do let the EMT-P license go, you've got a lot of friends here, and your knowledge of our craft will always be invaluable. Besides, where would some of these 'wet behind the ears, know nothing, snot nosed EMT's be without 'Old Road Dogs' like us, whacking them with our canes once in a while?
  2. I'm also not 'anti-vax'...I AM anti-mandate! I have questions that no one is able to answer, and until they are, I'm not getting the vaccine. There has been far too much disinformation published, and when facts to refute the disinformation is posted, it gets censored. I'm tired of it all! First off, to my knowledge only 1 vaccine has been FDA approved, the other two are still being distributed under the Emergency Use Act. Since they haven't received full FDA approval, they're still considered 'experimental drugs'.
  3. I'm so sorry to hear this! My deepest condolences to family and friends LS
  4. Address cards and letters to: Jennifer Johnson 931 W 1st Street San Pedro, Ca 90731
  5. This is what I wear..... https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-1504627/relic-garrett-stainless-steel-watch-zr15709-men.jsp?skuid=94388795&ci_mcc=ci&utm_campaign=CASELINE WATCHES&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=bing&CID=shopping20&utm_campaignid=73065137&utm_adgroupid=2721884604&gclid=CJHUieKluN4CFYZbgQodlwwPNA&gclsrc=ds
  6. https://www.facebook.com/events/263537221014964/ I am still working on a mailing address LS
  7. I believe he was 28, and the wedding was to be next year. I'll check with Jennifer (his fiancé) to see if I can get an address to send cards and such to. She is trying to put together a memorial for him. When I know more, I'll pass it on....
  8. It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I must inform the members of EMT City of the passing of Tyler Hastings. Many of you knew him as 'Hasty' or 'Hastyl'. He contracted the flu, which progressed to pneumonia. The resulting dehydration resulted in renal shut down and was complicated by a myocardial infarction. He passed at 0840 hours on 31 OCT 18. Tyler was considered one of the 'Old Guys' here in the City and was one of the first members that joined. He was quick to help the rookies, and loved to terrorize the 'whackers'. His presence will be sorely missed by many, and I offer my condolences to each and every one of you. Brett Lang, GA-EMT-I Lone Star
  9. I just got the news, I'm speechless. Jess was definitely 'top notch'.....My condolences to family and friends.
  10. Back to school, at Ruffmeister University.....
  11. Lone Star


  12. My deepest and most sincere condolences to Dwayne, Dylan and the friends and family of Barbara. My prayers are with you Dwayne, in your time of sorrow.
  13. Take your school books, and do your homework during the 'down time'. Ask questions, but not the ones you already should know the answers to, (Why do the prongs on the nasal cannula go inside the nares and not the ears?). Do not be afraid to get involved in the call. You're not an observer, you're a student that is there to learn the 'hands on' aspect of the profession. RELAX, your FTO/Preceptor isn't expecting a lot of experience, but they're not expecting a total bonehead either. LEAVE THE PHONE ALONE! You're not there to play on social media. Taking pictures of patients and their 'owies' is ALWAYS a bad idea. There will be moments that you'll see something that the whole class may be wanting to see (like the results of car vs oak tree) but its ALWAYS in poor form to go snapping pics.
  14. My deepest and most sincere condolences to the Sparks family and friends in their time of grief. Ed was a great asset to all EMTs of every level. I'll remember his patience, humor and dedication to the field of EMS.
  15. I am an advocate of leaving the 'medical stuff' to the 'medical folks'. Sure, Band-Aids on boo-boos is alright, but putting pharmaceuticals in the hands of the uneducated/improperly trained can never be a 'good thing'.... Correct me if I'm wrong here, but doesn't the amount needed to improve respiration depend on the amount of the opiate in the system? Is the LEO drug box going to be enough to properly mitigate the situation? If LEO want to get into medical, they should go to school like the rest of us.
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