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Lone Star

EMT City Sponsor
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Everything posted by Lone Star

  2. *sighs sadly* :sad7: I knew it was too good to be true! :banghead: I ordered one of those tools, and when it got here I was SOOOOOO disappointed. It was falsely advertized! :angry5: According to the website....it has: 85 Implements/110 Functions If you only count the listed items, there are actually only 84, but since there's two saws, it's now only able to do 109 functions! :evil3: I'm writing a letter to the manufacturer and the designer....I want my money back!....I'll sue! :glasses5:
  3. Just where do you live, that you say there are no venomous snakes in your neck of the woods (outside of the zoo and 'private collections')? I'm thinking you might want to reconsider that statement after doing some research.
  4. Chuck would just grab the nearest creature and make it suck the venom out....but I'm thinking that the snake would be toothless for even trying to bite Chuck Norris. Everything that has even an ounce of common sense should fear Chuck Norris!
  5. You've gotta be kidding me! NO snake in it's right snake mind would ever DARE to think about biting Chuck Norris! Biting Chuck Norris is a quick way to end up on the extinct list! Remember, there was no 'evolution', just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live!
  6. It's not a matter of 'self hatered' going on here....its a matter that Im not the only one that thinks that Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan do nothing more than stir up schit that should be left alone. It's not entirely the whites fault that racism won't die, especially with these clowns and their ilk stirring the pot everytime things settle down.
  7. I feel this supports my feelings about the 'honorable Reverands' Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan. These are not my words, but they ring so true! http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/printer-...RTICLE_ID=46440
  8. I absolutely hate when I find a cool game, then find I cant seem to beat it! I've made level 21, and can't seem to get the solution to it...... http://www.addictinggames.com/3dlogic2.html I've only been working on this level for a week now!
  9. I saw him on Comedy Central last night, nothing new to report....I think Walter is the best though....
  10. Achmed: Are you scared? Jeff Dunham: No Achmed: God damn it! I mean Allah damn it!
  11. Obviously you haven't driven in Savannah lately! 4 train vs motor vehicle accidents in one month. Most because of people stopping on the tracks at red lights. The last one involved a train and two semi's. The first truck had 6 feet of the trailer hanging cross the track, the second had the trailer T-boned in the middle. The were side by side, second driver got taken along for the ride, because he couldnt see the train coming. One was a cavalier vs train, when he went around the 'arms' that came down because the train was coming. His reaction (somehow he lived) was 'I didnt think the train was moving THAT fast!
  12. Ok y'all, I have to retract a statement...... Since Detroit was recently named the most dangerous city in the US, I guess it IS that bad! I still stand by the point I made in the earlier post, I didnt have any trouble while I lived and worked in the roughest parts of the Metro area. It's all in how you treat people.
  13. Here's another one for thos of you that have gotten out of the car....... http://www.arcadecabin.com/play/escape_library.html
  14. *turns up wendys speakers, so she can hear that maddening tick, tick tick............*
  15. Detroit aint all that bad, I used to work there and I have family that lives in the Metro area. I've been to Harper Woods, Highland Park, Eastside, West side, Ferndale....you get the idea.... I came through it all without a scratch, mugging or other bodily injury (although can't say the same about some of the other companies that used to mess with people just for the hell of it...) Taylor Ambulance (no longer in operation) had a rig parked on the same hospital campus as the truck I was working from that night. The units were less than a city block apart, when Taylor's truck had 5 rounds from a shotgun pumped through the patient area. They were notorius for telling stories about pulling up behind people in Highland Park, and 'lighting 'em up' just to watch the chaos break out in the cars......as ye sow, so shall ye reap....
  16. *Note to self* Do NOT sit in the middle of the street with a copy of the Detroit News or Detroit Free Press while waiting for a tow truck!
  17. Have y'all tried the other 'escape games'? I'm having a bitch of a time on the escape from a couple of others I found. I mean when you take everything that is 'takeable' and nothing seems to do what you needd it to, then you're kind of stuck there.......
  18. Here's one that I found excruciatingly aggrivating..... http://www.afro-ninja.com/vflash.php?id=41
  19. We're all aware of the 'dark humor' that is alive and well in EMS. It's one of our 'coping mechanisms', so we don't go screaming into the night, but my original point of that post still stands, statements like that have NO bearing on patient care, and should be avoided. It only serves to make you look less than professional, possibly opens the door to litigation, (remember, people will sue for all sorts of reasons, whether real or imagined), it reflects poorly on you, your partner, your agency and the profession as well. As I also stated in my earlier post, acronyms like FDGB (Fall Down, Go Boom), GOMERS (Get Out of My E/R, [a slur to the geriatric patients]), DFO (Done Fell Out) should be left for your memoirs, not your PCR.
  20. It's really simple here folks, we're writing a medical record of patient medical complaints, our assessments of the situation/injuries....not writing a news article or a best seller. To directly quote the patients comments have no bearing on the care required or rendered. Our PCR's are to be informative (relating the observations/assessments as well as the treatments rendered). Any changes in patient condition during assessment/treatment/transport should be noted, as they could have direct bearing on the continuance of patient care at the recieving facility. Above and beyond that (specifically all the 'direct patient quotes'), should be omitted, as they have no bearing on patient care. Save all your 'cute' acronyms, ramblings and the like for your memoirs! A PERTINENT direct quote would be something along the lines of: patient states that after climbing 50 flights of stairs, he experienced 'shortness of breath and became dizzy'. Patient further states that the last thing he remembers is sitting down on the top step, but 'cant remember a thing after that'. "I was sittin' my ass in da club, peepin on some shorty, when this motha fucka done busted me in the back of my coconut." is NOT a pertinent quote!
  21. Ok, that post is just wrong on more than a couple levels, so I have no choice but to respond. I'm thinking it's about time you pulled your head out of the sand and REALLY took a good look around......you might be suprized to learn that your little dream world is nowhere near reality! With most discrimination lawsuits being filed by blacks, err, african americans, tell Me again how most 'could care less'.... With people who follow Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Ray Nagin et al, those that tried to get 'ebonics' as a 'second language', and those that tried to sue colleges because the ACT/SAT tests were written in ENGLISH, therefore, 'slanted' against black....african american students, tell me again how 'most blacks could care less'..... When most racial profiling lawsuits, racial discrimination lawsuits, 'exclusive groups' for blacks only, tell me again how 'blacks could care less.... the list goes on and on, but I'll stop here, I have another comment to deal with. First off, the 'chief complaint' on any PCR should be medically accepted term, acronym, or abbreviation, not a 'direct quote' from the patient. For example when transporting someone for a stomach ache, you should have written as the chief complaint, abdominal pain or abd pain, instead of belly ache; if the patient presents with his intestines escaping from his abdomen, they've been 'eviscerated'...not 'gutted like a fish'! This is a sign of PROFESSIONALISM! Yes, your boss was right, the whole chief complaint listed WAS inflamatory, racially insensitive and you and your partner are lucky as hell if you don't get sued for it. If I had been the boss in this situation, I would have fired you both on the spot!
  22. Here's what I have to say about the whole 'prisoner rights BS...... http://www.emtcity.com/phpBB2/weblog.php?w...=2007&day=1 I agree with capital punishment, but I think that rather than sitting on death row for 20 years while appeal after appeal is filed, the whole process should be expedited somewhat. For those of you that think that the return of the death penalty would actually increase the costs to the taxpayers, think about it..... if it costs $10,000 per inmate/per year to house them, feed them and look after their medical needs, as well as provide air conditioning, cable, weights, frisbees etc.....think of how much less it would cost if that time in 'the joint' were cut down by say even 10 years!
  23. The difference between plagiarism and quoting sources for informational purposes is vast. When you present the information as your own thoughts, hypothesis, or educated opinion without quoting your source material and giving the credit to those that originally presented said thoughts or information, that is plagiarism. Since the original poster did eventually quote his sources (yes, he should have posted these sources in the original post), he is saved from the charge of being a plagiarist.
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