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    Purchasing Agent; Student

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  1. Hi island emt, Basically I get college credit for working. 1 unit every 75 hours, with a max of 4 units a semester. My employer has given me certain objectives to complete at work during the semester and she will evaluate my performance (on completion and quality) and report back to my instructor at the end of the semester. Also during the semester, there are assignments from the sylubus that need to be turned in by their due date, such as this informational interview.
  2. Thank you for your thoughts ERDoc!
  3. Thank you MikeEMT! The job sounds like it can be pretty intense. Your time and your thoughts are greatly appreciated!
  4. Hello, I am a student in California. Currently I am taking a work experience class. Through a series of career aptitude and personality tests, EMT is one of my prospective career matches. I am hoping that someone will be able to help me with an informational interview regarding being an EMT. I may be interested in enrolling in an EMT course next semester. Please help. 1. What sort of education do you have? 2. What was your career path from college to present? Why did you decide to follow this career path? 3. What are your basic duties performed during a typical day? Week? Month? Do you have a set routine? What are the major job responsibilities? 4. How much variety is there on a day-to-day basis? 5. How many hours do you work? 6. Does the typical EMT have a set schedule or are the hours flexible? 7. Which skills do you feel are most important to acquire? 8. What types of technology are used and how are they used? How often are changes made when it comes to new technologies? 9. What educational program do you recommend as preparation? What kinds of courses are most valuable in order to gain skills necessary for success in this occupation? 10. What degree or certificate do employers look for? What kind of work/internship experience would employers look for in a job applicant? 11. How can a person obtain this work experience? 12. What entry level positions are there? 13. What steps besides meeting educational and experiential requirements are necessary to "break into" this occupation? 14. What are opportunities for advancement? To what position? Is an advanced degree needed? (If so, in what discipline?) 15. Is there a typical chain of command in the field? 16. What are the different salary ranges? 17. What other kinds of workers frequently interact with this position? 18. What are the main or most important personal characteristics for success in the field? 19. What are the satisfying aspects of your work? 20. What are the dissatisfying aspects of the work? Is this typical of the field? 21. How would you describe the atmosphere/culture of the work place? 22. Is there evidence of differential treatment between men and women EMTs with respect to job duties, pay, and opportunities for advancement? 23. What do you feel are the toughest types of problems and decisions that you must make? 24. What are the demands and frustrations that typically accompany this type of work? What are the greatest pressures, strains or anxieties in the work? 25. What do you know now which would have been helpful to know when you were a student? 26. Any other important questions that I have not asked that would be helpful in learning about the job or occupation? Thank you for your time.
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