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Everything posted by IrishEMT-1

  1. Thanks that's where i will look then. Cheers Toni.
  2. Hi no I have never heard of an earthquake in Ireland. Yes I look forword to chatting with lots of EMT's in near future . Cheers .
  3. lol I lived in NYC for 10 yrs. Toured the west from Seattle to San Fran last September, for five weeks on Honeymoon. I have wanted to go stateside for years I like it and I am very proud to be a Citizen. My wife said ya lets do it so were doing it. ya big move but it just another chapter in our lives, not sure do I have to do my licence all over or can i just take the exam to work. I am sure i will chat to someone from San Fran who will fill me in on that . Cheers folks nice to meet you all . Colorado lovely state. I drove trough it years back. Aspen to Bolder Denver and Rocky Mountain national park was class . cheers .
  4. cheers
  5. Hi I am an EMT-1 here in Ireland, Moving to San Fran CA next year. I have been working the 911 calls now for 16 years . So looking foreword to the challenges ahead . Hi to all .
  6. Hi as i will be moving to CA next year and work as an EMT 1 in Ireland, 911 for 16 years. Do you have any idea what i will need to change over ? The videos are very good well done.
  7. Hi all i am a Paramedic in Ireland, which would be an EMT-1 in C A I think. I am working 911 for past 16 years. I am also a US Citizen, and will be moving to San Francisco area early in 2014. I would love to chat to a colleague who is working in this area. and any info on licencing would be great . Cheers folks and Thanks in Advance .
  8. Reading this all these weeks later and all I can say is, may they rest in peace. What a waste of life.
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