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    Ogdensburg NY

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  1. Congratulations to you! =D> My 16 yr old is ADHD and Bi-Polar. She is medicated and sees a Psychiatrist regularly to check how they are working. Even so, everyday is still a challenge for her and us. They say that those with ADHD are very bright so there is no doubt you can do whatever you set your mind to. Also noticed you're from Illinois. We used to live in Orland Park for a year. Loved it out there. Just close enough but just far enough from Chicago. Take care and good luck.
  2. Decided they would
  3. Blow you up? Blow you away? Not sure if I have that much hot air. Anyway, TPBM likes to stay up all night watching dirty cartoons.
  4. I find this one appropriate for EMS, FF and for some of those other "finer" moments in life; "Let me drop everything and work on YOUR problem." My favorite for my teenage daughter:"Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to myself"
  5. All the given advice above is great. If you're not sure where to start, you're employer may have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Usually the personnel manager will have information on how to get in touch with them. You can also try contacting your dispatching center. They may be able to put you in touch with people in your area that do Post-traumatic Stress Debriefings. With either of these, you should be able to avoid any info getting back to your employer or your co-workers. I can sympathize with you, I just went through something similar myself. Rural volly squad with only 4 EMT's, the other 3 work days. A lot of the "frequent flyers" call during the day. At least I was able to take a break. It was hard to listen to my own department needing mutual aid, but it had to be done. Do what you have to do to keep yourself healthy mentally and physically. There are always other jobs out there, but only one of you. Don't let your job become your life.
  6. Awsome poem Punisher. Sounds like it could be about both EMS and FF. Up here in the rural part of NYS some of us do both. Sometimes I have to choose between being a firefighter or being the medical on the scene.
  7. I knew there were lots of people with Arachnophobia. Haven't seen anyone with my other big phobia:Astraphobia or Astrapophobia - Fear of thunder and lightning. Mostly just fear of Lightning and being outside during it. Been for as long as I can remember. Tried to get over it, but no luck. Also have Hoplophobia - Fear of firearms, but only when they're in someone Else's hands. 8-[ Going to tell my BF that I have Phallophobia - Fear of Penis, esp. erect. lmao Didn't know this was a real phobia (that I have): Soteriophobia - fear of dependence on others. :oops: There are some really strange ones there.
  8. Been in this situation. Happened to be ex-coworker and next door neighbor. 68 m c/o diarrhea. Hx of CVA and blood clots. Smokes like a chimney, drinks like a fish. Late at night. Get there, he is c/o leg pain. Lying on that side on floor. Get him loaded on to stair chair, and able to palp leg. No signs of cramping. Clot broken loose? ALS is approx. 10 - 12 min. away, in same direction as ER. Then with added time for loading their equip. in our rig, looking at 15 - 18 min. Our trip will take approx. 8 - 10 min. to ER. Decided not to call ALS. Pt did have circulating clot. Also had septicemia. Died in less than 48 hrs. At least he had a friend to look at on his last trip. :?
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