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Not seeing enough here to make a clear judgement, but did see where the ambulance personal did pull away from law enforcement and did attempt to run. That is clearly wrong. Yes Law Enforcement could have handle it better, but again not clear on the history here other then the ambulance was not running "hot" to a call, but the PD was and wasn't getting the right of way. We all hate and complain when people do not pull over for us, don't you think the PD feels the same, and then they get cut off by an ambulance. The actions of Law Enforcement after the Paramedic struck the Trooper and attempted to flew was justifable, in fact the Paramedic is lucky he didn't get tazed at that point.
Would you ALS or BLS this patient and why?
MedicTroll replied to Arizonaffcep's topic in General EMS Discussion
[/font:a0901ccc0f] I have to say I have worked with a system that manned ALS units with one EMT and one Paramedic, who drove to the ED depending on the job. This system was able to put more ALS units on the rode on any given tour, plus gave EMT's better experience going into Paramedic school. It was really a perfect system, bus dispatched to 911 call, crew worked together on scene to eval pt., if BLS job the EMT did the job and paperwork the paramedic drove to ED. If it was an ALS job the Paramedic took the job and did the paperwork. What worked best too was while the Paramedic finish the paperwork the EMT restocked, the Paramedic would double check but down time was less and kept more ALS unit ready and in rotation. In fact most cases everyone had time to get meals before they were up in rotation. Now before some of you go off the handle and draw your lines in the sandbox, before an EMT could work the ALS unit they had to have time under there belt as well as special training. So an new EMT wouldn't be in an ALS unit. -
Would you ALS or BLS this patient and why?
MedicTroll replied to Arizonaffcep's topic in General EMS Discussion
[/font:512477a182] More Like the fire guys need to tell the union stop making us do things we don't want to do, just to save jobs. The fire guys should just stick to what they were hired for and fight fires, let the EMS guys do the EMS work. This is a problem all over, the union wants to save firemen jobs so they took over EMS and play Medic. But 80% or better of the guys on the street don't want to be woken up at 2am for what they see as BS, so they make stupid calls like BLSing jobs that clearly should be ALS. But you notice nothing ever happens, now if this was an Ambulance service the state would be all over then and pulling certs. -
Just to clear this up. EMT/Paramedics are not FireFighters and are not tested the same. In fact the city will hire a current EMT or Paramedic without civil service test they just have to take the next test. Also you have to have worked in EMS for at least 5 years before you can transfer to Fire, but again you have to pass all the test and then you can be admitted in the next fire class, then pass that before you get on the job. It is in no way a simple you worked the bus you can now play with the big boys. Also as a side note, Fire hates EMS so if you make it known you backed doored your way in through EMS, the guys in the houses will ride you harder then a normal probie.
Hiring practices in EMS ... the NEW trend?
MedicTroll replied to tniuqs's topic in General EMS Discussion
[/font:b883311e88] The first thought that comes to my mind is Why? Any of us who have been in this field for any time have applied and interviewed with many services. Some good and some that scared the heck out of us, but you take it for what it is and move on. You didn't like it, then don't take the job and move on and stop whining on the internet about the company and seeking support of strangers to not take the job. I own an EMS company and I don't interview like most companies in this area as well. In fact I don't interview in an office or at the station, 90% of the time I interview at a coffee house. Personally I think it is more relaxing for everyone. But a second interview is conducted at the station and other staff members are a part of it, mainely for the reasons already stated. You will be working side by side with these people. Just stop whining and putting a company down cause you didn't care for the interview or whatever your hidden problem is, cause based on what your posted you have some other issue that is causing you to react like this. By the way, added years or letter after your name doesn't mean your better then anyone else. Just something I took from your post you seem to have a problem with, also the information you place on a resume is not anything that is private so not sure what your getting at with that either. Small company or not, you never really do know who is looking at your resume. Why would it matter who views it, all it is stating is your experience and knowledge. Sure your name address and phone number are on it, but it's also in a phone book. So unless you put some untruths in it, why does it matter who looks at it. I just thing this post is childish, and unprofessional. Whining and knocking a company cause you didn't get the job or cause you need justification for not getting it. -
[/font:f1217efaea] Know this is a little late but I just seen it for the first time. You made this statement. "I love my job, I just guess I'm getting fed up not knowing exactly what I can or can not do. It'll get better. Always look to the bright side of things." It rather scared me to see someone in this field make a statement like this, cause if your holding a card you should and better know what to do. Period. Every state have Protocols, they cover just about everything you do even rules of where to transport. I've worked in private land and I butted heads many times, but I always came out on top cause I knew my Protocols and worked within them, and could justify every action by them. As too the incident you addressed, Did you do anything wrong? Well, not knowing your state guidelines I can't say for sure, but for what you stated it does seem you could have done thing a little different which would have avoided all this. Not to give into other services, just to all work well together for the good of the patients. There will come a day when you will need that PD backup or that FD assist and you what them to came quickly and be a help to you, it is best to keep a good "professional" relationship with them. Now if it was me, I would have not rushed to leave then scene (total BS your dealing with no one was really hurt and seemed the driver knew she was going to be in trouble and wanted a get away). So I would have given the Officer a little time to sort things out and also maybe save him a trip over state lines. In this cause your action most likely cause him an arrest cause not only did you remove the suspect from the scene, you took them over state lines (which could have created a situation where the Officer couldn't issue a ticket or make an arrest cause the subject was cross state line. So personally I would have made sure the officer understood where the patient wanted to go and if he might have used a minute or two before we transported, especially since it was total BS and no one was hurt and just wanted to get away before they got a ticket. Now before anyone gets on there soap box and runs their mouths without really reading what is being said, if the patient was really injured or was a trauma then no waiting at all. But in THIS CASE, where it is truly BS what does it hurt to work with the Officer and let him sort everything out. PD remember all, if you did it my way the next time you need PD that Officer would be there before you hung you mic up.
[/font:4d3aa622c9] Well, we can back to the days of the ambulance driver and wear white pants, white jackets, no marking or patches. Then we will look the part and not blend in with the cops, fire fighters, gas station attendants, or anyone else.
A&E Intervention: Medics can accept refusal from a drunk
MedicTroll replied to BEorP's topic in General EMS Discussion
[/font:080d2ae45a] OK this is one of these damned if you do and damned if you don't. Here are a few points to consider. A) Define drunk, at a basic level have any of us been trained how to determine a persons intoxication level? Do we have the tools to make that call? Have you really attempted to talk to a drunk, do you really think they understand what is being said to them? C) Big one here kids....how do you like it when someone monday quarterbacks your jobs? What is the first response you have? "You weren't there, you don't know what we were going through". I work both LE as well as medical, and you know what I hate when I have to make the choice to take a person rights away. And that is just what your doing when you "imply" concent or make a arrest or detail a subject. So I have been in the same boat from time to time, and you know what waiting till there is no choice (ex: subject passes out) is sometime the better call. You are there with all your toys and you can even "set-up" you toys and cocktail so as soon as the subject goes out, you can do you thing worry and stress free. Cause even if you tell the person you have no choice were going to treat you, do you think they are just going to give in. NO, you have a fight on your hands now and a big chance you or others are going to get hurt. Sorry none of us are being paid enough for that. Take the high road and work smart. -
[/font:a281bce2fb] First you need to check your state law, in NY if you put any blue light in the front of your vehicle, you no longer considered an emergency vehicle. But state laws state what color lights make you an emergency vehicle, important because you get into an accident could cost you and your department big bucks if it can be proved you had a color not allowed by law. I believe there is an active case in NJ over this, even after NJ DMV stated if you place blue lights facing front on vehicle it is not longer an emergency vehicle, everyone has placed Red/Blue. Not sure if it was a PD or fire/EMS but going through intersection they crashed, now the driver (Personally), the department, and the township are being sued cause "they weren't an emergency vehicle due to the blue lights and had no right to travel throughout the intersection against the traffic light". As for Blue or amber (yellow), studies have shown the Blue was visible sooner and at greater distanced especially in foul weather over the Amber. NYSP also did this study and is the reason they have added blue to the rear only of all their vehicles.
We are taught the basics, what to look for, what signs/symptom are of some things. We are given a general outlay, and knowledge. We take that in the field and use it with common sense, every event is not the same and every patient reacts in different ways. Worse thing anyone can do is play Monday morning quarterback, I hate when people sit around and make judgments on jobs they were not a part of, if you were not on the scene to know what all the factors were, then you have no right to comment on it. Which brings me to my point, you size up your scene and your patient finding and treat that patient with what you feel is the best treatment you can provide for them. That is our job and what we are trained to do, period. Follow your state protocol's, and do what you feel is right. If you feel this village idiot should be collared and boarded, then do that.
The real question, is it worth NR? I questioned many states and even if you are NR they will not let you work in their state with there state cert., most cases they will let you challenge their exam but bottom line is you still have to hold their state card, NR or not.
Information on how to start BLS service???
MedicTroll replied to texasmed1's topic in General EMS Discussion
I started and operated an EMS agency for over 10 years now, so take it from me Don't Do It. The worse is the cost and staffing. You never ever recoup your cost, if the insurance and vehicle cost don't do you in, the everyday equipment and waste of it will. On top of all of that staffing not only going to cost you but kill you. No one really wants to work, they just want to chase glory calls. If they don't feel they are getting enough "cool calls" they bounce to another service in most cases giving you little to no notice, and leaving you short staffed. Trust me I have aged so much but taking this on, if it wasn't for having so much money tired into it I would go out of business and just work the bus again. Yes, another point you have so much tired into it you can't get out very easy, you can stop doing it but what do you do with used ambulance equipment. Could sell it on e-bay but again only at a loss.