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Everything posted by j_tamisiea

  1. easy answers, idiots (politicians named the roads) meteorologists are about as stupid as ______ (your choice) and the hot dog question to make you ask questions
  2. been a medic for five years, used to carry a bunch of crap, no somedays its only my phone and a pen. (EMT partner is loaded down) he carries digital radio with shoulder kic, (attached to the middle of his shirt) not a lapel or the button center just in the middle of his chest! he also crries digital pager, and alpha pager, his cell phone, and various other itmes of uniterest to me. We work in a small community, and the whole state went digital, (system sucks) half the time our information is garbled, or dispatch cant hear us or doesn't respond. So I just worry about pt. care, (before I worked here I did critical care interfacility transfers, so who needed to put anything in a pocket) like the 3channel alaris minimed would fit (lol)
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