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Everything posted by NYAEMT-I

  1. A box of condoms, two things of garland, some chocolate syrup, and some duct tape
  2. dose
  3. Since starting at my job a year ago, my co-worker and I have made many improvements.. 1. We upgraded the monitor/defibrillators and are now 12 lead equipped from HP ( big yellow boat anchors) to Zoll M 2. Upgraded the head block systems on the back boards to the ones with velcro so we don't have to use duct tape anymore 3. Made sure the ambulances are fully stocked and operational 4. We clean the building whenever it needs it. Thats what we have done so far.. Our wish list is still long as to what other improvements we want to make, but we are checking them off one by one.. Later all, NYAEMT-I
  4. I would like to know the following: How isn't he feeling well? What was he doing when it started? What kind of medical history he has? V/S, lung sounds, BGL if warranted, abdomen tenderness etc.. I think I would start there and let his answers lead me further.. thanks, NYEMT-I

    3 Word Story

    to chase after
  6. Is there any history of Rheumatoid arthritis in his family? Do his knees feel hot to the touch, and is the pain there more after sitting around and then getting up and being active? Also with the rash on the lower leg what did it look like? I would like to test him for Lyme disease. NYAEMT-I
  7. [/font:67525a0725] I am a firm believer that you are responsible for you own actions and knowing what your protocols are. I can't imagine screwing up and then trying to blame it on someone else, let alone my medical director. I just finished and passed my NY AEMT-CC class and in a few years when we pay off some of the major bills, plan on going to Paramedic School. In between you can bet you buttocks that I will take my education into my own hands and not rely on someone else to do it for me. I know some EMT's that are on all levels who believe that things should be done they way they were taught 20 years ago, and some new ones who think that because they have just come out of class they know it all. take care all, NYAEMT-I

    3 Word Story

    to burp the

    3 Word Story

    so everyone ran
  10. NYAEMT-I

    3 Word Story

    yelling that he
  11. NYAEMT-I

    3 Word Story

    as blood spurted
  12. NYAEMT-I

    3 Word Story

    say hello to
  13. NYAEMT-I

    3 Word Story

    scaring the squirrels
  14. NYAEMT-I

    On Top

    Move on over, I'm on top now.... I can't believe that this has gotten up to 120 pages......
  15. Hmmm... or maybe that was why the deputies were at my house... TPBM likes to go to marathons and trip the runners as they go by..
  16. Maybe that's why the sheriff deputies have been here for noise complaints.. I am not learning as fast as I wanted too.. TPBM is working on building a tree house with working plumbing and electricity... It's going to be their own personal hideout..
  17. That would be me.. You should see how beautifully their halos' shine 24/7 :angel13: except for when they are in close proximity to each other for an extended period of time... TPBM is considering getting a flock of sheep and retiring their lawnmower..
  18. New York also has a Certified First Responder Level too.. How the heck did your eyes not bug out of your head looking all that information up?? Take Care, NYAEMT-I
  19. Okay so my co-hort and I have gotten bored.. It really seems to amuse the people around us. TPBM has used the backboards as sleds on cold winter days when nothing else was going on..
  20. This game is really addictive.. I've been playing for about 10 minutes now and the highest score I have gotten is 20... Apparently my hand-eye co-ordination really sucks..
  21. WOW!! Oh My gosh.. You just know me so well.. of course they have the best EMS system in the universe :blob: I am actually thinking of moving there to become part of it... TPBM has a bumper sticker on their car that says " My other car is an Ambulance" :glasses2:
  22. I hate Spiders.. My partner at work thinks it hilarious, cause the minute I see one I head the other way.. :shock: TPBM likes to skinny dip in neighbors pools in broad daylight!! :sunny:
  23. Your 2005 Song Is <a href="http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=CkIfgYlVpZA&offerid=99176.462951996&type=10&subid=">Since You've Been Gone</a> by Kelly Clarkson "But since you've been gone I can breathe for the first time I'm so moving on" In 2005, you moved on. What Hit Song of 2005 Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/whathitsongof2005areyouquiz/
  24. The Extra Cowgirl... Okay then..
  25. This wasn't exactly something said, but my partner and I were on a taxi ride run one day. After we get the patient loaded in the back of the ambulance and were trying to figure out who was gonna drive. After two rounds of rock paper scissors that ended in ties, we looked up and the patient was laughing her rear end off. She was under the impression that we both wanted to do the pt. care and were trying to decide who it was going to be. Needless to say we didn't change her perception of the incident..
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