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Everything posted by epi-do

  1. JP FROG = Just Plain F#%$^@! Ran Outta Gas Urban Outdoorsman = homeless/street people
  2. Mods, feel free to move this if it is in the wrong area. I wasn't really sure where to post it. The FD I work for is starting a process to hire civilian EMTs and medics. If anyone is interested in the information, please PM me with your email address and I will send you the flier with the information.
  3. Ok, just curious, but why was this patient even being worked in the first place? If they have rigor and lividity present, isn't it safe to say they have been dead for quite some time, despite the nurse insisting they were talking "5 minutes ago".
  4. I bet, with a little bit of digging, you should be able to find footage of Christopher Reeves' riding accident. Since everyone knows about the result of that injury, it might help make an impact. Of course, he was wearing a helmet, so it might not be as effective to make the point you are trying to get across.
  5. No, it's a township department. There were 8 township departments and then IFD, but one of the townships already agreed to merge so there are now 7. Their trucks are already re-striped and everything is official on Jan. 1.
  6. M52EMT, I haven't really heard anything recent about Wayne regarding the consolidation. The last thing I had heard was that the firefighters were for it and any opposition would be from the trustee's office. That was purely hearsay though, so I have no idea how much truth there is to it. As for them not entering the merger, if Bart has his say, they won't really have a choice. Supposedly, he is going to petition the state legislature to pass a law that would basically force the townships to consolidate with the city and the rumor around City of Lawrence is that he has the support of Gov. Daniels to get it done. If any part of the rumor is try and legislation is passed, Wayne won't have an option to not consolidate. Of course, we all know how the rumor mill is, so who knows how it will really all play out. As far as Wishard and Center Township, there have been rumors for several years about how the hospital was going to loose the ambulance service and it will be "given" to the fire dept. I know they were floating around while I worked there, and that was over 3 years ago. Just like everything else with this whole idea of consolidation, absolutely anything may happen. We are just going to have to sit back for a while and see how it all plays out.
  7. Well, duh! Don't I feel like an idiot now. It was a long shift at work and I wasn't thinking that clearly last night. Thanks for clarifying for me, Dust!
  8. Over the summer I began working for one of the departments in Marion County as a civilian EMT. We were told when they hired us that the reason they decided to go the "civilian" route is because they can hire two of us for the same cost as one firefighter. We are held to the same standards of conduct as the firefighters and operate under the same rules. The only thing is we don't go into burning buildings, cut cars up, etc. We work 24/48 shifts, just like the firefighters. I can't speak for everyone that works as a civilian for a FD, but my guys are absolutely wonderful. I am treated just like one of them when it comes to station life. On a scene, I know what my job is, and I do it, but that same thing can be said of the officers, chauffers, and backsteppers that I work with as well. The union president was at our FD just the other night to talk to us about consolidation and alot of interesting things were said. Wishard is going to continue to provide coverage within Center Township - IFD has no desire to get into the ambulance business. The thing is, as the townships begin joining the consolidation IFD is going to be aquiring ambulances. They have decided to maintain those trucks and staff them with civilians so they can keep the firefighters on the firetrucks. Like previously stated, it all comes down to the bottom line. I haven't heard about the residency requirement, so I can't really comment on that. Where I am working, there is no such requirement. Almost everyone at my house lives either on the far south side of Indy, in Johnson County, or just east of Marion County. Not really sure what you mean by this statement. I have worked for Wishard, a township FD, and now a city FD and I can assure you that the FF's in Marion County are all real firefighters.
  9. IFD is keeping the ambulances that Washington Township had prior to the two departments merging. They are wanting to staff those ambulances with civilian employees for IFD. Perry Township is the only township in Marion County that I know of that uses Rural/Metro. I think the other townships all have their own EMS. Indianapolis is covered by Wishard, and the last I heard they are back to two medics on a truck instead of EMT/Medic. The EMT's that you see at Wishard were already employees when the change was made and have been allowed to keep their positions. Johnson County, to the south of Indy is covered by Rural Metro for the most part. Not sure about any of the other outlying areas.
  10. Along with the private services already mentioned, Indianapolis Fire Department is also hiring right now. Wayne Township FD is on the west side of town. They aren't hiring career EMS right now, but do have positions available from time to time. Rumor has it, the City of Lawrence FD is going to be hiring 4 civilian EMS personnel at the first of the year. It is located on the east side of town. There is a phone number on the website you could call to find out if they actually are going to do a process or not. The area code isn't included on the site though. It's 317.
  11. That was awesome! Thanks for sharing it with us.
  12. Called around 3:00 am by a mid-late 20's male because "I smoked a joint and I feel funny." He proceeded to tell us that he has done this before and felt the same way previous times he had smoked. His girlfriend came out of the bedroom and raised cain with him for calling us. Needless to say, we didn't transport.
  13. From what you describe, there is no reason, in my opinion, for that patient to be transported L&S. It sounds as if the patient was stable, and as you stated, if all you are going to save is 30 seconds or so, is it still in the patient's best interest to drive L&S when you are that close to the hospital if the patient is unstable? I think it is important to consider how close you are to the hospital along with how stable the patient is when deciding if L&S are needed. We have several ECF's that are across the street/next door to various hospitals around town. Have I ever driven L&S from the ECF to the hospital with some of these patients? Yes, because the transporting medic wanted it done. Do I agree with it? Not at all. When your total transport time without L&S is under 2 minutes, what does it gain? Absolutely nothing. Doing what is best for the patient includes getting them to the hospital safely, not necessarily 30 seconds faster. Like Rid, the service I work for rarely runs L&S to the hospital. It also sounds as if we take the same types of patients in that way. I have only been at my new job for a couple months, but can easily count on one hand the number of patients that have been taken in L&S. That would be 2....an AMI and a ped with seizures that Valium wasn't touching and a 20-30 minute transport time non-L&S. Hopefully, your partner is eventually able to see how flawed his thinking that "since we don't know we have to go L&S." If you continue to follow that logic through, then no patient would ever be BLS either since you "don't know" what might or could happen on the way to the hospital.
  14. After doing a search, this is about the only thing I was able to come up with. Where at in Indiana are you? I know in the Indianapolis area that most services don't "recognize" the advance or intermediate certifications. What I mean by that is even with those certifications you would still be working/paid at the EMT-B level. Once you get away from the city and into some of the rural areas around the state, I am guessing that you would be able to utilize those additional skills, but can't say for sure. If you couldn't use them, why have the certification level though? My advice would be if you are considering advancing your education and certification level, don't bother with EMT-I or A and just go to medic school. If possible, go to a program that offers a college degree. That way you end up with more than "just" a certification, and hopefully you also receive some additional information that you wouldn't get with a certification program. (At the moment I am sifting through various programs to figure out where I want to apply for next fall. Unfortunately, with changing jobs I had to put off medic school for an additional year instead of going this fall.)
  15. What a huge loss for EMS. He will definately be missed.
  16. AK, thank you for your sevice. Stay safe and hurry back home.
  17. hippus - abnormally exaggerated rhythmic contraction and dilation of the pupil, independent of changes in illumination or in fixation of the eyes chromhidrosis
  18. The original poster has been extremely busy with work/family/etc. and hasn't had a chance to post, but we all used to work together and I also know his partner. Although his partner hadn't actually tried to do anything, he was feeling worse and worse about things and has been admitted to an inpatient program at a local stress center. The last I heard, he was feeling as if he was making some progress at working out some of his issues and is getting some help that he really needed. Just thought I would update for anyone that was interested.
  19. I typically call it either the truck or the ambulance. I absolutely, positively hate it when people call it a bus. Granted, I have had plenty of runs where I felt like all I was providing was a ride and that it was a huge abuse of the system, but if we are wanting to be taken more seriously as a profession our actions and our speech must reflect that. I don't think that calling your ambulance a "bus" is a very positive reflection of the image most of us want to project to the general public. Changing public opinion begins with presenting ourselves in a manner that says we are professionals, not just ambulance drivers.
  20. How tragic. My thoughts and prayers will definitely be with the friends, families, and co-workers of FF Reilly and Lt. Carpluk.
  21. epi-do


    Like already mentioned, check your protocols as it varies from place to place. Around here a basic does not have to start resuscitative measures as long as rigor/lividity are present, there is a transection/decapitation, or there is exposed brain matter. As far as hypothermic and drowning patients go, they all get worked. They aren't dead until they are warm and dead.
  22. For us, shift change is at 0800. At least that is the "official" shift change. Usually happens more around 0730 though since that is when everyone shows up.
  23. Didn't realize anything would have to be installed to see it. Sorry! This should get you to the photobucket account that has all the pictures in it. Don't feel obligated to look at all of them as there are over 200 of them. I just couldn't single out a few of them to post. pictures
  24. Everyone has already given you some great advice. Hope your first shift goes great! I just had my first shift at the new job last week, so I know how nervous that can be.
  25. I was told that link doesn't work. If not, try this one. Slideshow
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