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    I desire to cancel my free online account with emtcity.com immediately and I can find nowhere on the site to do this. All monitoring emtcity.com persons please respond and help me out here.

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  • Tar

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  1. Please delete my free account with emtcity.com online immediately.

    1. Tar


      Same here. I tried to search too and the only thing that's coming up is your posts asking the same thing. 

  2. delete my account

  3. Howdy! The easiest way to recert with NR for Paramedics (in my opinion) is to take the CBT test. 1. It's $110 2. Begining Jan 2013, the CBT test for NR includes the National EMS scope of practice, which means if you take the test to recert and pass it, you will NOT have to take a transition course and your NR # which begins with a P will change to an M, meaning your a NRP vs. NREMT-P now. 3. If you pass, you can simply download the recert form (only one form to send in buddy!), have your Med director & training person sign it (plus you sign it too), and you send that in with your ACLS & CPR cards, and its a done deal for two yrs. Nice eh? BTW, I have used the CBT test to recert the last three cycles. This beats the heck out of chasing courses, (and paying for those buggers) and trying to find a transition course, which BTW, now most states are just including new EMS scope of practice subject in thier 48 hr refreshers and blessing them as transition approved (which they are, all though all states may vary on what they include in thier courses). Hope this is pretty simply explained. LINK REMOVED Good luck and please do go to the site and check it out and call the NR to confirm. No need to be an official NR person to pass out this info! Be safe!
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