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Everything posted by FormerEMSLT297

  1. to quote TACKLEBERRY: "GUNS GUNS when do we get GUNS!!!?????????" however it is a double edged sword. If you have a gun it is one more piece of equipment you need to make sure you secure, so it doesn't get away from you. I for one am all for it ,, if the Tac team members are sworn L.E... NOT howeverif they are a 5 day WONDER boy or girl "Tactical medic"... full fledged academy grads ONLY.
  2. As stated previously, Unless you a Law Enforcement Officer, or are assigend to provide tactical EMS on a regular basis, you NO DO NOT NEED this course, as you will not be in the HOT zone and the SWAT medics will bring the patient to you. Think about this, The average Police Academy is at a minimum 12 weeks long. The average SWAT training is an additional 4-8 weeks long MINIMUM. So, WHAT DO YOU think a 5 day EMT Tactical course will teach you, if you are not alread y a sworn officer.?????? That was a retorical question,, the answer is NOT MUCH>!!!
  3. Heah Phil ,, will they recognize National Registry Paramedic from the US, or are medics down under much more advanced than the US .?????????
  4. looks nice, but a little cramped for US standards.. best of luck.. hope it rides well for you
  5. FDNY Sucks,, their starting salary is in the toliet, i believe around 25 K goes up to 32K first year, They have successfully KILLED the quality care of EMS and made the EMT and Paramedic job an even more disposable job than it was under HHC. Now that having been said, I would venture to say you could do both. Get on with EMS, after your academy training, get a steady night shift, and go to nursing school during the day, lots of people do it, or have done it. Then after you get that "Promotion" (and I hate calling it that) you can work the GREAT 24 x 72 schedule, and on your days off, go be a nurse..... Ohh, and PM me if you have any questions, about one of the LEAST PROGRESSIVE Fire based EMS systems in the country, if not the WORLD. Best of luck Former NYC*EMS (&FDNY) Lieutenant and Paramedic.
  6. Sorry i don't know where to get those. Why do you need a pair,,, wouldn't one be enough.??????...LOL
  7. I was going to say that. http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/ems/main/htm
  8. There were a couple of medics I hated SOOO much on my job, that I never wanted them backing me up on calls they always showed up and either didn't do anything, or abused me for calling them (even though the patient was an unconscious diabetic.,,,, SO, I became one,, then I had to work with them, so i made their lives miserable and they left.... LOL Thats why i hate medics.
  9. I've watched this thread for a long time before chiming in. I know of some rural fire depts, were the chief gets a marked car, and the 2 or 3 asst. chiefs get to put lights and sirens in their POV. Also some counties allow medics to take home a "fly car" when they are on call, and yet other depts' in NYallow certain personnel to get the vehicles certified as "emergency ambulance service vehicles" which allow them to have lights and sirens, and they are certified and inspected by NYS DOH, and carry a required amount of BLS and sometimes ALS equipment. I know of some depts, that allow their MD to have L and S in thier car, but cant afford to buy them a marked car. And like someelse said a 10-20 mintue response is not out of the ordinary to some rural depts, and volunteer depts, have such a hard time with recruitment it is unrealistice to ask them to sit in the firehouse for 2-3 calls a week, but when a call comes in they need to respond asap. I think the bottom line is that some states allow POV's to have lights, some may not, and some allow POV's to have L&S... As to a light alone being useless, it depends on where you are, and the level of awareness of the citizens in your neighborhood. some people yeild, some do not.. .
  10. You might want to ask those "few People" how to go about it,,, maybe they know some trick, or secret, whatever, but, my guess is, they are just misinformed, or maybe their class coordinator set up to have the registry on the same date as the NYS practical, and they had the practical instructors just sign off on both sheets simultaneously. Know that I think might be o.k., if the registry rep is present, and the practical testers are all NYS certified instructors, but you can't do it after the fact, because the skills sheets are sent to different places, 1 set goes to NR, the other to your class coordinator who forwards it to NYS-DOH. Call around to local medic classes, I'm sure some have a registry test coming up. Whatever happens good luck.
  11. First let me say congrats!! The short answer is YES....(you need to take both) hind sight being 20/20, what you could have done is to find a NYS test site, that is also a NREMT test site and asked them to test you for both, but I'm not sure that they could have tested both at the same time. I went thru refresher with St. Vincent's in Manhattan, took the NYS Practical, and then took the registry test practical, and written on 2 different dates. The reason is that even though a site is a Registry apporved test center, they still send a Registry evaluator at the site to oversee the tests, so, I'm not sure they would allow you to test both NYS and Registry at the same time. Your best bet is to contact a Registry site in the N.Y. area and ask them to test you. Because I had taken to refresher with St. Vincent's I think they only charged me like $75. for the test. If you need a phone numbeer for St. Vincents send me a PM.
  12. After reading this post, I had some of the same questions..... even when i was 20 years younger i did not work 12 hours a day 7 days a week... that is just tooo tooo much. 3 or 4,,, maybe 5 12 hour shifts a week are plenty.... tell him to tell his bosses to cut back, or find a job that pays a little better,,,, but you can only burn a candle at both ends for just so long, before, the candle burns out, and all the wax is gone. Good luck,
  13. I think we need to design a new ambulance.... a type 1 ambo, with a 500 gallon tank, and several hundred feet of hose,,, one compartment will have heavy vests and long guns,,, that way we can do EMS, Firefighting, and Police work all in one. LOL
  14. Name one good thing that EVER came from Mass. John Kerry, The Kennedys, The Red Sox, I can't think of one good thing that ever came out of the bastion of left wing liberalism.... NOT ONE. zero, zip zilch, nada.
  15. I especially like the question "What does a non-fire based EMS crew do on the scene of an MVA, when the car is engulfed in flames and occupants are trapped inside, and fire crews are not dispatched?"..... the EMS provider would need to request dispatch of a fire company...... further delaying care, and furhter increasing risk to rescuers and victims.".... Duhh,,,, if EMS wasn't fire based wouldn't the FD still go for a report of a "car engulfed in flames with or without occupants trapped.????? I see NOTHING about the QUALITY of care , patient outcomes Pre-hospital arrest saves,, etc..... Fascinating study.... I also love how they cite that " in 1937 a fire department ambulance in New York transported famous song writer Cole Porter to the hospital ....." I'll need to check on the above statement, ,because to my knowledge, prior to the March 17, 1996 FDNY takeover of NYC*EMS, most ambulances in NYC were run by the public hospitals and some private hospitals,,, but NOT BY THE FDNY. Maybe Richard B, can look tinto this for us. I wipe my A%$ with this study,, tells us nothing excpet that a bunch of FD doc, like FD providing EMS..
  16. I'm sorry, i'm at a bit confused. You say you at a paramedic, but you didn't know that the patient who is in a KED is supposed to be secured to a Long board with straps and head immobilizers, after being removed from a vehicle ??????????? Seems to be basic C-spine 101 to me... As for how you would immobilize a COPD patient, you could secure them to a LSB, then place padding, pillows, or trauma bags under the head to elevate the patient. FYI..
  17. Thats just great to have one that "Walks away"..... enjoy it while you can,,, I know I havent had all that many that walk out with no neuro deficits ... Congrats,,
  18. First let me wish you good luck.... LOL I have worked the Puerto Rican Day parade, St. Patricks day Parade, and numerous other special events. And while these 2 stand out in my mind as some of the busiest days, there are many others as well, New Years eve, as well as I think the domincian Pride parade, sometimes Gay Pride parade is also busy, as well as the many many summer concerts that they hold in Central Park.. For the Puerto Rican Day Parade, I will tell you this,, expect to see bumper to bumper traffic, as well as a very HEAVY volume of foot traffic, you will be extended going even a few blocks near the parade route. It is not uncommon to take 20-30 minutes to travel 1 block. Expect a lot of Alcohol overdoses, as well as hostile crowds when you arrive on the scene of certain calls, especially if it takes you a long time to get there. Back in the day I used to work 14G, (PAR of 59/5) and we handled the parades a lot. My partners and I used to carry 2 short back boards in the cab of our bus, that way we had shields when we exited the units and were pelted with glass bottles. It's also not a bad idea to carry your helmets with visors in the front seat to give you added head protection. It's is also one of the days where we would scoop up most patients (usually intox's or isolated injuries, NOT C-spine) and place them into our unit and lock the doors before providing any treatment. While this is not the greatest of patient care, remember that you and your partner come first. You can't treat a patient if you get assaulted by an angry crowd. I would also suggest that you remember not to take sides with the police. Many times that caused problems with the patient, bystanders, family members, etc. Just tell the crowd you are here to treat the patient, you dont care who was right or worng and you're not taking any sides.... Some of the things we did during these parades, was no supervisors were allowed to work alone, and a lot of times after loading a patient, we would leave the scene and drive a few blocks away from the crowd before evaluating the patient. whoever is driving remember to use caution, because striking a drunk or sober pedestrian can easily start a riot and make you a target for an angry drunk mob. These events are about as close as you will get to combat without being "in country" if you know what i mean ... best advise i can give you is to keep your wits about you, and maintain "situational awareness" at all times. If you have any additional questions feel free to ask or PM me.
  19. Well that was helpful..... I coud not open either site..... some one want to spell out the gist of what they are proposing?... thanks
  20. When I saw the name Jim Kerr, that was the first thing I thought ,,, he was so 1980's,,,, way, way, way, pre merger. a hint was it didnt say FDNY EMS anywhere in the story
  21. You forgot the Federal Protective Service, new York State Courts, Sanitation Police, Environmental Conservation Police, New York City Fire Marshals, Postal Police, Co-Op City Police, NYC Hospital Police, just to name a few.
  22. And when I heard NJ Task Force, I hoped you were talking about and advisory committee that was looking at revamping the antiquated NJ EMS SYSTEM and making things better for all people who live, work, or transit through NJ.... ohh well no such luck.
  23. So, you are serious.????????????? you were operational when you were 11 ????????????... Holy S*&%.... I thought my dept that allowed you to ride volunteer fire at 16 was young...... Where in the world is this area that allows you to be operational at 11.. ???????????...... and what type of operational..???????? Are you trating patients,, fighting fires ,????? what ?????????
  24. I have never heard of such a thing in the USA. is this a Canadian thing ??? The closest thing we have is ALS units stationed at Retired living communities so that they are closer to the large number of patients that they transport... but they dont do wound care or in home treatment of CHF... Please advise further ,, im interested in knowing more about this program.
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