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Everything posted by FormerEMSLT297

  1. I havent seen that yet,,, do yu have the link ?
  2. What did in the Scoop stretcher aka the "Orthopedic Stretcher" in for NYC was the fact that a Doc said it could not be used to effectively immobilize the spine, so we used them for like moving patients from beds with FX. legs and hips and stuff,,, The other thing was even long ago when you could use it for C-spine, we would rather take a long board into the subway, than a metal conductive scoop. even with power off ,, better safe that electrocuted. Also the STAIR Chair, is one of the MOST utilized piece in NYC as stretchers and other devices dont fit in many houses. It is interesting to see the different areas answers. I agree with the patient status lights,,,, and the Manual BP cuff,, cause we all have NIBP.
  3. Heah Storm,,, you forgot the .03 per hour,,,, SOOOOO..... I get 481.2 per week 1924.8 per month So they would have a whole $84.80 left for the month not $80.00.... LOL No but I agree, that is VERY low for Richmond,,,,, But keep in mind they only pay what the market will bear. If NO ONE goes to work for them, they'll have to raise the salary... (yeah like that will happen) I wouldn't work for them for $12.00 per hour,,, I can say that most private ambulance companies in MD are paying in the area of $20.00 per hour.
  4. Dust is correct, with so many abbreviations what do they really mean ..?????... Example APE--- does it mean Acute Pulmonary Edema.??? or Acute Pulmonary Embolus.???... I could go on and on , but if the form has a GCS listed I fill in the proper number 15, 14, (or break it down 4,5,6)whatever.... but for my narrative, I write out ,, patient conscious and alert, to person, place, time and surroundings. Now if they aren't,, I'll put, when asked patient thought Bill Clinton was President, When asked the season she thought whatever. Or just put patient did not respond verbally to questions....
  5. No only the cops and firefighters got their salary dropped,,, EMT's and Medics remain the same.
  6. Sounds very appealing,, do they hire P/T personnel or just F/T.?
  7. EVOC may be required by some employers to satisfy insurance company requirements or reduce premiums, yet others feel that it just good to have. I don't know of any EMT or Paramedic courses that include EVOC, usually it is a separate class given by your employer. As for it being required for employment, if they require it, shouldn't they provide it.????????? Unless they know of a private vendor that they can send you to to get it on your own.. I would check with the companies that you are applying to for details. Former
  8. Not funny but true,,,, in the N.E. area many systems work you either 3 12 Hrs. per week followed by 3 12s and an 8 for a total of 80 in 2 weeks, or 24 X 72, in sleep in stations, the places that do a 24 x 48 have Kelly days so that you get extra time off. FDNY*EMS is still 5 8 hour days, with 2 off followed by 5 8 hour days with 3 off. There is some o.t. on the end and some vacancy overtime,,, But yeah i know that some EMS systems work you to near death, 60, 70, 80 hours per week or more,,, but like i said you/we can't do that forever. its fine when you are 20, but it starts taking a toll as you get older.
  9. I like everone else said would keep the resume to 1 page. listing you certs, and experience. Sometimes getting a job is just a question of timing, and or persistence. Go into the job knowing what the agency does. About how many calls they run, what hospitals they go to, etc. This shows a prospective employer that you took interest in the job. Then after the interview, follow up, call in a few days, or drop by the office and ask what the status is of you application, when they anticipate hiring, etc. You may walk in or call to follow up just as a vacancy comes about. Ex: A buddy of mine is a brand new Medic, I have lots of experience, we both applied to the same part time job, I took the wait and see attitude, and just sent in a resume, he did the same, but he followed up with a phone call and then a visit to the HQ. When he went to drop by HQ, they told him to come back for an interview. He went to the interview wearing a suit and tie. After the interview, they panel told them that his suit and tie, and responses to questions "look i'm a new medic but give me a shot, i've been and EMT for 4 years" got him hired. He is now working for one of the best EMS systems in this area P/T while finishing up college. I agree with what others have siad, you're not going to be seen as having lots of experience, but, you might stick out as a FRESH face, someone who is willing to learn and grow with the company.. Someone who will be loyal, hard working, etc. Good luck, Former
  10. My old job gave us NOTHING, Zero Zip, NAADA,, but all our recert training was conducted free of charge. But I paid for EMS Expo, Fire house Expo, NYS EMS Vital signs conference, everything.... (thats NYC for you.) Now my new job, believes in the crred, If it's free it's for me. But they do have a small budget to pay for lectures, etc, but it is no where close to $1,300. more like $300. per medic. Remember, all your training stuff is TAX deductible, Magazines, professional journals, training classes, travel to training, etc. Check with your accountant or tax preparerr for details.
  11. Heah Nifty, I'm not being a HATER, As I said previously, I have nothing against you, or Lee county, and I have heard it is a GREAT place to work, What I'm saying is this, My base is about 67, I make 88 no problem, but,,,,, if i were to work all the built in O.T. that you did,, I would make even more. All I'm saying is that when I was an 17 y/o kid just starting out in EMS, working more than 40 hours a week for O.T. was very appealing, money for the car, the girlfriend, dating, whatever, but now that I'm older, I want to make a good base salary, WITHOUT working O.T. built in or otherwise. I enjoy my days off, vacations, quiet time, whatever. Thats all I'm saying, the way it is worded is kind of deceptive, I dont think it is intentional, but the so called standard U.S. work week is considered 40 hours. It may even be 37.5, but if I were working 56 hours every week, i'd be making a lot more but seeing my family a lot less... thats all.... KUDOS to any EMT with 2 years on that is making 44K a year and living in a state that has no income taxes,,,, thats great. When I retire from up here, i may come join you in Sunny Lee County.
  12. I guess this is whats wrong with NJ EMS,,,, KED, better uses than C-spine injuries,,,,,????????????? WTF,,, , what cars do you know of that have "allot of room"????? As for spare time,,, ?? how long does it take. Please if i'm ever in an mva with neck and belly pain,, do me a favor and do not come. I am not familiar with specific NJ protocols, but I can tell you this, NY, MD, DC, and VA, all have specific guidelines as to when "rapid" extrication is indicated, and when using the KED is appropriate, and unless the writer of this post can tell me that the patient was hypotensive, unstable, or needed an immediate airway adjunct, I stand by my statement, the KED should have been used. As for you Pro-EMT,,,,, you are 17, what kind of WORLDLY experience can you possibly have, I have more Sick time in EMS than you have time in EMS. I've responded to more unfounded calls, than you have responded to valid calls, So, please, spare us with your wealth of EMS knowledge, it doesn't play well to those of us that have been in this business a while, and dedicated our lives to improving pre-hospital care ... My thoughts are my own and do not represent my agency dept. or company. Former
  13. Firemedic 37,, what state are you in ? where they fly everyone ?... o.K. back to the K.E.D. NO ONE can say that using a KED stabilizes the C-spine LESS than using hands. The KED keeps the c-spine, in line with the Thoracic and Lumbar regions. I just REFUSE to buy into that, we rapidly extricated and c-spine precautions were the same as with a KED. As dust said, not possible, or at least, not probable,,,, Once again I think that KED is the most underutilized piece of gear on the the unit. As to whether you should have used it,,,, check your protocols. Most have specific instances were "rapid extrication" is indicated. And like I said, while the Squad is chocking and cutting and prying, the EMS crew should be able to place the KED and have the patient ready by the time the door "pops". Ypu can't tell me that the squad had time to get a hurst tool off a truck, chock the car, start the tool pop the door, which takes anywhere from 3-10 minutes minimum, and yet the EMS crew didn't have time to KED the patient. Severe Abdominal pain only absent hyoptension, altered LOC, or airway issues, does not in my mind make for forgoing the KED in favor of "rapid" Extrication. I've been doing EMS for 23 years and I know that in most cases a KED can go on in 10 minutes or less..... most times a lot less if you and your practice.
  14. Dude is DEAD, leave him for the police, don't cut him down, if you have signs of obvious death, rigor, dep. lividity, etc. The car on the side, you need to stabilize the car before entry, with chocks or cribbing, then you can shatter and enter via the rear window, then use a ked, to secure the patient. Cars on the side are always more difficult to operate with.
  15. No, thats sounds about right,,, O.T. night Diff, that definetly possible.
  16. The FDNY page used to have a page that listed base pay, then "Fringe" pay, including OT, night diff, etc. and came out with a much higher pay, I guess someone at the union, cried foul because if you check their site, the "fringe" pay has been removed. You want to earn a "decent living" go to nursing school, become an electrician, plumber or mechanic,,, but don't work for FDNY-EMS,,, There are a lot easier ways to make more money than in EMS in NY. P.S. This advice comes from a former 10 year vet. of NYC*EMS and FDNY BEMS, I was left as a Paramedic/Lieutenant, and i'm making almost 2 X what i was making
  17. Heah Flight lp, I understood that ,,, but this is an empolyers way of secretely scamming the uninformed empolyee. I work a 40 hour work week, If I worked 56 Hrs. every week I woud make a lot more too... The point i'm trying to make is any of us smart enough to be medics are smart enough to figure out what our hourly rate is.... and there will come a time in everyones career when then don't want to work 50, 60, 70 or more hours per week. they want to spent time with family, kids, fishing, whatever..... So, as I said before, I wasn't attacking Nifty or you or Lee County, but just saying WATCH THE math. A good Example is the way FDNY-EMS used to list the salary, they would list salary, then benefits, then what the called "fringe O/T, night diff. etc." The problem with this is that when you get stuck on day work, you DON'T get night diff. when you don't take O/T you don't get the so called fringe. thats the way they get you, make you work extra hours, and say its part of your base. My thoughts are my own and do not represent my agency or dept.
  18. ............... Heah nifty,,,, I'm not attacking your agency, but I question your math.... BTW From everything I've heard Lee County EMS is a good place to work,,,,, but stay with me and do the math.. you said 14.76 = roughly 52,000 per year..... I get the following ........ 14.76x40 (hour work week) =590.4 x4 (weeks per month)=2361.6.... x 12 months per year ,,, = 28,339.2 ........ NOT Roughly 52,000 per year..... NOT EVEN CLOSE,,, and 28.97 per hour equals about 55,622.4 per year not "roughly 71,8000" Now I'm not a CPA, but my base is listed as $68,440. and my hourly is $32.90,, do the same math ,, and it is 1,316 per week $5,264 per month and $5,264 x 12 = 63,168 per year, NOT AN EXACT SCIENCE but a hell of a lot closer than your numbers, and i do end up with a lot more than my base because of O.T. 10% night diff, 25% sunday pay, holidays, etc. Now granted you may make O.T. Shift diff, holiday pay, and that may in fact raise your salary, but you can not include it in your "BASE salary", if you suddenly stopped working nights, holidays, and premium hours if you job has such a thing. So, Nifty, please explain your numbers if possible,, as to how the math works out. Former
  19. And as was previously stated,,, if they won't sign for or release a patient GET YOUR MANAGEMENT involved
  20. The answer to your questions are as follows: 1. ".....If these badges have no weight why is there even such a procedure" So the cop shops can make MONEY!!!!!!!! Duh, that was a hard one to answer. 2. "It doesn't say New York State..." YES IT DOES,, the NYS SEAL says "State of New York" on it, or around it. And even if it is only the seal with the usual writing DELETED, it still has the NYS seal on it and you DO NOT WORK FOR New York State. You just made the prosecutors point for him IT HAS THE NYS SEAL, and looks like a Patrolman BADGE,,, what the F@#, don't you understand..... BUY the badge don't buy the badge,, do WHATEVER YOU WANT, you are going to anyway,,, I am done trying to keep you out of trouble, You're not a cop, you don't need a badge, save the money and buy something useful with it. Like a brain. My thouhgts are my own and do not represent my agency, company or dept.
  21. Have you tried some places in Maryland ????? Charles County is a fairly progressive, and busy system.. they are hiring p/t and f/t on and off... then you wouldn't have to leave home,, they have some excellent medics, and they are a system that can grow with you and you will be getting in on the ground floor.... www.charlescounty.gov/es/ems If you are a new medic and want to get some volunteer experience,, you might try Calvert County . www.calvertals.com The other thing is Md State is looking for Trooper/flight medics,, but you need 3 years of high volume EMS experience, If you are dead set on leaving MD,,,,,, i think Austin travis, or ada paramedics sound like good places to work, but i have no personal first hand experience. I have worked with and trained with many MD, DC and VA agencies, and as I said, if you are looking for no FFing, your options are limited in this area. with the exception of Calvert, which is a volunteer third service, and Charles which is kind of part of the FD, but not really,,,, thats basically it. I don't know much about northern and western MD, but most systems are run by the FD and the Medics are cross trained and dual role. No having said that many depts if you want to be on the medic unit,, other medics would gladly step aside and jump on the engine for the shift...
  22. Richard B,,,,,With regard to the CPMU EMT arrested; it was the NYS Criminal courts,,, the State court officers found the badge and didn't know what to do,,, the EMT tried to explain it,,,, they called NYPD,, an NYPD Sgt. Showed up and decided that it was a violation of NYC Admin. Law to have a badge that was shaped like and appeared to be a NYC Police Shield,, even though it clearly said NYS, EMT and had the members DOH number on it.... After this happened, NYS DOH came out and restated a previous policy it is posted here. www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/ems/policy/03-08.htm The problem contention with some people, and NYC Admin. law is this: A patch, badge, emblem, or insignia, that reads "New York State EMT, Paramedic, whatever" makes the asssumption or impression that the wearer is a "New York State" employee.... that was the reason that they stated the CPMU EMT was arrested, cause he isn't a NYS employee. Hopefully this problem will be resolved, but a lawyer (prosecutor) could make the arguement that because the badge doesn't say "New York State Certified EMT" the holder is misconstruing themselves as a agent of the State of N.Y. I don't agree with it, but if you read the Admin. law they cited, and I did at the time,, it is a F$%#ed up but accurate conclusion. Hopefully a judge will see this for what it is,, but I still say,,, Don't carry a badge unless you carry a gun and are a Peace/Police Officer.
  23. Speaking as a Police Officer the answer to your question is: YES Judges do have that much power, depending on what state or jurisdiction you are in. Now having said that, You might want to A, Get a Lawyer, B. tell the Judge that you did not fully understand the consequences of pleading guilty, and C. SLOW DOWN, and obey the law. Considering that the average speeder/traffic violator only gets cuaght 1 out of every 100 or more time speeding, you either have A. very bad luck, or B. you are not a great driver. The other thing to ask the company is whether they hire EMT's only, If you can't qualify for a driving spot maybe you can just be an EMT. When I worked the privates, back when the earth was still cooling LOL, they had some people on BLS units that weren't authorized to drive, so they worked with someone who liked to drive all the time. What ever happens, best of luck, slow down, and be safe. If you dont get the tickets dropped, go work at another job and like someone else sqaid get your B.A. or B.S. in Paramedic or something
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