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Everything posted by Parapup

  1. Hey, I work hosital based ems and in the er we have medics. Besides crna and md's the emt-p is the only person in the hospital allowed to intubate. The emt-p has their own rooms in the ed just as an r.n. I believe the only pt an emt-p cannot be primary on is class1 traumas. That requires an r.n. So we have emt-p inhouse 24/7 for all hospital codes in the ed and on any floor. Medics still get paid like 5bucks less an hr than nurses though :evil: pup nremt-p
  2. I totally see a need for volunteers. The only thing I have to add is this. Everyone (including me) is always moaning and griping about not gettin paid enough. My question is why would the general public want to pay us more when there seems to be people standing in line to do this job for free. I love my job. It would just be very nice to make wages that compare to a nurses'. There are definitely areas of the country that can't afford to have paid ems services, It seems like it's like everything else...people don't appreciate you or take you seriously if you don't charge them. LOL
  3. Last night I experienced my first natural disaster. Several tornados touched down last night in missouri, where i live, and destroyed many structures, vehicles and everything else you can imagine. I had decided to ride shotgun in the supervisor truck for the night not knowing any of this would take place. Anyways, I was able to help out with setting up a medical command and pt. triage and treatment. This is one of the calls that my area of the country ever recieves so it was a very neat experience. The potential of having numerous pts was there but we didnt have too many...it was fun anyway!!
  4. Thanks everyone, by the way it is state vs. person. Sorry!!!
  5. I'm with you baasmedic. My service starts at 11.00. We cap at like 17.00. Damn...33.00 thats nice!!
  6. I have not worked at an amusement park but im glad you posted this. Six Flags just put out a memo to my company asking for emt's and medics. Seems like it would be fun!!
  7. I recieved my first (and hopefully last) subpoena in the mail about two days ago. I'm a little nervous about it. The only thing the subpoena list is the name of the person vs. the state. I called the courthouse and the office told me that they can't give out any information about the person. I am kind of at a loss now because this happened like two years ago. I dont have a birthdate, social..etc. I have talked to my ops manager and the office girls and they are having a hard time locating the run ticket. Court is in six days and I guess I'm going to have to go in there blind. ...Any advice?
  8. No information but congrats on the acceptance!!
  9. man talk about bad news...hope it works out o.k for them all.
  10. I'm new to the city, but I stared medic school in june of last year and test in the middle of may'06. I ma very excited and nervous. Have been an EMT for about 3yrs. I work EMS in missouri.
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