robert gift
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About robert gift
- Birthday 05/25/1951
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Volunteer firefighter/ worst responder
Profile Information
Denver, Colorado USA
jolly-volly firefighter, (FFI, HazMat Ops)<br />top-hat and tailed chimney sweep, <br />tree company employee "Just promoted myself to Branch Manager."<br />classical organist, carillonneur (plays tower bells)<br />owns operating Federal Signal 2t22A air raid siren!,<br />tornado chaser, astronomy, aviation, lightning, Tesla coils, trains, chemistry, electronics.<br /><br />Loves animals: "In college I majored in Animal Husbandry - 'till I got caught.", <br />has used poodle from the Denver Dumb Friend's League, had beloved potbellied pig - Piganini (you never sausage a pig!), has illegal baby turtles, seeks a canary.<br /><br />Politically incorrect agnostic who rejects all fairytales (religions)
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Woman dies in ambulance when oxygen runs out
robert gift replied to OwleyMedic's topic in Patient Care
Anyone watching the pt? Or both riding in front? -
robert gift started following Woman dies in ambulance when oxygen runs out
Years ago we had an ambulance so top heavy that I named her "Dolly". So I was always careful taking her around curves. On our way to a possible electrocution, I was going around a gentle left curve as fast as possible. Dolly was leaning but it was OK. Suddenly, a very strong wind hit us from the inside of our curve. Withat and the lean, I thought we were going to go over. Immediately I braked and went from lane 1 to lane 2, straightening out the curve a little to reduce the centrifugal force. We did not go over, but partner and I arrived at the scene still shaking. Sadly, the electrician was too long in asystole from 10,000 Volts of filtered DC from an AM radio station transmitter. (Today is the first EMT City notice I have received in quite a while. Also, why are some posts, including this one, center aligned? Much easier to read when from the left margin.)
I do not run through intersections if I merely THINK they are clear. I see if they are clear and if no one is approaching. If you can't verify it is clear, you most slow as necessary and be able to stop if necessary. (Just as the state statute reads.) I do not stop for the sake of some theoretical "rule" that we should stop at every red signal. Just as I do not do the ritual of stopping at railroad crossings if I can see both directions down the track that no trains are approaching. What a ridiculous rule for school and other busses. Yes, if you have room to stop. When necessary, I do drive into oncoming traffic. It is easy to observe if oncoming drivers see the EV and easy to observe how they react. It is safer than approaching someone from behind, unsure if they even know an EV is approaching, unsure where they will move, IF they will move, or if they will slam on their brakes. It is THEIR fault. I am merely asking for the right of way. I am not directing them to do anything. NEVER DIRECT ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING! Even in your POV, if you wave someone to turn in front of you and they collide with another vehicle, you can also be blamed. That was THEIR unfortunate, poor decision. Nonetheless, this is why going around is so much better. Our statutes do allow proceeding in opposing lanes. It is done routinely by fire and ambulance. Better than coercing someone to move forward into cross-traffic. We have a major intersection with a 200+ yard long raised median. Often vehicles are backed-up solid behind the red signal and it takes two signal cycles to get through. We simply go on the other side of the median and pass everyone silently until we near the intersection. No one in that pack will be trying to squeeze over, possibly contacting other vehicles, while the EV is trying unsuccessfully to get through the mess. And no one at the front is going to pull out into cross-traffic.
Yes, we have sunrise and sunset situations where the sun is directly in line with east-west streets. As autumnal equinox is nearing, we're watching for such situations. If we see a vehicle coming at us, we stop. If the vehicle hits us, it is that driver's fault for blindly driving into a stationary object - the same as rear-ending a stopped vehicle ahead. But legal blame is not the issue. Preventing a collision or mishap in the first place, is. We save MUCH time when you tally all the intersections. With backed-up traffic it may take more than one signal cycle to get through an intersection. So even if only 45-second cycles, plus time it takes vehicles to start up and be moving, the time adds up. Speeding in urban/suburban traffic is where not much time is saved. Speeding there is not worth the risk, pollution and wear and tear. At an occupied intersection with a green signal, we slow to the speed limit or less if situation (confusion) necessitates. (A family was killed when the drunk father pulled forward through a red signal into the path of a responding Aurora Fire truck. In active School Zones we slow to the required speed limit - or less as the situation dictates. Exactly what I have been stating. You cannot count on the siren. Deaf drivers, drivers "deaf" from loud stereos in better sound insulated air conditioned vehicles, etc., may never hear it. And drivers hearing the siren and looking everywhere for it as they continue. And drivers who do not know what these "spaz" and gimmick sounds are. Wail and Yelp are better perceived than gimmick sounds. Yelp tends to panic some drivers. We use it when Wail seems not to be working. We do not do the 'Yelp at intersections' nonsense. Exactly. This is why is it best to prefer, in order: 1. left open thru-lane 2. open lefturn lane 3. an open thru-lane or righturn lane -even if right of occupied lanes (be ready for someone clearing right) 4. going into opposing traffic lane #1 When turning right at a red intersection, I prefer the right turn lane with no siren so drivers ahead can continue right turns on red. (With siren, they may freeze and no one moves nowhere not no how!) You are asking for right of way. The driver is not required to move forward and get hit (as the motorist killed in front of Lakewood fire truck was). Nonetheless, he panicked (did they have Yelp sounding?)and did not wait for cross-traffic to stop. This is why we prefer opposing lane #1 rather than pulling up behind someone stopped at their red signal. You, not they, take on the risk of getting cross-traffic to stop. We drive GENTLY, PREDICTABLY, and courteously with as little use of the siren as possible.
Correct. I don't know that. Depending on damage, some rotors can be repaired. Still big buck$ but not $40k. LZ needs to be coned off to prevent aircraft from being moroned. I don't know why all the crap to the left. Nothing *I* did. Thought I was the only one to see it. Thought each poster sees only his/her stuff. I'll notify the administrator. Thanks
Hit sounds more severe. "Medical Helicopter blade bumped by fire truck." is more accurate. No excuse for this. You STAY AWAY from helicopters. If you must squeeze by, you have spotter. One rotor blade, if unrepairable, can be $40,000 Also costs of loading and transporting that helicopter and getting it inspected.
Assuming is fine, here. I will assume. I have never known of a spouse to use drugs without the wife knowing but claiming ignorance.
Any newer information? Are results of independent findings out? Did his wife know about the "other" drugs?
Sorry, did not see your previous link. Thank you for your research and stats. Who said anything about "flying through intersections"? And who is going to "slam into someone at 90" mph? Going into opposing lanes takes pressure off drivers ahead who may move forward into traffic. Also lessens vehicles maneuvering to get out of the way from bumping. (A woman in lane one moved right. Woman in lane two moved forward causing damage. That Rural/Metro Ambulance could easily have gone around, not holding up everyone while drivers figured what to do and maneuvered. The signal had already turned green but no one noticed because they were maneuvering!) Fortunately, Colorado does not have laws prohibiting smart moves.
It is an analogy which could happen. Around a blind corner could be a toddler who does not know the meaning of your siren and that he should get out of the street. The toddler could be anyone, drunk/drugs, incompetent, deaf or blind, etc. We must compensate for other's mistakes and not allow a terrible outcome. Locomotive engineers are they only ones to which this does not apply. Good. But the ridiculous rules won't allow it. You MUST stop at red signals, even if all cross-traffic has stopped or there is no traffic present or approaching.* You MUST stop at Stop signs, even if no one else is present or approaching. You MUST blare the siren into citizen's homes and businesses, even if no one is in your way. *Recently, westbound signalling turning south, I stopped at a rather open intersection because I was not convinced a northbound driver was going to stop. Southbound driver, who had stopped, took off, not wanting to wait.
Nothing to "brag" about. What is reckless about not stopping at red signals when there is no traffic, or when all traffic has stopped? Is it contrary to some religious ritual? Have I espoused that one may "run" through such intersections? Merely that following some ridiculous "rule" that lengthens response time, causes more traffic impediment, more wear and tear on the vehicle, more fuel use and pollution by everyone - is needless. And the Colorado statute also follows that reasoning. Are you going to travel only 10 mph over the 75 Speed Limit and have others wanting you out of their way? If conditions allow, there is no problem with making better time to the scene than to follow some assigned speed limit. Speed limits are conservative - meaning they are posted lower than what the road is engineered for. In open expanses on dry level Interstates, 15 mph over the speed limit is no problem. Why do you erroneously state I complained "bat out of hell" when I never said such nor observed them doing that? They are FAKE runs. Not emergencies. Taking right of way from others, causing traffic impediment and disruption, makng others move off the roadway possibly causing vehicle damage or tire damage, exposing others to hazards - is not justified for fake runs. They can accomplish the same practice without lights and siren.
No complaints about stopping when limited visibility. Would be horrible to have children harmed because of a grade crossing signal failure - though I have never heard of even one. Four lanes, two each direction, so vehicles could easily have used lane one to pass the bus, as I did. Colorado has had two terrible school bus train collisions. Late 40s and early 60s. How long it takes to get unrehearsed students out?
The point is that it is needless. Think how many gallons of fuel is wasted, pollution generated not only by the buses but also the trucks and automobiles behind. Kind of relates to impeding traffic when needlessly stopping at red signals. Is it religious ritual, which has absolutely no value? When bus drivers can see no train for miles, why do all the waste? Your sixty students won't be injured much by the non existant train. But maybe slightly bruised when rear-ended by the truck. I also have a bus license. They should make that crossing [EXEMPT]
Brilliant reply. But you're not in the picture. Wrong end. If you don't like it, don't read it. Duh! Just saw a bus stop at a railroad crossing with (o)=(o) , gates and bells. Unobstructed view down the track a mile in both directions. Yet, the bus slows, puts on emergency flashers, stops and then proceeds. A red sports car behind it almost rear-ended the bus and came partially into our lane. What a waste of fuel, pollution as the bus accelerated, brake wear, engine and drive train wear and tear, passenger discomfort, times how many occurances each day - all for nothing. Bus was more of a hazard slowly accelerating over that track than just crossing at the speed limit.