jolly-volly firefighter, (FFI, HazMat Ops)<br />top-hat and tailed chimney sweep, <br />tree company employee "Just promoted myself to Branch Manager."<br />classical organist, carillonneur (plays tower bells)<br />owns operating Federal Signal 2t22A air raid siren!,<br />tornado chaser, astronomy, aviation, lightning, Tesla coils, trains, chemistry, electronics.<br /><br />Loves animals: "In college I majored in Animal Husbandry - 'till I got caught.", <br />has used poodle from the Denver Dumb Friend's League, had beloved potbellied pig - Piganini (you never sausage a pig!), has illegal baby turtles, seeks a canary.<br /><br />Politically incorrect agnostic who rejects all fairytales (religions)