Is there a way I could get a copy of the NJ Paramedic protocols?
The standing orders are put out by the state as guidelines. Each "Project" medical control then decides what to allow the medics to do and OLMC options will vary.
How are medics usually deployed? Are you 911 only? Transfers only? a mix (scheduled 911 & transfer days, you start 911 but if a transfer comes in they pull you from rotation, etc)?
This will depend on where you work. Some are posted on street assignments usually in the urbam areas and others have quarters to station at. From what I know, you are either 911 or critical care transport. NJ runs dual medics for 911 and 1 medic/1 emt or 1 emt and 1 RN for CC.
Do you know what starting average pay is NJ?
Pay ranges I have seen are between $18.00 and $28.00
Is there a union?
This will also depend on where you work. From what I know there are 2 that have unions (IAFF). One being MONOC, who covers Jackson/egg harbor. But to date still no working contract, since the union decided to file job actions instead of solidifying a contract.
How are the benefits?
Still will depend on your employer.
My wife seems interested in the Jackson, Egg Harbor and surrounding areas for us to live...any suggestions on companies to approach? is that areas coverage. But other NJ medic projects pay better and supposedly have a better work environment. I just cant speak for other agencies.
how busy is it? Is there a lot of violence? More trauma? More medical? or about equal?
Like other posters mentioned, this will vary and depend on your area. I found most of the time to be pretty busy.
I have worked in an urban setting for quite some time. I apologize for the ton of questions, but trying to as much info as I can before I plunge head first.
To get a medic card in NJ you must be sponsored by one of the providers. Then they send your info, training and experience to the state who then decides if you meet NJ requirements for reciprocity. If you dont, then most likely the sponsor will arrange for you to get the needed or missing training. Depending on the sponsor, this can be paid or at your expense.
If coming from another ems system, I think you may find NJ a shock to how they do things.
Hope this helps.
PS - Sorry I couldnt figure out how to get the "quote" thing working.