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EMS Solutions

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Everything posted by EMS Solutions

  1. $70 is a lot of money. I know of a site that is much cheaper and offers much more. I wonder where I saw that "Solution"
  2. "Know Your Job, Do Your Job"
  3. Anything make it better worse, positioning etc. Pain 1-10? Dental issues?, Stress? Depression? Pain location - front, back of head, wrapping around head, non descript? Any issues with gait, dizziness? I think I would want to take you to the ER, tell the nurse/doc that it has been going on for 2 months, get blood work, CT, Urine etc. Have the ED contact me with the results, consult with your PMD and follow up with you in another week or so. I would do it sooner, but I am booked solid. If anything changes or worsens give me a call. You know the number ... 911.
  4. On/off X 2 months, constant x 3 weeks? Did he go to his primary MD yet? Or is he using 911 as his PMD? What makes this episode different that required calling 911?
  5. That is barbaric. I hope they got to split the ambulance bill at least
  6. Having separate level providers EMT, EMT-I etc is one of the problems in EMS. How can we expect to get licensed when someone goes thru a 120 hour course to be an EMT? This also confuses the public, they don't know what to expect when they call 911. Some guy with an oxygen tank or someone with a mini ED. I also feel that by promoting one level and therefore one standard of training. It will be much easier to pursue the cause of making EMS it's own entity and get that license and standard of education and care implemented. By having all these separate levels, you would have to approach it with an EMT can do this but not that an EMT-I can do that but not this an EMT-CC is allowed to do almost this but still cannot do that. Imagine someone with no clue about EMS looking at us and trying to figure all that out and give support to the goals we have. I've been in EMS for over 16 years and my own family still doesn't understand what I do. It's a hard sell IMHO. When you have a system that is so all over the place, what needs to be done is practically breaking it all down and starting from scratch. Jim
  7. I've heard of a place where you can get a free testing tips report, some decent practice exams, study guides and other stuff. I forget the site but you can look at my signature and maybe that will help
  8. Great topic. One that can go in circles forever, unless action is taken beyong us talking about it here and in other forums. So far I agree with most of the comments. But.. No vollys No EMT, EMT-I, EMT-CC etc. - One license, One Level - Paramedic Unity is also key to getting where we want to be. One governing body is a great idea. Who wants to start that body? Who will start it and stay with it? PM me if you are serious about making a change.
  9. No it's free. I never get unwanted emails. When I mentioned spam above I meant from other people on the site that will ask me to join their network but have nothing to do with EMS and are usually work at home ops. However, I will say that those types of emails are very low. I usually just ignore them.
  10. I thought that 80 was implied DNR. :twisted:
  11. I'm a member I have built some contacts. But you have to be wary of spam.
  12. OK, Uncle Uncle I agree that the patient should have been removed from the vehicle prior to the second ambulance getting there. I agree that exposure of key areas as needed for this patient should have been done. However, I would prefer to do that in the ambulance with the patient supine on a board. Not on the ground or inside of a car with some whacker holding a sheet to keep prying eyes out. The thing is, if the patient was being extricated as she should have been while the ambulance was enroute. Then according to the ETA she would have been removed about the time of arrival and put in the ambulance for all this exposing to be done anyway. Now a different scenario may have warranted doing some exposing on scene. But in this one I don't feel it was. To just throw that in as a post to pick away at the scenario and what went on is just being a backseat driver. I don't think that a patient as described needs a strip and flip, scratch N' sniff , pull my finger or whatever out in a roadway. Of course her condition could have been this or that, the airbag could have released, the car may have exploded etc etc etc etc. As the arriving ambulance ultimately responsible for patient care , I am going to do it over again anyway. I don't care what you did before I got there as far as exam goes. Just get them packaged and ready, so it won't delay my mastery of IV therapy for trauma patients. With that said, I blame James for all this. I was just having a relaxing Friday.
  13. Expose as needed. Round and round we go. Everyone considered this patient stable. Now that a new comment gets made going against textbook treatment, she may be compensating or have a hidden injury. Listen, I'm not saying to not expose and look at potential injuries. But certainly not on a roadway, unless of course the situation calls for that. So far this one does not. She's been in the car for at least 10 mins, with a life saving collar on. All of a sudden everyone wants to take her clothes off. Maybe she is compensating, maybe she is a drama queen and computing her lawsuit. I wasn't there. However, those of you saying you would strip her down and use sheets to protect her privacy. Good for you. Let me know when your court date is.
  14. Great tip for the brand new member. You never know what "company'"or how many "companies" you will find looking at your posts.
  15. Well James now you went and did it. Now while I think the patient should have been ready to go upon arrival of the second ambulance. Strip the patient?? Let's be real here. Yes expose as needed. But a stable patient I dont think needs to be stripped out in the open, I dont care how many sheets your holding up. Of course you can do it, and you can justify it as "proper pt care" But Would the same person with the same training in the same situation do it? I guess it would depend on the age, weight and + Jessica Alba findings. If she was too young we could wind up in the EKG thread Well, have fun on your next MVA second guessing yourself.
  16. Take a look at this one. http://emsstuff.com/product_info.php?cPath...products_id=793
  17. OK well, I'll meet you half way. If the ETA was 8-10min.Then after about 4 you could have started getting the pt out and onto a board. If you were unsure you may have asked for an updated ETA to better time the ALS arrival, thereby limiting her laying on the ground time. In the meantime, was demographics obtained? Name, address, HX, meds etc. Or was it all in your head and rattled off to the medic upon arrival? Personally I hate when I arrive on scene and see numerous responders all standing around with a patient sitting in a car, no patient information besides a 10 min old vital signs report. Then its a big rush to get em out of the car and into my ambulance. Everyone wants to "get there". But when they do, its a lot of standing around flexing their turnout gear and bat belts. Did you do anything wrong? Maybe not, I wasn't there. But had I rolled up and seen several responders with one guy holding neck stabilization, I prob. would have been irritated. Let them scream - everyone needs a little drama in their life. Plus the car must have been hot as mentioned before. I personally don't like running vehicles while I'm with a patient, the door open, damaged, fluids leaking, blah blah blah. Safety First - People Always Now if I was the medic and awaiting a BLS truck to transport. I would not have even done the collar. I mean come on - That's a BLS skill. My talents cannot be wasted on those tasks. I look much cooler standing there talking to the cops. <<- Just kidding. :twisted:
  18. Maybe it was tough after all. Who was the judge? :twisted:
  19. Awhile back NY Preb. Hosp allowed medics to work triage as overtime only and they had to take a course thru the hospital. When Maimonides Hospital in Bklyn NY had a nursing strike, they let Medics work in the ER for overtime as well. I don't know of anyplace in NY or NJ that allows medics to work in a medic capacity. They will hire medics as patient care techs but the salary is usually lower.
  20. I have heard of a few places. Take a look below or check out the top sites area. Hint Hint
  21. I don't really start being their social worker and tell them how they are ruining their lives. Mostly, they are well aware of that before I had to be in their presence. Especially when I get the same repeat customer several times. I am however, straight with them. I don't blow smoke and certainly don't let them think they are fooling me in anyway.
  22. Thats funny Marty I second the nomination - All in favor??
  23. Make This Post GO AWAY (PLEASE!)
  24. Supply - We keep supplying free labor by volunteering Demand - There is no demand to have to pay us anymore than chicken feed Yes all EMS Eductaors should have formal degrees and get paid accordingly as well. By requiring them to have these degrees , payscales will increase as an educator. But still, the field personnel will have no drive to get the higher eduaction until their payscale and benefits improve. I dont think the formally educated instructor will teach for free i.e volunteer. Why do nurses, Lab techs, x-ray techs, PA's etc all get paid more? There are no volunteer nursing or x-ray tech squads. They demand pay and employers supply it.
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