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Baby Delivery So Easy an EMT Can Do It
Redneck4_life replied to spenac's topic in General EMS Discussion
alright we've all know those folks who when the illness and conditions inflict their loved ones forget to think and just react adn feel. Maybe he forgot what they taught him and was just excite dhis child was being born. Ive heard of men and women who deliver at home because they want to deliver the child themselves. Maybe he forgot that delievering that early wasnt a good thing. And maybe he's the type of person to remain opptomistic in the face of thigns that would scare the crap out of most people. and sometimes you dont have time to get scared or nervous you just have time to react and go off of what you remember and were trained to do. He's probably a adrenaline junkie and was to hypered up to have the pucker factor kick in. just putting in my two cents worth. -
Redneck4_life replied to THE_DITCH_DOCTOR's topic in Funny Stuff
OK i'm doing my final Paramedic ride outs. Distpatch" medic 14 engine 15 please response to the vincity of holly and monkhouse for a adult female uncousious laying in the road. few second later Dispatch : patient states bystander is breathing. Shh.. opps uh you know what I meant. a few minutes later Disptach : all units can get back in service patient was just sleeping. Medic 14 (my preceptor): Distpatch do we know why the patient was sleeping in the road? Dispatch: Standby......negative she wont answer me. Medic 14: we're going to continue to the scene and we request engine 15 continue as well until we know why the patient was sleeping in the middle of a major road. Distpatch: ok if you want to.... engine 15 you copy? engine 15: 10-4 We want to know why she was sleeping in teh road too. (you could hear the laughter over the sirens in teh back ground. PS the patinet wasnt only sleeping in teh middle of the road but she was naked and drunked and the bystander was her boyfriend who stopped the car to pee and was also laying in the road with her when we got there... her clothes were nowwhere to be found.... got to love drunk red necks -
wow seriously we should take a note from the movie 300 and throw people like that into a pit..... at the ER i work at I answered the phone for this question: Me: "ER this is Jenn." Man: "This is the ER right?" Me: "Yes sir. Is there something I can help you with?" Man: "Well I feel stupid asking this... but me and my wife were doing it you know having intercourses tonight." Me: "Ok and the question is?" Man:"Oh right, um yeah well when I was sucking on her boob, only because she likes that, i sort of sucked a lil to ahrd and some nasty tasting water stuff came out into my mouth. What was it?" (ok at this point I'm trying not to snort into the phone because I'm trying not to laugh into the phone) Me:"Ok sir answer me this is your wife pregnant, or has she recently given birth?" Man: "Yes she popped one out two weeks ago. Oh is that water stuff the reason the doctor told us not to have intercourses before 6 weeks, because if it is I can just not suck on her boob." Me:" Well the liquid was probably breat milk but I'm sure thats not why he told you not to have intercourse with your wife for 6 weeks, sir." Man:" Oh does breast milk really taste that bad?" Me:"Sir i dont and havent ever drank breast milk so you would be a better judge then me, I suggest having you wife call her doctor in the morning if she's producing breast milk now and wasnt before." Man: "Well it does taste nasty so I wouldnt suggest trying it ma'am, thanks for the advice bye!" I wish i had a recording of that phone call because it still makes me chuckle.
Easy people. Be nice at least on my topic! I understood what hottie was saying. Thanks for all the advice it has helped me. As for the question as to what a rig is. Well Down here in Louisiana or i should say the part of Louisiana I'm from we either call the ambulance a rig, the truck, or bambulance. I thought i was using common terminology but i guess not.
thanks i appreciate the advice. I'm glad to know it's probably not just me. I found it really funny though that the service that runs with my fire department that I know everyone on was the worst about wanting/teaching riders.
I'm in paramedic school right now, and it seems that most of my preceptors that I do ride outs with don't want me there. Now some have asked me to come back anytime to ride. Others act like i don't exist or they make it clear they don't like that I'm there. Some see me as the kiss of death. The few I've had the didn't care if i was there didn't want to teach me anything or let me do anything. I've made every attempt to ride with the preceptors that have invited me back or at least taught me something. So heres what I want to know. How many of you paramedics that precept students actually like precepting. If you dent tell me why? Your not going to hurt my feeling I want honest answers. I want to know how ya'll feel about student riders.
My first code I work I had the patient on the floor had another volunteer doing compressions while i used a pocket mask. Another volunteer came in the door folllowed by the medics and the family of the lady when I suddenly remembered I had a BVM in my bag so instead of queitly gettin gup and gettign I think and say out loud " I'M SO STUPID" and then i got up and ran for my bag... lol everyone just sotppped and looked at me for like ten seconds. Thankfully we feel right back in routine. The lady who coded however we didnt save ( she threw a cloat). I still ahvent lived it down Jenn
doe in heat urine on the bottom of an annoying partners or fellow member's pants or shoes. props to Jeff Foxowrthy for the idea. at my volly department we have these huge bags that you could fit a small person in that we carry our bunker gear. well everyone just brings them into the staiton and puts them up against the wall on meeting nights "just in case" well one night a new guy put his bag by the wall and went to the bathroom. We removed his gear from the bag and soemone climbed in ( the bag has a mess window so we werent affarid of suffication). We had all the trucks pulled out of the bay for training. well the new guy's bag slowly moved all over the station and when we did a mock page well he about pooped himself when his bag attacked him as he tried to open it. ****hint if u do this make sure that the person in the bag and at least laugh without makin noise or else its ruined my personal favorite--------zip ties on the drive shaft. it makes one hell of a noise and creates no damage to the vechical!
At my department whenyou join you go on 90 days probahtion. The 90 days is for training and to make sure your going to stick around. After the 90 days you get a radio bunker gear (if you want it) traffic vest, a number, a dress shirt (its ahrdly ever worn) a t-shirt if we ahve ur size in, um if you have and ems cerification they offer u the choice to buy and emt bag which they will keep stocked for you, um you get a map of the district and a plastic clipboard to keep run reports and rosters in. At my department if its something we want we save up our money and apply for grants. If it needs fixing we look within the dpepartment to see if anyone knows how to fix it right and if they can we rembers them the money they spend on whatever it is and if no one can fix it we send it out or buy a new if we can afford it. Most of the bunker gear we ahve the the volly peole get is close to ten years old, but we bought it to last and its hasnt let us down yet. lol Jenn it aint over till the 10-22, and then theres clean-up
Its jsut a damn flag. It means something different to everyone. I wear rebal flags and I dsplay them not just because I'm damn proud to be from the south but becuase its says I'm from the country and I'm not affraid to show it. Around here you IQ audomatically drops and so does ur socal standing the moment all the little suburian dim whits (no offence to any suburians that read this I know not everyone of ya'll think this I'm just talking about the ones in my area) find out that your from the country.and Yes i live in the country were are door stay unlocked and the kids dont come home until the skirters start bitting. I have on the back of my truck my country attitude isnt for the city! does that make me racist no it jsut means i dont like the city. My rebel flags (thats what we call them around here) are pure souther pride. I'm not racist. My departmetn isnt racist. And in fact the first african American signed up yesterday to volly with us and everyone body greeted him just the way they greeted me and over half the trucks in the parking lot we displaying some form of the rebal flag. We will never get everyone toagree that its not offensive or that it jsut mean southern pride we jsut have to many bull headed strong will stubborn people on this forum, but if anyone els eis like me thats what keeps me coming back because everyone wants to agrue about something poitns less liek this just to relive some of that stress ur partner gave you. lol
Lets see in my jump kit i have: 2 pocket face masks BP cuff Ears a couple of flash lights a palm pen light a first aid kit iwth your usual stuff a few ace bandages one cold and one hot pack a blanket several rolls of cerlex a box of gloves a pair of leather gloves watch box of bandaids scissors two hemastats trash bag ponytail holders ( theyre for my benifit) lol pad of paper and serval pens a list of emergency numbers ( pioson coltrol and the police and stuff like that) glow sticks a few packages of drinking water that came with teh first aid kit I think thats about it. I know its a lot but i live in a very rural area and you never know what your going to come across.
You might be working for Rural EMS If......
Redneck4_life replied to Alcomedicism's topic in General EMS Discussion
if when a call comes in the the first respondrs show up at the stations and to the scene on horse back and four wheelers because the truck's stuck and the john deer wouldn't start. -
What kind of vehicle do you drive?
Redneck4_life replied to rossco_79's topic in General EMS Discussion
I drive a 1997 Z-71 Chevey . Extended bed and Cab. Its got the third door and its my baby. I love it I got side steps put on and I'm gettinga tool box as soon as I can afford it .... -
How does the fire department in your rural area work is it volunteer or payed. Mine is volunteer and after you join your on 90 probation before they give you all your equipment and let you officially respond to calls