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Newbie (1/14)



  1. It does seem like alot of common sense stuff. Dress like your going to be in public (I think we've kinda lost the meaning of that in our generation). Dress like your going to be in class, not cleaning out horse stalls (if you can help it, some schedules may not allow for that). To me that doesn't mean dress up, but be presentable. Make people think well of you. I think it's also important to dress comfortable, so you can concentrate on your class. Do your homework... that a new one! Our instructor has us do the work before we come in, then he talks about it and/or we do skills. If you don't do your homework, you don't really have a clue what's going on when you get to class. I go online alot and surf for info on everything. What you find is not always correct, but if you know more, you can ask more intelligent questions. Absolutley show respect! My instructor is a stickler for doing things the best you can. I think that's great! He wants you to actually put your junk away when your done with it. He talks about taking care of the little things. Taking care of your equipment. I'd rather practice and test with him than anyone else I've met, b/c he's not lazy, and will make sure your doing things right. Anyway....
  2. "In extreme cases, when students are not able to obtain experiences in a clinical or field setting, it may be necessary to utilize programmed patients. All variances must be approved by the state EMS office or licensing agency." I found this on the NHTSA site, so there are exceptions. I still plan on asking about it, though.
  3. EMS-cat- I'm taking the course in another county b/c my county does not offer it right now. The instructor mentioned that they got the clinical time waived. I'm planning on asking them and the state OEMS about it.
  4. Thanks, Pose, that helped!
  5. Hey, I'm a new EMT-B student. The county in which I'm taking this course doesn't require clinical time for EMT-B's. They say it's b/c of too many EMT students. I would like to do clinical time, though. I think it would be helpful. And I wonder if not doing clinical time could hurt me in the future. Is there anyone else out there who was not required to do clinical time?
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