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Everything posted by Texman

  1. And don't forget to ask about your scene. One of the instructors where I went would throw goofy BS at you if you didn't ask. Quicksand in the yard, a sniper on the roof. Likely you won't have an AHole instructor like that but it is always good practice to ask if there is anything odd about your scene or if there would be any problems getting to the pt or getting them out.
  2. Mine was "Respond to 175 and stark for a woman" I asked for secondary and that was all they had...respond for a woman. I love call info like that. LOL ](*,)
  3. Yeah it is just a Paced Rhythm.
  4. That is a textbook paced rhythm. The one mshow00 was talking about is a paced rhythm but the pacer was in overdrive. I've seen that several times. There is really nothing you can do about it either. Pacers go into overdrive at times and it gives the same S&S as regular Tachycardia but the typical protocals won't do much for them.
  5. It also depends on WHAT you choose to do. A medic on an oil derrick in the gulf can make six figures but it is a hard life if you are married or have kids. 911 medics have an awesome schedule that allows for a second job but the medic pay is barely enough to live off of. Do your research before you decide. I am a medic on my way to Nurse. I started out to be a nurse and took an EMT course just to work as I was going through nursing school and I got hooked. EMT to Medic was only logical and I have had to get that out of my system before continuing to RN.
  6. Part of this has already been said but its simple. What makes you comfortable? For me it IS in the back of the box. Controlled environment! I can limit who is next to me. When you have the family next to you screaming You HAVE to save them it makes for added stress none of us needs. The only disadvantage I have found in the box is the angle is sometimes odd. Every situation is different though. I have intubated in the middle of McDonalds before with many people watching. Whatever the situation you have to be comfortable with your own abilities. Hope this helps.
  7. Study! ACLS and Medical Emergencies are the main things to retain. I've been a medic for a little while now and if I knew then what I know now I would have been much more interested in Med Emergency. 95% or more of your calls will be medical. Study! I guess the other main thing is to study alot! Be thankful your school is tough. The tougher the school is the easier your NR will be. Good Luck
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