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Everything posted by Ghost-Tech

  1. StonyBrook University put out a study in regards to medics and EMT's doing CPR in a moving Ambulance and the report was stunning. Effective CPR in an Ambulance on a highway with no traffic was producing a 27% effective rate of CPR. On city streets in dropped even lower to 17%. This test was done by some of the best Instructors and experienced EMS personnel NY had to offer. THe auto-pulse actually produced a normal blood-pressure and pulse and CPR was effective above 90% on both city and highway conditions. This things works....it may turn out to have some flaws but its effectiveness has outweighed any thing brought up so far. I know Brentwood Ambulance Co in Suffolk County NY has been using them for nearly 6 months now and have nothing but good things to say so far. One of the best things I personally like about it is that I can sit down in the back of the ambulance and put my seatbelt on. I know most of you think that is silly but I have been in the back and been thrown around way too many times. I have escaped serious injury but I have seen many that have not. Stay safe.
  2. I agree with Devil of Dust--- Volunteers are killing the " Professional aspect of the job ".... When they can get from the buffs for free why pay
  3. Our Department loves to waste money so they bought 14. However, they got the money through government grants from the 9/11 commission. Free Money only if you spend it. That was the deal. So they spent it. We just got trained and we are to put them on our rigs March 17. I am not completely against it until we give it a shot. Then I will have hands on comments for you. I appreciate all the posts from the good guys/gals out there. For those of you who wish just to criticize...so be it. What else can you do......piss poor job horrible pay. Hope you have a back-up. NY
  4. It was the Thumper
  5. It will never be perfect but our agency just bought 12 and I know Hotzolah has many in use already. Its a growing trend. Don't be afraid to modernize.. I seen the product demo and It has potential. I know it is effective when used correctly and it has many safety features that alarms you and will shut itself off. Like all cpr, better to break the ribs that not do cpr at all...lawsuits happen no matter what you do.
  6. By the way a seizure can result in cardiac arrest----a pro-longed seizure can result in cardiac arrest....I know i didn't provide enough info but its not unheard of. Lack of oxygen from a pro-longed seizure can have this result. Obviously there would be a cause for the seizure itself but in such as the case mentioned in the beginning of this discussion the presentation would be correct....it just lacked the full briefing for some that found it appalling.
  7. Now that I prrof read my original post I can see where I have mis-lead some of you. I apologize for the incorrect info--I was so into the concept of the auto-pulse I gave a horrible presentation of the job itself.
  8. 36 is not old to start a career. Especially if you actually like " the job ". How many people actually enjoy doing what they do. I say go for it.
  9. Good Point. Thats the best approach to take.
  10. DustDevil is there something I should know. You seem very negative. Did do something personal to you to bring this on?
  11. I just wanted to say that I finally saw the Auto-pulse in action. Brought in a 53 y/o male in cardiac arrest resulting from a seizure....upon arriving at Jamaica Hospital---they applied the auto-pulse and I was impressed by it performance. It allowed the patient to be clear of an extra set of hands and made it appear to allow further intervention to take place w/o people bumping into each other. Not to mention the perfect chest compressions... Anyone else see this in action---in the field?
  12. well depends on location---in New York when I work as a medic I get 29.71/hour
  13. :?: simple question--been debating this for almost 10 years now... scenario: patient falls from a ladder of 8 feet high....pt is 6'2. Do we add the two and = notification. Or do we improvise... If he lands on his head does that qualify as a fall from 14+ feet or do we stay at the height of the ladder or structure....
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