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Everything posted by shorthairedpunk

  1. you have to remember, an accurate test doesnt just consist of hard questions, it tests the takers knowlege in the whole spectrum of the subject matter, not just the higher end of it. A test written well does not try to fool its taker, and a true test doesnt try to make them think, a true test simply guages the takers absobtion of the material.
  2. i think a tazer in the bedroom could add some flare
  3. only allow pirate flags from here on out
  4. Id sign the bill if it took lights and all that away from peoples POVs, or at least limited them to one small strobe and one small decal
  5. The trial itself was a joke as is any high profile trial, the jurors already made their mind up before they started the trial, the only thing they were concerned about was how much they were going to get from their book deal As for guilt or innocence, I dont know, I wasnt there, but I do have some serious concerns about families who are supposedly tryiong to protect their children accepting such extravagant gifts and such and i think they are worse than him
  6. You do mean telemetry as in transmission of vital info like vitals and 12 leads right? If so, I cant wait til we get that end functioning. The bus is a volotile environment where tunnel vision can interfere with even the most seasoned veterans judgemnet, whereas the ER has a moderately controlled environment in which they can interpret and see things we cannot in the field, not to mention at times there may even be a cardiologist present to also confer on the strip.
  7. a coffee clinical means you have time to sit and drink coffee during your clinical shifts and it still counts as an education credit even though you didnt actually do anything
  8. "We (EMS) need to shift from the "training" set of mind; to true education" --beautifully said--
  9. you can call it that if you want
  10. Ill buy two when you get this book published, which will probably be the second tuesady after a pig flies out of my ass. This is assanine that you would even think you are qualified to spearhead a medical books creation. You mention that you would only do "sections" but you pick some pretty big sections, I hate to tell you buddy, none of the current texts have one individual writing an entire section. It is a collaboration of multiple PROFFESSIONALS from within that field who have had decades of experience, youre what 25? Get off your high horse, and realize its unlikely that you actually know "more" than 95% of the people on this website, and you are not any where near qualified or capable of doing this.
  11. "What is it with the warm and fuzzy feeling that so many people have for the mentally retarded?" No I bitched about you making this statement, not making fun of retarded people.
  12. that reminds me of an old outdated joke Why didnt Superman save Princess Diana? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cause he was in a wheelchair used to be funny
  13. not tryin to pick a fight, but you n yer buddy can try to provoke one if you want
  14. "What is it with the warm and fuzzy feeling that so many people have for the mentally retarded?" I take it you dont have any kids either?
  15. "(the terrorists, I mean, not the Christian coalition), " LOL
  16. uh oh mental and physical ailments are two totally different ballgames buddy, unless physical ailments result from the underlying mental impairment. My sister has cerebral palsey and lives in a home, but she has a productive and very happy life (as productive as you can have without the ability to fully function in the outside world)
  17. thats the point, you cant call the same thing by different names, letting someone die is the same as helping them live, if you want to call it playing god, then look at it realistically, not from a one sided point of view with a holier than thou attitude.
  18. i hate the taking gods place statements. God doesnt just let people live, he lets them die as well. By attempting to save a dying individual, under that statement, you are in fact stepping in and trying to take gods place.
  19. You never mentioned what the families request was in this matter? It is beyond EMS when the family is at the hospital, If the power of attorney for healthcare requested that course of action then what EMS wants is irrelevant. If the patient had spontaneous respirations and had become pulsatile then extubation may have been warranted. To what extent were this patients head injuries and what tests were performed to asses brain function within the facility prior to the decision not to transport? Was CT available at that facility?
  20. Pretty much anyone who works EMS for very long will be called racist, among the many other colorful terms people use for us when they discover that we are in fact not god. Take this for example, in chicago a few years back, the club E2 fire in which a club was over capacity and a fire erupted, to top it off, fire exits were also locked. When EMS arrived on scene, they did what hey were trained to do---triage. So the next day there were attempts to start lawsuits beacase the medics were walking around skipping over people saying that ones black (note this was a predominately african american club). It doesnt matter whether you show respect or not, people are always going to loook for areason to call you a racist, it makes them feel better about themselves if they can hide behing that powerful word, rather than applying themselves, and this applies acroos the board, no matter the color of ones skin.
  21. On the swastika topic, google swastika history, and youd be amazed
  22. violence is considered bad by the general standard of society hockey is violent therefore the mapleleaf stands for something bad anybody can dislike what you do or say or wear for whatever reason they choose, thats what freedom is all about. but people forget they have the ability to turn the other cheek. having a rebel flag in your window my offend someone. they have two choices, they can look and be offended, or they can look away and not. in the US unless you are a hypocrite of the percieved freedoms we enjoy, those are your only two options. It is offensive to a clansman to see an african flag on someones window. does that mean that flag too needs to go? they both represent something a person takes pride in. they both are a part of society. freedom has certain requirements. one of which is that if you want your beliefs to be accepted, you have to do the same. me, personally, I like the pink floyd crossed hammers symbol from the Wall. Little did I know that it is a symbol of racism, I found this out right after the LA riots way back when.
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