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Everything posted by beckoncall62

  1. Just sitting here when I heard traffic on the police frequency: "Catch me if you can" "I'm supposed to be backin up one of you guys-do you still need back up?" The response was a "no" so he replied "Ok I'm leaving then"
  2. This is just a wild guess on my part, but you really hate EMT's don't you?
  3. This happened in 1994 when my twins were born. One of my twins was placed in NNIC at the time of their birth due to underdeveloped lungs making it impossible for him to breathe on his own. They moved me into a hospital room so I could be closer to the unit they had him in. It broke my heart going in their everyday to see my precious little baby hooked up to a respirator, an IV in the vein in his head, patches over his eyes( he was also jaundiced and put under the "billie lights") and him trying desparately to cry. On one of my visits, they had him out of his incubator and were examining him. At this point they weren't sure if he was going to make it. He was responding somewhat to the treatment they were giving him. As we were standing there, my son let out a loud screech (which was a good sign). One of the nurses commented on how long his tongue was and how he was going to make some woman very happy some day! Everybody froze and looked over at me to see my reaction. When I started laughing , the doctor and other nurses evidently felt it was safe to laugh. Now, different people would take that a couple different ways- they would get mad and indignant or laugh-like I did. I'll tell you why I reacted the way I did: that woman's comment gave my son a future. It suggested that he was going to make it out of there alive. And he did. He and his brother just turned 13 a couple of weeks ago. So, the moral of the story is: sometimes comments some might see as stupid (and there are some-I'm guilty of a few), others might not be offended by. #-o =D> :hello2:
  4. Trust me-you're not the only one. (Nevermind that I'm replying to this a year later.)
  5. According to this I'm a chef. :roll:
  6. Hello and welcome to all the new members here from Washington State! :)/ :salute: :newb: :blob6: :happy1: :hello1:
  7. Ruffems-A comment in your post brought to mind something I wanted to comment on specifically-that comment being "Guy comes up and says I'm a medic, I can help". I participate regularly in the chatroom. One of my first times in there, someone asked me if I was a medic. Being fairly new in EMS, I said yes. Since then I've learned a few more things. An EMT-B isn't the same thing as being a medic. It can often be an honest misunderstanding of terminology when this happens, as opposed to someone deliberately trying to misrepresent themselves. In my case, I was having a "rookie" moment. The thing is, it's important for new EMT's to understand the difference between the two. Yes there are some "Randy Rescues" and "ego-maniacs" out there, I agree. But this isn't always the case. Anyway, more to the topic, I stop at accident scenes under the following circumstances: 1. If I witness it occur. 2. If I come up on an accident after it has just occurred and there are no emergency personnel there yet. 3. If law enforcement are on scene, it's obvious there are injuries involved and no EMS are on scene yet. 4. If it appears to be an MCI In incidents where there are emergency personnel on scene, I will identify myself as an EMT-B and offer to help. If they don't want my help-I leave. If someone approaches me and says I'm a medic, or EMT, doc, nurse, whatever, I ask them to be more specific so I don't end up with a veternarian trying to give human patient care, etc. I've been faced with each of these scenarios I've presented. So far , it's worked out.
  8. Hey JP-if you come across anything decent, in your opinion, in regards to this subject would you please post it? I'm really interested in studying this more in depth. Thanks-stay safe.
  9. Thank you for posting this. I'm am relatively new to EMS-today I got my first opportunity to assist a paramedic with a trauma patient. I really learned some important things from her. I'm printing this up to post at our station.
  10. Hi ems493, You mean to tell me paramedics don't wear star of life panties, too? Wow, I'm learning something new everyday! lol Seriously though, I agree with what you've said here. I think you said it very well too. It is true I haven't been in this business very long, but I do understand what you're saying makes a lot of sense. One of the things that really amazes me is all the hostility between emts and paramedics. I see it go on here where I'm at too. I have a lot of thoughts and opinions on this topic-but it probably belongs in a different discussion-we're in the funny section, right? I just wanted to reply to your post and let you know what I thought about it. Take care and stay safe.
  11. Hey Lithium-I didn't know that. I'm not familiar with the differences between EMS in the U.S. and other countries. That's interesting. I'm relatively new to EMS-I'm still learning! :wink: I have a friend up in your area that's in EMS. He's a member here also. Well, take care and stay safe.
  12. Hey bushy-could you define the term "tosser" for me? I'm relatively new to EMS. I'd appreciate it. Thanks :wink:
  13. Well, Asysin-don't know if I'm one of the EMTs that post was aimed at or not-but if it was-my response is this-I didn't get into EMS to try and compete with paramedics-I know the difference between a paramedic and an EMT-Basic. I have no aspirations of becoming a paramedic-I'm happy doing just what I'm doing now. It's what I focus on being my absolute best at. Therefore I do not feel the need to be witty, wry or clever when discussing EMS issues. I have had my share of experiences with paramedics and nurses looking down there noses at me when "dealing" with me-I don't care-that's their problem-not mine. I respect them for their advanced level of training and responsibilites. As for me, I love being an EMT-Basic and a firefighter. I'm right where I'm supposed to be. If I'm not one of those EMTs from Augusta to Sacramento, no harm, no foul-this was the first time since being a member here that I've shared this about myself and is not intended to be confrontational or sarcastic. I've read a lot of what you have posted on this site-and in the chatroom. You definitely have a lot more experience in this field and I respect that as well. Take care and stay safe.
  14. I like it. lol
  15. From what I understand, paramedics are emergency medical technicians too. :wink:
  16. Hmmmm......Let's see...by disarming the police while criminals are still running around with guns of all kinds, they honestly believe they are deterring crime? I've got an idea! Why not disarm the criminals, murders, etc., and help the police fight crime by not tying their hands! Wow-what a concept! (geesh) :roll:
  17. Some of us "come as you are" We don't wear uniforms. I personally sleep in something comfortable that would also be apprpriate on a scene.
  18. In our area, BLS is only allowed to assist pt. w/ their prescription or upon medical director's ok.
  19. I have asthma and have experienced wheeze on both inhale and exhale.
  20. :violent3: We are on call/ at home. Most of us live within 5 minutes of both of our stations.
  21. I'll tell you an experience I had on one of the first calls I went on as an EMT- we were called to a residence on a female with some sort of medical difficulty. This woman was a frequent flyer and had a boyfriend who could behave "erratically" at times. The place they lived had a latch and padlock on the OUTSIDE of the door. 2 of the more experienced EMTs went in and I stayed outside with him, due to limited space in the living room. Right after they went into the house, the boyfriend latched the door-as if locking them in! I walked over to him from the ambulance and asked him to unlatch it. He had placed the padlock on and acted as if he was going to lock it. He replied with "I don't want it getting cold in there." After calmly talking with him and asking him again, but actually walking over and unlatching it myself, he didn't argue anymore. Immediately after that call, after I told them what this guy had done, they red-flagged this residence. 2 days later we were called there again. This time, law enforcement was sent there first to secure the scene, while we staged. Law enforcement called us in, but as we were arriving the guy grabbed a chain saw and went after the deputy with it, then the EMTs that had already gotten out of the ambulance. Fortunately we were able to get away from him without being injured. The man was eventually subdued. You brought up a good question and it reminded me of this incident. What can you do when a patient or someone else attacks you on a scene? Personally, I would try talking with or reasoning with them first. If that didn't work, I'd take whatever steps necessary to defend myself and prevent them from injuring me. :naka: Situations are different. Sometimes people can be reasoned with and sometimes they can't.
  22. Congratulations! You're on your way!
  23. They used the paddle defib. on this patient-an 81 yr old woman. She screamed out everytime they shocked her. Ridryder, I'm a relatively new EMT-B. Could you tell me what "cardioverting" is? I've heard it used a few times in the chatroom and elsewhere in the last couple of days. Thanks
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