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  1. Tack on the numerous hours of continuing medical education, drills, updates, changes in protocols, and god knows what other training depending on where you are an EMT (basic, intermediate, medic, or critical care). not only that, consider also that you must do these things whether you are a professional or a volunteer. I don't think it matters whether you have that college degree or not as far as public perception. waive the degree all you want bottom line is that the lay person has NO idea what training or how much work is involved in becoming and remaining an EMT at any level. I've been referred to as "the nice nurse", "doc" and any number of other titles including "hey you" depending on the person and situation. I've also been asked why I wasn't in school on a school day (hey the poor lady was very elderly and I'll admit I look younger than I am). No matter what the media calls us as a title or what the public thinks our title is, we are still expected to care for our patients to a certain level of training - your patient doesn't care as long as you come. You could be the volunteer who is usually "just an ambulance driver" with first aid and CPR but you will be viewed as an EMT Professional of any level as long as you present yourself as such. Kudos and good luck to those who want to become Paramedics and are Medics. I've even known a few medics who became nurses and vice versa. I could see requiring a degree if you want to make this field your career but not if you're volunteering. I won't do it as a career but I do enjoy volunteering, there is time commitment and something different to do, but it is the kind of giving to my community I enjoy and the camaraderie is a great bonus. Try to get someone to volunteer as a Paramedic and not as a lower level of care EMT and you won't be able to, either because the agency they ride with is not approved to that level of care by the supervising agencies of the area or because the Medic doesn't want that kind of liability if they are not being compensated - I wouldn't blame them either. And depending where you work I don't think EMT's are paid enough for the services they provide and the education that you have to have and the crap you have to put up with. I've known a few Medics who have had to take second jobs to support family but that's for another thread... I have had people ask me what training is needed and what the differences are and what kind of things do you have to do. The best anyone can do is explain the difference and educate those that are interested in knowing. We as a society give the media too much credit and therefore too much power over what we see as the truth - they sell papers and gain ratings on chaos (and mis-information and omission if information) they've created. I've told people I'm an EMT and they usually ask What is that? I tell them what it means and the response is usually "oh, so you work in an ambulance, right?" They are not totally ignorant, just mostly ignorant. What do I do? I ride ambulance. Do I drive too? Yes I do. Do I take care of people? Yes I do. Do I like doing this? Yes I do. Can I explain? Yes I CAN!
  2. I ride with a volunteer squad in my town in NY state. I work as a Medical Assistant at a local doctor's office and as a Lifeguard/ Swim Instructor on weekends. I started out with a First aid & CPR class at college and through my husband (then boyfriend) I became a lifeguard, swim instructor, volunteer EMT, EMS dispatcher. My brother-in-law helped me get an interview at one doctor's office and from there I went to the office I currently work for. I enjoy the medical field and training new members, but have found that at least where I am, being a paid EMT is not great at all. (A lot of medics I knew are making less than my husband will potentially be making when he becomes a journeyman, and the EMT's make less than he's making as an apprentice now - very sad considering what they do!). I am now considering a possible change into accounting, we'll see what happens!
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